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Ep 60: Fear and the Final Episode

February 26, 2018

It's a hard day. But it's a good day. Today's episode of The Chris Loves Julia Podcast with Preston Pugmire will be the last of the series. Despite the million+ downloads, multiple sponsors per episode and the success stamp that most people would put on the podcast, including me, last week, I had a major breakthrough that left me in tears. And then led me to have a really, really difficult conversation with the team to end the podcast. We recorded our final episode less than 24 hours later, and the feelings were (and still are) very raw. That is to say, okay, I cry more and explain what led me to this unexpected decision.

Listen to this and other episodes on: iTunes, GooglePlayStitcher, TuneIn.

The theme of the episode is fear, because it had everything to do with fear. But we also touch on the scary thing that happened at our cabin, a bold decision that made our bathroom plans "click," and share some of our favorite moments from the podcast, too.

We took this photo our last day in the studio:

This one was taken almost 2 years ago--our first day recording.

I know this will come as a shock to many of you, and I'm sure you will share in our sadness about it. But I hope by listening to this episode, you understand why the time is right.

We are so excited for what's to come.


This episode is sponsored by:

Daily Harvest Logo
Daily Harvest
Jules and I have been ordering Daily Harvest smoothies from even before they were a sponsor of the podcast. They're healthy, so simple, and really tasty. Visit and use promo code CLJ to get 3 free items in your first box.

Thomas Avenue Ceramics



Thomas Avenue Ceramics
Receive 30% off your tile order before April 15th, 2018!
Visit and use promo code CLJ30

Theme song is "Headphones" by Preston Pugmire.








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  1. Just listened to the last episode and I was a little sad that it didn't include a last time "Can't Get You Outta My Mind"!! That part of the show with Julia's singing was my favorite. I laughed every time the clip was played and sang along to it at work! Love you guys, can't wait to see whats in store next! Hugs!!!!!

  2. I'm sad that the podcast is ending, but thank goodness for repeat listening!

    Julia, I found your explanation for ending the podcast inspiring on so many levels. Looking forward to seeing what you have in store. Cheers to the future of CLJ!

  3. Oh man I am super sad about this news! I wish there could have been more of a fade out, like a final month or two... but I understand needing to move on to other things. I'm with several of these other commenters though, do y'all have any other Home podcasts you'd recommend? I listen to YHL already as well. I love blogs of course, but I think I learn best by listening which is why I enjoyed your podcast so much.

  4. Your show got me hooked on podcasts in the first place. I'm so sad!! I feel like it's the end of an era, but I'm looking forward to what you have up your sleeve. :)

  5. Congratulations on chasing new endeavors! (I finally finished the episode and didn't want to comment until I heard it all.) While I'm sad I won't get to hear you weekly - I really enjoyed getting to know you each beyond the blog - I will be anxiously waiting to hear what's coming next. And, I secretly kept telling myself that you didn't say you'd never have a podcast again in the future! ;)

  6. Super sad because I LOVE your podcast. Any recommendations for other Home Design related podcasts? I already listen to YHL, but would love another good one :)

  7. Thank you for your vulnerability and heart. You have moved me into action. I have left my job and want to start something new and have been paralyzed in fear (for far too many months). Thank you again for lighting the fire I needed to do it afraid.

  8. I went to listen yesterday, and it cut off about 30 seconds in and started on Episode 59. I then went back to the library to start Episode 60 again, and it was gone. I exited out, restarted, looked at the podcast's "home page" on iTunes, etc. It simply is not showing up for me at all on iTunes anymore. I assume this is an issue with me, but I thought I'd drop by to ask if you guys took it down temporarily for some reason?

    1. Oh no! It should be up forever and ever, as will all of our episodes. I just checked and it's still showing for me. What platform are you trying to use?

  9. I will really miss you all, I loved hearing the warmth of your friendship with each other each week - it has really made enough me feel less alone in what has been a terrible year for me. I'm all good now, and I thankyou for everything and wish you all the best. I'm ready to tackle a bathroom Reno ' so I will keep your blog close!! Thank you xxx ooo

  10. So. Many. Feelings.

    Firstly...Good for you, Julia! Following your heart and gut and intuition is always the way to go! I will miss this show but I anticipate hearing about all the magic that will have time to now create in other forms. Secondly, Chris...hearing you brag on Julia was probably the cutest thing I have ever heard. You are a good, good man. Lastly, Preston! I might just miss you the most which is why I will be tuning in to your Podcast on the regular! Thank you all for putting on such a great show for us! We have loved it! xoxox

  11. Aw man, I really will miss you guys. I started listening a little over a year ago and was one of the people who thought Preston wasn't necessary and having a host was weird. That didn't last long and now I can't imagine my weeks without you three. I'll still be following to see where you guys go from here-i can't wait actually! xoxo

  12. Thank you for making the podcast and pushing through that fear. I wish you the best. I am really going to miss CLJ the podcast, it was one of my favorite podcasts. What color paint is in your living room? ????

