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All Of Our Rug Sources

January 12, 2016

I spend a lot of time answering source questions, especially "Where did you get that rug!?", so I thought I'd compile a post with direct links to where we got each and every rug (this is the kind of post that will be updated over time).

All Of Our Rug Sources | Chris Loves Julia

The rug in our living room is the 10x14 Baxter Indigo rug from Crate and Barrel. It's definitely the most expensive rug in our house (we paid $1500 after applying a coupon we purchased on eBay that covered 15%, or taxes and shipping). We rolled it out in April 2014 and it still looks brand new. It's soft and thick and has good variance and color to it--like the best pair of blue jeans.

All Of Our Rug Sources | Chris Loves Julia

The shaggy number in our bedroom is the 9x12 Steven Alan Ombre Speckled Shag Wool Rug from West Elm purchased in June 2015. It's moroccan inspired, extremely soft and a warm, cushy welcome under foot when rolling out of bed in the morning.

All Of Our Rug Sources | Chris Loves Julia

An oddly shaped room (our study has a rounded wall of windows) called for a non-traditional shaped rug. This faux hide (Grand Canyon Camel & Beige Area rug by Loloi Rugs) we added in May 2015 was just the ticket. It's soft and adds subtle interest and an organic element in a room that could easily get busy.

All Of Our Rug Sources | Chris Loves Julia

The rug in our laundry room we purchase in March 2015 and it's a 3'4 x 5' Baluch Persian rug from eSaleRugs. Although it was a one of a kind (so obviously not still available), I wanted to link to it so you could see other related items that are still available. I paid $119 for it and it came with a free rug pad. I especially love the modern design and that its "primary color is navy blue." It's a way to easily introduce other colors in our home, while threading rooms together with our primary home color--navy.

All Of Our Rug Sources | Chris Loves Julia

The (in progress) playroom all got started from this 8x10 kilim. The Skyline Rug from Rejuvenation. It feels playful and sophisticated at the same time, which is exactly what we were looking for in this soon-to-be shared playroom/media room space.

All Of Our Rug Sources | Chris Loves Julia

The rug in Faye's room we snagged in January 2014 has always been a little small for my liking. We got a 5x8, and should have went with a 6x9 <---better photos in that old post. It's from West Elm (no longer sold, but all of their rugs are on sale right now!) and I love the rich purple color and the vintage charm, even if it's faux vintage. When we re-purpose this room, it will get a new rug.

All Of Our Rug Sources | Chris Loves Julia

The little rug in our hall bath (I believe it's around a 2'x4') is from an etsy shop called Oh Comely Vintage. Again, it has navy blue in it (always included in my search) and a rusty orange that's truly beautiful. I believe it was around $130.

All Of Our Rug Sources | Chris Loves Julia

The White Rag Area Rug in Greta's room is from Wayfair. It was very inexpensive (a plus for kids' rooms!) and brightened the floor while adding in some speckled color. Also, this is just one example of how rug on rug action can work. With so much carpeted floor space, it was begging for interest on that plane. An area rug to break up all that carpet was the answer.

All Of Our Rug Sources | Chris Loves Julia

The 3'4x6'8 antique caucasian kazak tribal hand knotted wool rug  in the kitchen was an eBay find and cost me just $147, but a lot of time. I've discovered that's kind of the formula with eBay. I fell in love with so many rugs that were out of my budget, but this one (notice the blue again!) ended up being from a seller that doesn't typically sell rugs (I just went to check them out and there are three men's coats in the shop) and the price reflects that. The search was 100% worth it.

All Of Our Rug Sources | Chris Loves Julia

The entry rug needed to be really large (around the 5x14 range). After a lot of searching, we settled on beautiful and practical FLOR carpet tiles. We got the exact size we needed and this Suit Yourself design (the color is Linen) is a part of their Better Than Sisal category–great for high traffic area, cool design, soft under feet (and paws) and hi, washable.

I hope this was/is useful! We are working on a full shop this house directory for everything you see in all of these rooms. When I mentioned I was compiling a rug post, more rug-related questions started pouring in. I was going to answer them all in this post, but since this is more of a source post, I'll answer all of those questions later this week!

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  1. I noticed you don't have a rug under your dining table...if you did what would you pick. Just asking for a friend who may or may not need to consult your blog before every home purchase...okay it's me.

  2. Hi Julia! We are considering purchasing the Skyline Rug from Rejuvenation, but are concerned with the feel. It would go in our playroom for our 4 month old. Is it too rough for what is soon to be a crawler? We have hardwoods, and would use a rug pad, but I noticed you have yours over carpet and your kids are older, so I assume they don't spend their days face down on the rug ;).

  3. Is it safe to assume that most of these rugs are gifted since you only mentioned buying a couple of them. Would you have chosen the same ones if you had to actually pay for them or gone with a cheaper, more affordable version? Are they worth the price tags?

