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Built In Billys Part 3

March 15, 2012

Hey-yo, all of this multi-colored trim is gone:

Last night, we painted all of the trim we added to create one, seamless, built-in look:
Ta-da!! It is just how we imagined it to look way back when we put together a rough 3D drawing almost a month ago:

The real difference between yesterday and today was finding the right paint color to paint the trim.  We wanted it to be as close as possible to really achieve a built-in look and as you may know, "Ikea White" is a toughy to match.  The first time, I struck out and so I re-gathered all my very-close-to-Ikea-white paint samples to try again.

The first time I used Glidden's Crisp Linen White (top row, far right) and it was a smidge too bright.  This time I used Glidden's Parchment White (second from the right on top) and it was just about perfect.  As you can see, all of these are very, very close matches--I was straining my eyes.  In the end, a quart of Parchment White in a satin finish was the ticket.

Onto painting! Now, I never ever tape off my edges--it is so time consuming and I have found with the right brush (I love this one the most) I can easily trim out a room with no issues--last night, since I knew I would probably be doing multiple coats I picked up some painter's tape in hopes of making the task as swift as possible.

I went with Delicate Surface Frog tape--it's yellow and relatively new, I think--which is reserved for freshly painted walls.  Even though it has been more than 24 hours since we painted our walls and ceiling, I didn't want to risk pulling any paint off and having to touch up.  Well, it's safe to say I wasted $6 and the 25 minutes it took to tape everything off:

Not only is there a little bit of bleeding, but it also pulled the paint off the wall.  So, so disappointed.  You live, you learn I guess.  Anyone else have issues like this?  Besides the few touch-ups in my future, we are so happy with the way the built-ins turned out.

This weekend, we'll be finishing up the small built-in on the left side of the doors, finally mount our television in the center (yes, inquiring readers, that space where all the wires are coming out is where the TV goes) and then I can start decorating these bad boys which I know we're all anxious to see.

I am still gathering up lots of things for the shelves.  The idea of styling 7 bookshelves is a little daunting and a lot exciting and since we're nearing our $4000 budget for the entire room, I am having to get more creative as well.  Speaking of budget, here's how the the built-ins break down (this includes the bookcase on the left not pictured):

7 bookcases from Ikea: $309 plus tax
Trim for the faces of bookcases, edges and large boards to frame out television area: $62.40
Paint: $24.48...although if I got it right the first time it would only be $12.24
Crown Molding: Free, thanks to So Simple Crown (normally $53)
Frog Tape: $6...what a waste.
Misc (screws, shims, and all the little things I might be forgetting): $20 conservatively

Total: $421.88    Well spent, right?!

Missed part of the built-ins process?  Check out Part 1 and Part 2.
See how they look styled here.

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  1. you guys are amazing julia! i looove these built ins! can't wait to see the finished product with all your stuff on the shelves!

  2. Wow! What a difference the painted trim makes. I was feeling like the smaller bookcases would be too small looking after being trimmed out. They look so good painted white! I wish I had a wall in my living room that could work with built-ins. Way to go, Marcums!

  3. Those look SO good. A job like that done by a pro could easily have cost you the budget you had for the whole room! They look seamless and I can't believe you did it for so cheap. I'm virtually patting you on the back right now.

    Now, will you do this for me when we eventually have a home? Love me some built-ins. :0

  4. Amazing!!!!!!!! They look like they have always been there!!!! Well done you guys!!! Ps, we are nearing April.....hollar at you couch!!!

  5. It looks amazing! The white you ended up going with looks dead on in the picture. What finish did you paint the entire room? Flat?

  6. They look great! Bummer about the tape, though! I agree - it's usually too much of a hassle to mess with tape when I could get basically the same result by taking my time with a good brush. Can't wait to see everything all finished!

  7. I absolutely LOVE it!!! Looks so great. That's too bad about the frog tape...I hate re-touching! Can't wait to see the room all put together. It's going to look amazing.

  8. Once again - I sit with jaw dropped! Love it! Look how handy Chris is becoming under your tutelage :). Simply amazing.

  9. Amazing!!!!!!!! They look like they have always been there!!!! Well done you guys!!!

    Ps, we are nearing April.....hollar at you couch!!!

  10. Those look SO good. A job like that done by a pro could easily have cost you the budget you had for the whole room! They look seamless and I can't believe you did it for so cheap. I'm virtually patting you on the back right now.

    Now, will you do this for me when we eventually have a home? Love me some built-ins. :0

  11. Wow! What a difference the painted trim makes. I was feeling like the smaller bookcases would be too small looking after being trimmed out. They look so good painted white! I wish I had a wall in my living room that could work with built-ins. Way to go, Marcums!

  12. I absolutely LOVE it!!! Looks so great. That's too bad about the frog tape...I hate re-touching! Can't wait to see the room all put together. It's going to look amazing.

  13. Thanks Elizabeth! Did you use the delicate surface (yellow) frog tape? I have used it a couple times--just going through the roll and I have had bad luck every time. That being said, the green original one is different story--crisp and clean!

  14. you guys are amazing julia! i looove these built ins! can't wait to see the finished product with all your stuff on the shelves!

  15. They look great! Bummer about the tape, though! I agree - it's usually too much of a hassle to mess with tape when I could get basically the same result by taking my time with a good brush. Can't wait to see everything all finished!

  16. Your built-in's look awesome! We just use some billy bookcases to make built-in's to flank our fireplace. But we left the backs off of ours and painted the walls behind a darker accent color. And it's a shame about your Frog Tape. We just used it to paint some horizontal stripes in our half bathroom, and it worked wonderfully. No bleeding, and no problems pulling it up after we were done. (And it had just barely been 24 hours since we had finished painting the background color.) That's annoying, but you still ended up with some awesome looking built-in's.

  17. You and Chris amaze me!! I love the finished product!! It looks great! Can't wait to see what you decide to display on all those shelves. :)

  18. I never had good results from taping, and gave up on it years ago. Last year I learned a new trick, and this completely solved the problem of paint bleeding under the tape. After you get the tape on the trim (using small strips so you don't stretch the tape) paint right over the edge of the paint with the original color of the trim, or just use a clear coat. After that paint dries, paint the new wall color over it. Anything that seeps will be the color of the trim, and you'll get a perfectly straight line. HTH.

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