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The BIG Plans for Faye's Nursery

February 6, 2017

I made the large letter art for Faye's nursery (easiest, cheap tutorial right here) shortly before she was born and it's been such a defining part of her room. But this weekend, we took it down to make room for something new...

EEeee! We're spilling a few more details including how long it took us this time, how I told Chris, and even talking baby names in this week's podcast.


Ps. After a lot of questions, my jeans are these (I have them in 2 washes and I want more!) and my top is from here

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  1. Congratulations on the wee babe! Also, the two tap faucet that Chris is baffled by, is so common in the UK! We went on a trip there last year and were so confused, like, do we have to mix the water ourselves? Maybe that's the new trend coming over to North America from across the pond.

  2. This is great news :) When you mentioned trying for a baby and hopefully designing a nursery this year... I kind of figured you might already know (it's something I would do!). I have to say, it was the first podcast I'd listened to, and I loved it - and yes... California burritos are delicious (although I've only had one when I visited San Diego - but I talk about it all the time!). Hopefully the second trimester treats you much better :)

  3. Congratulations Julia, that is SO exciting! I hope you are feeling ok, and am so happy that your little 3rd one is on its way!

  4. Congratulations you guys!! Super exciting news -- I got a little teary eyed for you!

    I just want to comment on how cute you are -- I have 2 boys, and had great pregnancy's, but I show really early -- with my 2nd I was showing by 8 - 9 weeks and could barely camouflage it! I am super jealous of anyone that barely shows or has a tiny bump! LOL! A silly comment sure, but I had to share! :-)
    I am really happy for you!!!

    How are you going to be able to do this upcoming renovation? -- I hope its in your 2nd trimester when your feeling really good - before the dreaded 3rd, when you feel like a whale!

  5. So when I viewed this post on Bloglovin this morning, it just showed two of you taking the Ff sign off the wall and one of the Ff sign on the wall. I was so confused and thought maybe you were planning on announcing the big plans later. Then I listened to the podcast where you talked about how you had announced the news on the blog. I came back to the post, but still didn't see anything that said you were expecting! I clicked through to your website and it all made sense!! The second picture (that is actually a series of pictures) didn't change at all on just stayed on the first one! So glad I clicked through to see the cute announcement!! Congrats :)

  6. So exciting!! As someone who struggled to get pregnant- I have a fun fact for you. I took the same drug you took to get pregnant... and it was originally made to be a drug to treat breast cancer... but turned out to help a lot of people get pregnant. It also has lower chances of twins than Clomid (the typical drug).... but I ended up with twins anyway :)

    Cant wait to see the new nursery!

    1. Yes! :( It's been really rough, throwing up 3-9 times a day, but I got my energy back last week so I'm feeling a little better just being able to get up.

  7. I knew it!!! :) I wondered why you guys were jumping on getting the girls together in one room!! Congratulations to you both!

    1. Yes! We still have a few months, but I want to make sure Faye is nice and settled before the new baby comes so she harbors no resentment for a baby in her beloved crib!

  8. Congrats! Another baby! Best thing ever. I've been reading and loving your blog for years since I lived in my hometown of Rexburg. I remember when you announced Faye was on the way. Can't wait to listen to the podcast!!

  9. Congrats! We're expecting our third (a girl) due in June after secondary infertility like you guys. Would you consider creating a customized printable of the large letters for those of us who don't have design programs like Illustrator? I love the idea so much.

      1. Julia please please please figure out the customized printable of the large letters. I would LOVE a letter for each of my kids' rooms since I have loved yours for so long. I don't have a design program either to make it with. Thanks!

  10. Ah I laughed so hard at this podcast! Super super excited for you....and you guys were hilarious today. "water can turn into wine- I read a book about it once" *CRYING* :) :) Also- I totally also thought P**** (only in stars because I don't want to get flagged by my filter :P not because I'm so delicate I can't actually say the anatomically correct name for a Peter :) when you threw out the name Peter :) Good luck with baby husband was terrible with picking names, I would throw one out and he would say things like "no that makes me think of a fat red-head woman with freckles and braids" how do you argue with that?!

  11. Congratulations!! As a long term reader (4+ years!) I am so happy and excited for you! Especially knowing the prior difficulties. Here's to a happy and healthy pregnancy!

  12. OMG wow! Congrats! Did not expect that at all! Are you going to find out the gender ahead of time? Very exciting!!!!!!!

  13. Forgot to say the most important thing....congratulations!!! A baby!!! So excited. I cry every time I hear an announcement. Babies bring such joy. I'm so happy for your family and for your girls. What a blessing. ❤️

  14. Yes, you can use a cousin's name!! I married a Peterson and my dad's middle name is Peter. I love it. All names can be targets. If you sell Faye's drapes, I want to buy them.

  15. Well I have been reading for a long time now and I love watching your success, your style evolve and your family. I am so excited for you! Congrats! I kind of knew it. I couldn't think of what else that nursery could be used for! Hoping it's a happy and healthy pregnancy!

  16. Yay!
    I moved houses *with* you. Had my baby girl while you had Faye, and now I'm pregnant too! Living parallel lives (although mine less designer ????)

  17. Super exciting! Congrats!!! But more importantly... where did you get your jeans and what style are they???? ????

  18. How exciting! Congratulations! I can't wait to see how you decorate the new nursery, especially since I'm due with our second baby in August too.

  19. OMG! Congrats! Heading over to listen to your podcast. Ha ha and I thought from the post title we were all celebrating Faye in the bigger girl bed!!!

  20. YAY!!! SO very happy for you and your family! I am sure Greta and (especially) Faye are over the moon excited to be big sisters!! Wishing you an easy and enjoyable pregnancy!

  21. Congratulations! So exciting!

    Listened to your podcast - here in the UK it's very common to have separate hot and cold taps (faucets!) I don't know why but it's the worst! As we've replaced our sinks we've gone to single taps and I love them! Makes so much more sense.

  22. Congratulations! As someone who ended up with almost 5 years between my girls - I know what it can be like to wait each month for that + sign. Super Happy for you guys!

  23. AAAAAAAH when I saw the post title I thought, "I hope this means they are having another baby!!!" (since you had mentioned on the podcast wanting to try for a third)! Could not be more thrilled for you! Clicking over to listen to the podcast update now <3 <3 <3

  24. GAH! I never comment, but I'm in tears of joy over this. We're in the process ourselves (after having 2), so I know the miracle each life is. So happy for you! And can't wait to see the new space! :)

  25. I have been secretly waiting for this day since Faye way born. Biggest congratulations to you, Chris and the girls!

  26. WOWEEEE!!! Congratulations! You had sprinkled a few hints in here and there over the last month or so! I had a feeling we'd be hearing this news soon! Congratulations!!!

  27. Oh my goodness, congratulations! What wonderful news to start on a Monday morning, so happy for the whole Marcum family!

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