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Casual Friday

Casual Friday: May 12, 2017

May 12, 2017

It's been a jam-packed week and I'm feeling ready for a nap. I'm looking at you, Mother's Day. At the beginning of this week, I had a surge of energy--at last! I cleaned everything from top to bottom and then shopped our house to rearrange a few things in the entry. I pulled this blue bench from our bedroom (where it was only collecting clothes daily) and the big round mirror (this one) from the guest room (where I moved the big mirror from Ikea that was in the entry), rolled up the vintage rug for Spring and Summer and now it feels so light and fresh. There's nothing more exhilarating than playing musical chairs with all the stuff in your own house.

With the One Room Challenge complete (thank you so much for all the love on that!) and the deck in a good place, and the bathroom renovation still on hold (we're waiting on ONE backordered part--still!) we decided it was time to swap out the sliding barn door in the dining room to match the pocket pantry door--something we had all the parts for and none of the time. It was a messy two days, but the door is in and I just need to caulk and paint. Can't wait to show you, the room looks so much bigger with that extra wall the barn door was partially covering.

Other fun things this week!

• We shared a ton of Mother's day ideas earlier this week in this post, but if you still need a very last minute Mother's Day idea for your mom, a friend of mine was telling me what she got her mom and I immediately went home and did the same thing for mine and Chris's. It's called StoryWorth. It's an online subscription (so you can literally go buy it today and have it delivered on Mother's Day or whichever day you choose) that sends them a prompt every week for a whole year. There are questions (that you can edit or change if you'd like) about their life, like "What was one of the toughest parts about raising kids?" or "Tell about a time you got in trouble at work." or about their first date or regret or car. Once a week they are sent a question that sums up to be their life story and all these interesting aspects you may have never known. And at the end of the year, StoryWorth sends them a hardcover book with all of them in it. I'm so excited to read all about my mom. :) They have a referral program, so you can get $10 off, by clicking here if you'd like.

• This bathroom renovation from BrePurposed (a guest participant in the One Room Challenge) blew me away. So much inspiration for our own master bathroom reno! I'm in awe and had trouble picking just one picture to share.

• The comic relief I needed this week.

• I got so many questions about my dress I was wearing in this 27 week bump pic I posted to my stories. The good news is it's non-maternity (I got a medium and it works for now and I can't wait to wear it a little more slouchy after pregnancy, too!) and it's super cheap. I got it from Amazon right here--they have a bunch of different patterns.

• Lastly, we have been working on a very, very exciting project with Interior Define over the last year. And while I can't spill the details yet, it's all going to be revealed very soon. In two weeks we fly to their headquarters in Chicago to finalize everything and shoot lots of video and photos and I'm having a lot of pinch me moments. You can probably guess what it's going to be ;), but all I can say now is it's been a dream and we can't wait to share everything with you soon.

Hope you all have a happy mother's day weekend!




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  1. Hi there, just ordered a StoryWorth subscription. How did the book come out for your mom? I'm curious if the weekly questions might be tough to keep up with? Sometimes it's hard to keep your eye on the prize, you know?

    1. My parents actually took the stories and printed them through Blurb so they could customize a little more, so we haven't seen the book that comes with it.

  2. Love your post! Where is the rug from in the entry way? I am looking for a really good natural one for my dining room and I love the look/color of this one! Thanks!

  3. Love that dress! Planning to buy one and can't figure out what pattern to go with. Quick question: Do the patterns line up on the front middle where the buttons are on the one you have? I know they probably vary from dress to dress, but wondered how yours looked. I just told my husband that I'm about to buy a dress on Amazon because a blogger told me about it! =) Haha.

      1. Awesome! Thanks so much for the reply. It was hard to tell in the picture on the listing but it almost looked like it didn't on that one. I'm off to spend some money!

  4. I just purchased a StoryWorth subscription for Mother's Day! What an excellent idea! THANK YOU and Happy Mother's Day! ????

  5. that photos is everything!! So beautiful! What a fun space. The bed, the art, the bookshelf and your closet! every detail is amazing. Happy Weekend.

  6. Thanks for the StoryWorth link! I was struggling to find a more meaningful gift for my Mom this year, and this will be perfect!

  7. I'm going to guess...your own furniture/accessories line? :) Looking forward to the news, congrats!

  8. You will be in Chicago, just a hop, skip & a jump from me in Lake Geneva! I wish we could meet up, meeting you and Chris is on my bucket list. So excited to hear all the details.

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