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Casual Friday

Casual Friday: Selling the Cabin plot & More

November 22, 2019

This week, 9 months after the fire at our cabin, the plot finished getting cleared of all the debris. The investigation took MONTHS and in the end they declared the cause undetermined, which was heart-wrenching. It's a weird thing being attached to something that no longer exists. Wanting to be somewhere that isn’t possible. We realize it was the memories we made there that we are deeply attached to. Of course, we wish we were able to make more but after seeing the cleared plot--we feel unattached to the land itself and ready to let go. We decided to sell the acre plot that overlooks the palisades reservoir and close this chapter of our life. I know not everyone will agree with this deeply personal decision, but we have an eager buyer so it's already in the works and won't be listed. It's been a long process and year, with some legal aspects we would rather not go into; and even though it's sad, it feels so good and right to be moving on. We still dream to one day have a cabin in the mountains somewhere. But for now, we're happily focusing on our new home.

Other fun things this week

• Interior Define is having a 15% off everything sale through Wednesday, November 27th. We ordered the Charly sectional we designed with Interior Define for our office weeks ago, but knew they were coming out with new colors so we waited until we received swatches to order. And that happened this week! So it's safe to say I've been consumed with swatches and squinting all week. Do we go out on a limb and do something fun like a rust or merlot? I initially fell for their Mod Micro in Shadow which is a dark green charcoal, but I caught wind that it was being discontinued soon and I knew that would be very frustrating for our audience down the road. If they weren't discontinuing it, I would get that one. My favorite swatch from the bunch is their new Vintage Plush is Sisal. It's neutral and safe (ie classic, wouldn't look bad anywhere!) and that's on the table too. If you're color indecisive like me, you can still take advantage of the sale and choose the fabric later! (I love that they do that).

Made me laugh so hard.

• McGee and Co is having their biggest sale of the year--20% off everything!--I have, literally, 13 things in my cart that I need to narrow down. Eeeek.

Musical chairs (ha!)

This couch I recommend to everyone is marked down to $539! It's soooo good.

• We shared Greta's windowless bathroom earlier this week and then I stumbled across @cassmakeshome's windowless bathroom makeover that is INCREDIBLE! More inspo for all of you in the same boat!

• Last week we shared tips for family photos and this week we shared on Instagram the reality of trying to take our own. Take a look below.

(We ordered Minted's Wonderland Foil-Pressed Holiday Cards)

"Why don't you let you just let your hair dry naturally?"

Ebay Favs.

• You need to order this game for after Thanksgiving dinner! (We play with everyone starting with $4!)


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  1. Reading your post- I had this gut reaction of - "no! don't defend your family's choices!! You get to do what you want when you feel it's right - and you don't have to explain". Kind of like how women tend to apologize for setting a boundary - (or existing, or whatever). Then I quickly checked myself - you write a blog about all of this daily for years- and I was reminded how complicated this relationship is that you are navigating so thoughtfully. Needless to say - I would like to extend - appreciation for your sharing, care to you all for the loss you have been experiencing and happiness for you and family that ya'll made the best choice for you!

  2. In your stories you mentioned LCR goes for hours. Is that just by choice or can it be shortened? Sometimes we don't have that long for a game but still like the fun interaction :)

  3. Just ordered LCR Wild and can't wait to play over the holidays with my family and my sister's family!! So very glad to hear y'all are at peace with the cabin plot. On an unrelated note, in Insta stories a couple months back, you showed an area rug at Lowe's that was great. We are creating a teen hangout room for our son's upcoming 13th bday and I need an affordable rug (under $300) that I won't fret about with a bunch of teenage boys. Would love to be pointed in the right direction! Many thanks and best Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family!

  4. I am glad you and your family are finally able to get some sort of closure with selling the land. I can't imagine the feeling, the mourning, the unknown reason.

    I think it's awfully kind of you to not get the fabric you want because of your readers. You are truly one of a kind. As one of your readers, I think you should get the colour that works best for you and the space you're putting it in, even if that colour is going to be discontinued. #noregrets. I was going back and forth between the green and red options you shared on Instagram this week, while I eventually chose the dark red, the green would be beautiful as well.

  5. Hi, so sorry about your cabin. It’s hard to believe there was ever anything there. Makes you think about how things can change in just one moments notice. I hope you find peace about it and that the next decision in your lives works out in spades!!

    I signed up for your love letter but didn’t get one last time around. I’d really like to read your thoughts on the renovation process but can’t. Any chance you might be willing to send it to me??

  6. I love shadow and sisal! Went to order swatches of sisal but can’t find it listed on the site anywhere! Excited to see what you choose!

  7. Given what happened at the cabin would you still advise DIY’ing electrical projects in a home? In regards to insurance aftermath if things go wrong as well as publicizing projects online?

  8. Random question but how do you start with $4 in LCR? Don't you start with three chips normally? Planning to do this with family at Christmas!

    1. You can really start with however much of anything you want! We've played it with 5 pieces of candy each (with kids), three of the included playing chips, 10 literal potato chips - it's all the same! When playing with money we just found $4 to be an approachable amount that didn't feel like people were losing a bunch of money if they lost, but it added up enough for the winner to feel like it was a special thing.

  9. I also voted for Mod Micro... then I saw the poll was overwhelmingly in favor of it (it makes sense and I love a neutral room) and then I immediately thought you maybe WOULDN'T go for it now because of your love for proving that 'the other' can work beautifully as well. Regardless, thanks for bringing us along for the ride!

  10. I ordered that LCR game the last time you recommended it and my family loved it! We played every day after dinner for at least a month and we'll be getting it out again for Christmas time. BTW, our children are all adults and two of them still live at home, so it's a game for all ages (my teen nephews loved it too).

  11. I think you’d be the first one to tell us “not to buy something because of what others would like,” and to go with your gut. I understand where you’re coming from with wanting something linkable in the future, but this is YOUR house. You get the right to buy something you love regardless of if it will be there next week for everyone else. Eventually a different color may go away. You highlight to enjoy the now and the process. This is the now.

  12. I've been following your sofa swatches and am crossing my fingers SO HARD for the merlot swatch!! It looked so nice with the rug and burl table, and it's a much more interesting choice than the neutrals you were looking at :)

  13. I voted for Mod Micro! Get the fabric you like best. If you happen to make a ton of money from the affiliates because your followers panicked they couldn’t have it, you win twice over!

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