    1. The only rug that was gifted was the one in the playroom. All of the others, we purchased ourselves. And even the one in the playroom, no one forced us to choose--we reached out to the company ourselves (Rejuvenation).

  4. Rugs scare me so much. I never want to pay a lot of money for them because I change my mind/needs so often. We bought a huge shag rug from Costco for what I thought was a ton of money and then we got pets and it turned into a disaster. I hear Rugs USA is a great source that won't blow the budget!

  5. Thank you for this! The more of these posts the better. I continually wonder how well you like your sofas and glider... Anyway, stuff like this is so helpful.

  6. Love your blog!! question, I love all the baskets you have for your houseplants!! Also, what houseplants do you recommend in a state without a lot of sunlight in the winter ( I live in Seattle!!) Thank you!!

  7. Love the vintage rugs you have! Would you mind sharing your search process for ebay and etsy? There is just soooo much out there and I am wondering if you have come up with a process to narrow down your search. Thanks!

  8. Rug shopping is hard! But yours look great and I appreciate all the info!

    I've been debating on whether or not to get a hide rug for our den. I love the look - the organic against all the hard, rectangular shapes in the room - but worry that the animal-ness of it will freak me out. I'm not a vegetarian by any means, but still. So I was thrilled to see that you went with a faux hide. Are you happy with the quality? My next issue is that the cleaning info I've found online isn't terribly encouraging and we have a 70 labrador - plus this room has an exterior door. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!!

    1. Super happy with the hide. I would worry it might get matted down in a high traffic area next to an exterior door, but anytime ours starts looking matted, I give it a vacuum and it looks brand new. I will say the back is pretty smooth/slippery, so it absolutely needs a rug pad. I'll go into this in a separate post probably, but we got one through and it's awesome.

  9. Yay for sources! I also have a large dog 110lb German Shepherd (Henry) and two small kiddos! So hearing your opinion/advice about design decisions and what is and is not working is AWESOME! Please keep this mind b/c I always check your blog!

  10. I have an oddly specific question about the flor tiles - when walking around the house in bare feet, do you feel the rubber backing if you step on the edges? They have some designs that I love and the idea of being able to just pull up a square to clean sounds amazing, but I have always wondered if you notice when you step on it that the edges aren't bound or finished like they would be on a traditional area rug.

    1. That's a funny question I never really thought about! To answer you accurately, I just went over and walked all over the edges bare foot to give you an accurate response. Answer: you don't notice the edges. The rugs are pretty thing, thinner than the binding on our thick blue rug neighboring it. And while there isn't a bound edge, the edges are finished somehow on each square because they don't unravel or anything. Not sure I'm making sense, or how to explain it, but you definitely don't feel any rubber backing.

      1. No that's perfect, thanks for checking! I've ordered a few samples from them so I know what you mean about it being finished but not bound, it was just hard to tell with the little sample squares how it would feel to walk on. I'm glad to hear you don't notice it regardless :)

  11. So much good information here. I purchased a lightly colored rug for my dining room a year ago — big mistake. I clean it ALL THE TIME, and it still looks so dirty and shabby. I'm taking some of your recs for high-traffic areas. (Love those FLOR tiles)

    Would you mind sharing what you paid for the Oh Comely Vintage rug?

  12. this is great! thanks for sharing. i have actually been looking for a few new rugs for my home as several that i have were purchased for my old house and just aren't right in my new(ish) place. finding a rug for my living room that isn't so dark that my dark grey sofa gets lost on it, so light that it shows every stain (i have two 50 pound dogs that prefer to be dirty...and will randomly vomit on rugs or furniture...why not on the tile floor, guys?...c'mon!) and also with a subtle pattern that won't clash with my patterned chair and art is SUPER difficult. i'm hoping something vintage will win out, but i'm thinking that flor tiles might be the most practical way to go. i already have some in my hallway and LOVE dogs tend to use the hall as their own personal race track. durable and not at all precious is the name of the game in those high traffic areas when rough-and-tumble pups are involved! :)

    1. Hahaha, gotta love the pups! Our biggest challenge with Charly (our huge Saint Pyrenees) is shedding. I vacuum the big blue rug in the living room probably twice a day. But it's a small price to pay.

      1. I second this! I vacuum rugs daily and my dog weekly. German Shepherds are AWESOME at shedding! I literally keep a shop vacuum in our mudroom to vacuum my dog. FYI he LOVES it! I always give him a brand new bone from the butcher shop before we begin.

      2. yeah, the hair is definitely an issue in my home as well (but just with one...i have a lab mix who sheds a ton and a pittie mix who doesn't shed all that much), but my dogs are just DIRTY. like the kid on the block who goes out of his way to stomp in mud puddles...that's my girls. they get bathed every other week as a result. but all the paw prints on my rugs and butt prints on the sofa are worth it. my pups are my kids! :)

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