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Casual Friday

Casual Friday 015

July 22, 2016

This week, we're celebrating 3 years in our home. It's borderline confusing for me--How have we lived here for three years?! But on the other hand, it feels very comfortable and when I look back at the changes we have made--we've definitely been here for three years. I am planning to share lots of pictures in a progress report next week. But until then, some people have been speculating that it seems like we're close to being done and what we're going to do when we are done.

First, I'll say we're probably about 65% done renovating this home and I'm guessing it will take another 2-3 years before we'll be done-done. We still have two full bathrooms that haven't been touched, the office downstairs,  the master closet, we're swapping the girls' room with the guest room, and a big storage room downstairs we want to maximize as well as turn the storage under the stairs into a cute play house for the kids. On the exterior, we have big plans of adding a front porch (where our weird concrete pad is), painting the brick, transforming our 2 large side yards and landscaping in front of our fence. All this, plus other rooms that we've made headway on will continue to evolve, too.

But what will we do when we are done? I don't like to make too many concrete plans that far in advance, but we've mentioned before that we have dreams of one day opening a bed and breakfast. We'd love to rescue an old house, renovate it, and live out my dream of making spaces pretty, inviting and comfortable and Chris's dream of making good good food for others. We're open to location, but that's our long-term goal. Do you have a 10 year dream goal?

Other fun things this week!

Lightbox in Waiting On Martha's Office Space | Chris Loves Julia

Light boxes (like those letter boards you see everywhere--we got ours from Letterfolk) are starting to pop up in lots of inspiring rooms. But when I saw one in Waiting on Martha's One Room Challenge Reveal (pictured above), I started scouting them out. Sadly, the brand she linked that was used in her office was out of my price range at over $500, but I found a cute smaller one here for $59 and scooped it up! (They'll likely go fast.)

Did you see the before and afters of Gwen's kitchen? I can't stop thinking about it. It's the kitchen of the year!

We got an Amazon Tap on PrimeDay last week and while we all love the ease of listening to music wherever we are, no one loves it more than Greta. She taps and requests songs all day long.

Last weekend we went to Ikea to get the materials to make our standing desk. While we were there, we changed the plans! Instead of (2) 24" wide cabinets together, we decided on one set of 36" wide drawers. We ordered the unfinished drawer fronts from Semihandmade and I'll be painting them with these drawers as my inspiration. (Very similar to our reading room, no?)

"15 THINGS YOU SHOULD NEVER EVER HAVE IN YOUR HOME AFTER 30" and every article that ends with, "--You're doing it wrong" makes me roll my eyes so. hard. Because, according to who?! Sabrina's article about this is spot on. Yes, Sabrina. Yes.

Lastly, today marks open access to the Nordstrom Anniversary sale and things are going quickly. I am not a big fashionista because, as I have said previously, I prefer to spend money on other rugs and pillows. But every once in awhile, when the prices are this good (seriously good), it's nice to stock up on a few quality staples. And in case you're curious--here are the staples that best suit me.

Hope you all have a great weekend! Our outdoor fireplace is taking shape!

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  1. I agree with Renee, why do people make such a big deal about affiliate links?? I am someone that is just not interested in fashion, so I skipped right past that part and it definitely did not stop me from loving the rest of the post. As you said, it's just a once-a-year event, so I just assumed you were sharing your excitement over that. I can't wait to see more about your office. I am super happy to hear that you are only 65% finished with your house and there will be much more to see on the horizon! I just love your style and you are such an inspiration!!

  2. I agree with Renee, why do people make such a big deal about affiliate links?? I am someone that is just not interested in fashion, so I just skipped right past that part and it definitely did not stop me from loving the rest of the post! As you said, its just a once-a-year event, so I just assumed that you were sharing your excitement over that. I can't wait to see more about your office and I am super excited to hear that you are just 65% finished with your house and there will be much more to see on the horizon! I just love your style and you are such an inspiration!!

