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Christmas Pics--Take Two.

November 19, 2011
Because our last try at Christmas pictures via the camera timer were such a bust, we decided to recruit somebody to work the camera this time around.  Our nephew was the lucky guy (Chris is the youngest of eight siblings so our nephew is a whopping 22--just 4 years younger than me).  He stayed at our house last night.  And although not a photographer, he had held a camera before--all reasons which made him the perfect candidate.   
He took 134 pictures.  We tried not to take ourselves too seriously.  We know that with a toddler--especially a toddler like Greta--we weren't going to get a photo with everyone looking at the camera and smiling perfectly.   We weren't even expecting a smile from her. Instead we got a lot of very real faces, expressions and poses that scream each of our names.  We'll let you see our Christmas card and photo closer to Christmas time, but we couldn't wait to share a few of our favorites from today that didn't make the cut:

Near the end of our little shoot, things were spiraling downward.  We even considered a few of these very real life-with-a-toddler photos for our card.

This one cracked us up.  We were so tempted to have a speech bubble coming out of Chris's mouth with a big ol' "Merry Christmas.":

This photo was actually in our top two for our card.  It sums up our last year almost too perfectly:

Another similar photo:

And this last picture is one of my favorite pictures of Greta ever.  She is just learning to form words (she has a problem with her hearing, so her speech is behind) and every word, she concentrates so hard on forming and saying.  This depicts that in action:

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  1. Super cute! I am novice to photography, but do you mind telling me how you get that "look" to your pictures, the sort of vintage look. I have heard of "filters" but is that on your camera or during editing, haha I sound like a fruit cake but I love that style and see it on lots of blogs and have wondered how you do it. We have PhotoShop and all the Adobe things if that is how you do it. Thanks Julia

  2. her eyelashes. and lips! That last pic is so stinking adorable.

    The pictures are awesome!!! (seriously, the editting is perfection!). I tooootally wish you did the speech bubble in that one pic. That would have been hilarious.

    The pics are cute! You need to frame some of these for your house!

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