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A Nursery Glider / Rocker at Every Budget

February 10, 2014

This weekend I went into a bit of a panic when I realized that the rocker I have been eyeing could take 10 weeks to arrive and this baby (Greta decided to call her "Lemon" this weekend)  is due to arrive before then. Oy. And then I started looking around more and I was overwhelmed with how far gliders and rockers had come in the 4 years since we had Greta. So many styles and price points. We're on the hunt for something comfortable, good looking, and that will last--oh, and bonus points goes to a chair that can be here sooner rather than later. Here are a few of my favorites at every price point:


$199 | $249 | $299 | $329 | $499 | $551 | $579 | $799 | $999

I could have done this round-up ten different ways and I definitely could have added a lot more gliders and rockers--but I edited down a lot to only include ones that we would actually buy. And seriously--any of these are welcome in little Lemon's nursery. Do you have a favorite??

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  1. Love this post! Thanks for posting gliders that come at different price points. Only thing is I was really disappointed to see the $249 one ONLY available at WalMart. I stopped shopping there in 2007 when I learned what a terrible company they are (in every way). Any ideas where I could find a similarly priced, similarly styled model from a better company? Thank you!

  2. Assuming you already have made this decision by now, but the West Elm glider is my pick. We were in the store a while ago and sat in that one and my husband was IN LOVE. too bad we didn't have a place for it in the house-- a nursery would be the perfect spot!

  3. I've also been confused when my wife and I went to a furniture store to buy a rocker for my grandson. Many options are offered. Finally, I choose a rocker with a low price but good design. As it turned out, I was mistaken. Rocker that I bought is low-quality. This experience is a valuable lesson for me and the wife to buy a rocker chair next.

  4. They are all amazing! I just hope whichever one you pick turns out to be comfortable! I tried so many chairs and was so sad that the cutest ones I tried were the most uncomfortable. :( So we ended up with the typical ugly glider despite my dreams of having something super cute. Plus we just did NOT have enough space for anything else. Oh and good call on not wanting the gliding ottoman. Ours came with one and I really do not like it for nursing!

  5. I love the west elm one. I have the ikea recliner. Worked out fine. We now have it in the living room. We did end up using a medicine ball to rock the baby to sleep. He was colicky and that is the only thing that soothed him.

  6. Wow! Even some of the cheaper ones are cute! We opted to go without a glider because we're short on space and it worked out that our little one wasn't very high maintenance with the rocking and constant feeding. I can't wait to see the final nursery!

    I also love the little lemon nickname.

  7. Love the 579 chair from Target! When I was searching for a glider there wasn't much out there...but I LOVED Jennifer Delongs modern Rocker, but it was way out of my price range. My husband told me to "keep Dreaming!"

  8. Holy moly! I wished these gliders, and this round-up, had been around two years ago when I was buying one for my son. While I like the glider we got as it was more reasonably priced than some yet had cleaner lines, I am liking the $551, $499 and especially the $579 ones so much more and they're all about the same price or cheaper than what I bought. Ugh! Maybe I can buy one as the recliner my husband wants for the family room??

  9. I love the $579 and $499 ones (though the IKEA one is the only one in our price range)! We had a traditional style glider (long story, but we won it). I used it for the first couple months, but not often after that (I just fed baby wherever and she did not get rocked to sleep, so it just sorta sat there taking up room). It also took up a ton of space in an already small and cramped room. Whenever #2 happens, I may just forego the glider entirely. Is it something you will really use?

    1. I rarely EVER nursed in my glider. The baby was too big to begin with to fit comfortably in the chair and nurse, so I just had a little pillow set up on the couch. I think it is important to have a comfy chair in the nursery, but I don't necessarily think it needs to be a rocker. With my first, we had an old hand me down arm chair that didn't rock and it was the comfiest thing in the whole entire world. AND it was so wide I could kind of curl up on it and sleep waiting for my baby to fall asleep in her crib. I got a glider for my second, just because I felt like I "needed" it, but now I wish we just got another arm chair! Good luck!