  3. Agreed with the above- I get the concern around too much affiliate linking, overtly pushing brands on blogs, etc. but I don't think that this is an instance of that. I love seeing your pics of the n sale! As with Kelly above, I don't have much time to sort through all the options online so this saves me a ton of time. I normally look for this content on the fashion blogs I follow, but Julia has picked out some things I hadn't yet seen elsewhere. Love your taste, Julia! Great content as usual.

  4. I don't know WHY people get so upset when bloggers have affiliate links?!?! It seems a bit 'controlling' to me - as if they are trying to 'keep you in your place': you must remain a free blogger for their very own reading pleasure!!! Then they contradict themselves by adding, 'I get that you are making money as a blogger'!?!? Readers are obviously here because they enjoy you and your brand, but can you really renovate on a daily basis?!?! Just don't read the Casual Friday post or click on the links, people!!!!

    1. I have to agree with Renee! I feel like Julia/Chris do a wonderful job of navigate sponsored posts, links, etc. I keep coming back for all aspects. As a working mom expecting baby #3 I don't have a lot of extra time to navigate the Nordstrom sale and totally appreciate the style this blog brings to me for free - both the home decor and personal items. I sent the purse link to my Husband as an idea for a potential push present ?

  5. Thanks for the comment on the article and the link to Sabrina's. Yes. That's why I come here and read your blog.
    I'm 37 and did I buy a fake ficus for well over $100 because it was beautiful and looks very real after I killed 3 real ones??? YES. Don't tell me it's not ok to put on in the corner of my dining room as greenery and filler with height. My room needed it and I didn't need to kill any more innocent indoor trees. If you don't like it don't come to my house. :-)

    I can't wait to see how the fireplace is coming along! The spot you've picked looks about perfect for one.

  6. I love the Friday posts but wish there wouldn't be so many affiliate link posts. I get them when you do something like the pillow recommendations, as they fit into you helping your readers design on a budget. The Nordstrom links, saying they are just things you happen to like...well that comes off as a bit transparent. I know you make a living off your blog but this is one area where, as a long time reader, it doesn't feel congruent with your brand. I reall feel like it's jarring to read affiliate links that don't add value to the reader in the context of what your whole brand is about. Just something to consider in truly to monetize the space.

    1. I totally get it, but while 99% of the posts around here are strictly home related when I started Casual Fridays, I did so so that I could share more personal things; what we're thinking about, what we're buying, what we're reading. A lot of the links I share still relate to home stuff, but some of it doesn't. In past casual Friday posts, I've shared my favorite tennis shoes or a skirt that I wore in a home photoshoot that everyone asked about or a party we were throwing. I've seen a lot of home bloggers go into fashion or lifestyle blogging and I can 100% promise you, that's not happening here--but when 40% of our readers today clicked on the Nordstrom links, more than ANY other link I included today, that tells me, "we like this!" "this is okay for today!" and I feel good about including them especially since it's just a once-a-year sale.

      1. I guess my only response to that is that there seems to be a distinction to me, to share sources for what you were wearing in a pic, versus sharing a whole slue of "things I think are cool" in the form of fashion affiliate links. One seems to be responding to the requests of readers for sources. One comes across as a bit more unrelated money grab. I also wouldn't necessarily count click throughs as a sign of interest. People might want to see prices. I clicked to see if they were through the affiliate link redirect. Click throughs don't necessarily always mean valuable or brand congruent. Thanks again for considering my input. I think most of your monetizing is low profile and savvy, but I had to point out when stuff started to infere with my personal enjoyment as a reader.

    2. I disagree, I have really enjoyed seeing what some of my favorite bloggers loved from the Nordstrom sale. Home stuff, fashion stuff, it didn't matter to me. Thanks for including this in your Casual Friday post!

  7. Julia, thank you so so much for sharing my article!

    I so appreciate it and knew you'd agree with and stand by the message, too. I feel like when you're experienced in or simply enjoy design, these articles are easy to shrug off and it's easy to weed away the crap to get to the value. But it's so sad to see when people get debilitated and stunted by them when it comes to designing their home. It should be a fun process (albeit, one that comes with some frustration and tough learning curves at times -- but that's half the fun)! Less judgement and rules, more empowerment and positivity!

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