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Carpet. Carpet. Carpet. Carpet. Carpet!!

May 13, 2011
Yesterday, was the monumental day we had been waiting for for over a month.  That's right, it was over a month ago when we ordered Greta's new carpet for her room, and it finally came.  And it was finally the right carpet and it was finally installed. Let's take a quick glance at what the carpet in her room used to look like.  It was a dusty maroon.  I don't think it was supposed to have any trace of gray in it, but over the years--it definitely got dusty looking and we weren't too fond of the maroon either (not to mention the bow stenciling, yikes!).  

For about 3 weeks, the floor was bare.  I had taken up all the carpet and carpet pad in anticipation of the new carpet coming in, and then it was the wrong carpet.  They apologized sufficiently and said they would put our order on "rush," but the floor still looked like this for another two weeks.:

And then yesterday, the beautiful carpet came.  We went with Martha Stewart's carpet line; Winterthur in
Potter's Clay and an 8# carpet pad underneath.  And here she is in all her diamond-patterned glory:

It is quite the contrast from that dusty maroon that the room previously donned.  We have had the door shut to this room since day 1.  It has been under construction and wet with paint and then carpet-less and therefore dangerous for little Greta to be in.  Yesterday, I opened the door for her to let her in her new room for, literally, the first time.  Aaaaannnddd, she broke out in her Tongan dance (I have no idea where she got that)--which means, she loved it.

This weekend, we'll wrap things up--move in furniture, finish hanging art and clothes and have full-on before and after pictures soon.  Stay tuned!!

P.S. I think we have all noticed Blogger is being a little weird right now.  Unfortunately, I picked the absolute worst day to start our oversized letters giveaway (yesterday).  That post, a long with another got deleted.  They are back now, but so far, no comments have been restored.  We'll wait out the weekend and see how things turn out, those of you that have already entered, may want to do so again.  Sorry!

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  1. Hi there ... how has this carpet held up? I was looking to use it in our bedroom. I've seen mixed reviews on it in terms of stain resistance and such. Like most things, though, you only read the complaints ..

    1. We moved out of this house last year, but honestly--we LOVED this carpet and have zero complaints about it. We'll probably get it again in our new place. Hope that helps.

  2. Hello, I came over from DIY Showoff. I am enjoying reading some of your past posts. It would really kick your blog up a notch if your pictures weren't all so dark. Bright and crisp pictures really keep the reader's attention. Just a suggestion, not being rude or nasty.

  3. Anonymous-

    Shoot, I would love bright and crisp pictures! We don't have a high-tech camera over here, just our Sony Bloggie which records videos and takes pictures. For right now, we are loving it for convenience purposes, but you're right, some of our pictures turn out dark. Maybe down the road, we'll invest in a nicer camera, but for now please bare with us. Thanks for stopping by!


  4. Hello, I came over from DIY Showoff. I am enjoying reading some of your past posts. It would really kick your blog up a notch if your pictures weren't all so dark. Bright and crisp pictures really keep the reader's attention. Just a suggestion, not being rude or nasty.

  5. Wow! What a difference paint and new carpet made! The room looks amazing. Greta is soooooooo darn cute. I was cracking up watching her dance. So sweet how excited she got.

  6. so funny!!!! She DEFINITELY likes it. She like L-O-V-E-Sssssssss it :-)

    I seriously love that carpet. It is sooo beautiful. Put it in the rest of the house!!!! it's awesome!!!

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