    2. Jennah,

      It's hard to say for sure, really. With Greta, I sat in our glider 6-8 hours (maybe more?) a day nursing her and she nursed for an entire year and loved being rocked. That being said, every baby and pregnancy is different--which is why it is hard to say for sure one way or the other. I hope to! And we're also looking for one that can easily transition to a living space.

      1. Yeah, if you can use it later in a living space it may be worth it. We don't have room for that, unfortunately, and even a bigger, comfy glider would be too big for baby's room (our old one is on loan to a friend). Every baby and mom is different, but I always wonder what ends up happening to gliders that cost hundreds of dollars after the first year or two. Seems like you never seem them in the eventual big kid rooms, yaknow? I basically only used it during the initial "getting used to this whole nursing thing" phase.

        Do any of them recline? I have a love/hate (mostly hate) relationship with my husband's leather rocking recliner in the living room, and secretly hope he breaks it one day so we can get another I like better (I am willing to sacrifice a touch of comfort for beauty, he is vice we got one that is okay but not that awesome to look at).

  10. This is great! Thank you for putting this together. I'm also on the hunt for the perfect glider for baby #1 over here. The Target one for $579 is at the top of my list currently! The IKEA chair's price certainly can't be beat but I have heard it's hard to get up from, especially with a little one in your arms. The $329 option from Target also looks so comfy - there are a few Eddie Bauer line options at Target that have great reviews. If only there was a place to test these gliders out before purchasing, right?

  11. We actually went with a non-glider rocker/recliner from La-Z-Boy that is a nice clean modern shape in a durable gray fabric. The idea was that it can serve as a baby rocker for now, and then down the line, we can transition it to the living room for non-baby use. All in all, it cost about $900 (!) but it's really high quality and hopefully we'll be using it 30 years from now. Babies won't be babies forever!

      1. We actually ordered the $799 chair from pottery barn (although after a nursery sale I think the price was $629 before taxes and shipping, so, right under $799 after everything was said and done.) I can't wait for it to get here! We ordered in early January and they've got an expected early March delivery. I'm not a fan of the long wait, but I love that you can buy legs so later it just looks like a nice armchair and doesn't scream "baby".

  12. Even though my glider was you standard run-of-the-mill-found-at-BabysRUs glider with a bumble bee weave, I LOVED that thing. I think in the end YOU are the one who will be spending the most time in the chair and regardless what it looks like, it has to function well. As in, be super comfortable for hours on end. Mine, was perfect. I bought the gliding ottoman and with my nursing pillow, I was set for lots of late night, early morning, heck all day long, rocking. It held up amazingly, I handed it off to my sister for after my niece was born and then she sold it when she was done with it.

    A glider IS a glider but it is great for a reason. Hopefully you can take these chairs for test drives to find the one that will be best suited for you and your frame (I know you are really tall). Comfort is key!!! :)

    1. Definitely. We actually had one of those gliders for Greta and as the year went on (countless hours of use!) I could start to feel the spokes through the back of the chair. So this time around I am looking for something a little more cushy. :) But yes, comfort is everything!!!

      1. That is a great point, I hope you can pick one that you'll have been able to sit in and test out and be sure that it's going to be comfortable! Otherwise I do LOVE the yellow $551 chair. Yum. :)

  13. We went with the Poang from IKEA and the ottoman too. The baby doesn't arrive until late May but it's pretty comfortable to sit at least. The open sides make me nervous though so we'll see!

      1. We have Poang too, and it was comfortable enough, and the best part for me is easy cleanup. With our daughter having sensitive digestive system in the first 4-5 months, throw-ups (projectile too) and spit-ups were so usual. Thankfully I could wipe everything off, and toss the slipcover in washer.

  14. I also love the $329 chair. It looks like it get rave reviews via users. If you have a Target card, 5% off and free shipping! I love my Red Debit :)

  15. As much as I love our simple glider, it definitely LOOKS like a glider, know what I mean? I wish we picked something more like an arm chair that doesn't scream "there is probably breast milk on this chair so probably don't sit here." I am loving the $329 chair. I like how wide and deep it is. But I feel like you would benefit from one of those tall backs because of your height. Either way, I am excited for all these nursery updates and additions.

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