  13. So yes, even though there was too much laughter (mainly Julia's--sorry!) I did learn from you and I'm looking forward to hearing about what comes next for you guys.

  14. Ok I actually cried with you. So happy for you but what an awesome podcast that I will truly miss each week. I hope the episodes will remain available!

  15. I wish you so much success with your future endeavors but I will miss the podcast immensely! I have listened to every episode and loved them all! Thank you for all of the insight, entertainment, and for sharing so much of yourselves with your listeners!

  16. Will Miss you guys on the air!

    Just a warning about dark tile. Beware of soap residue! I loved ones with a dark blue sink and shower and the soap residue was really a pain in the neck, though this was primarily a problem in the blue sink- where toothpaste residue was a major issue (You have no idea how much toothpaste is left behind in the sink, even after rinsing, until you live with a dark colored sink. If your water does leave a residue, you might want to think this one over!

  17. Excited for you all for whatever is next. I'd love to hear some continuation of the podcast even if it is 5 minutes of Chris and Preston talking about what you are up to lately. Your joy is infectious and I loved the funny recaps at the end. P.S. that scary music was EFFECTIVE I'm a wimp I never watch scary movies anymore. So creepy.

  18. Well I haven't listened to the Podcast yet - I usually listen on Tuesday mornings on my way to work.. but I am so sad to hear this news :( I am 100% sure you are making the right decisions for yourselves (and I'm sure I'll find out once I listen!) - so no hard feelings at all. I'll definitely miss laughing out loud with you all in my car (probably looking like a crazy person!) - I truly enjoyed listening to you ALL and loved hearing your thoughts on everything from DIY to decor to families, and everything in between. You have an amazing thing going and I'll definitely continue to follow along on the blog and IG :) Thank you for sharing your voices with us <3

  19. I am so sad to hear this news as this podcast was something I looked forward to every Monday, but will be there to follow along with whatever you choose to do next! Good for you for following your heart. CAN'T WAIT to see what's in store next for CLJ!

  20. My Monday mornings truly won't be the same without you guys; but am SO happy for your future! Your podcast really had a positive impact on how I look and think about my home. My budget for my home is TEENY TINY, but dang it, I am doing what I can to love my house, NOW. And I think you guys have done a great job with the podcast, selling that message and equipping your followers to do so! Well done, guys. I am so eager to see what adventures you have ahead. Much love to you all :)

  21. You guys!!! I’m blown away right now but I’m guessing for a different reason than most CLJ followers. My husband and I have been DIYing our way through 3 homes over the past 8 years. In that time, I’ve uttered aloud countless times that I would love to have an outlet to share our creativity. My husband has responded as many times with a supportive “Do it!” In turn, I’ve always responded with an excuse for why I could not move forward. No more. You have inspired me to finally take action and start sharing our adventure. A genuine thank you from my whole heart for a reminder we all need regardless of what potential we are preventing ourselves from achieving: faith over fear. Wishing you the best as you venture to the next chapter.

  22. I just finished listening to the final episode of the podcast and just want to say Thank you. Thank you for taking a leap and recording the podcast to begin with. I'm a long time blog reader, and was stoked when you started the podcast. It's been wonderful getting to know you guys better and love you, your design style, and what you are doing even more. While I'm sad for the podcast to end, I am so excited for you guys and what's in store. What you said in today's podcast, and how you are facing this fear and leaping is already very inspiring to me. Your words hit me at a time when I am struggling with fear and having courage to take a leap in my work life. To take a chance on myself. I'm proud of you for taking this "leap" and look forward to whatever is next for you as you continue to develop your brand and fulfill your goals and dreams. I just hope that we get to follow along with your journey, and devour all that you have to teach and inspire us, your fans. ;)
    Love you guys. Mean it.

  23. I love your podcast and will miss hearing you all every week, but you need to do what make you happy. I’ve been listening to Preston’s podcast as well and it has also encouraged me to finally take the next steps and follow my dreams of what I really what to do. Good luck in your next steps and I’ll follow your blog!

  24. I'm so sad to hear you're ending the podcast; it was my favorite and I always looked forward to it. However, it's great to hear you are following a greater dream, and listening to you speak about it was very inspiring! Also, the end of this episode with the favorite moments was absolutely hysterical! Thanks for all the laughs!

  25. You two have an infectious, natural chemistry that will shine evenbrighter in the next leg of your journey. Kudos for jumping off the high dive!
    I live relatively close to Palisades resivoire and I do not think you have anything to be afraid of, however, you must be smarter than the average bear! And mt lion, moose, etc. educate yourselves! Always carry be bear spray and bells. Enjoy!

  26. Something I can't get out of my mind? Not being able to hear the banter between the three of you anymore! Love the CLJ podcast and I'm going to miss my weekly lol moments and listening to Julia's laugh. Good luck to all of you!

  27. Mixed feelings today as I listened which made me evaluate my selfishness (although that seems quite a strong word) of wanting the podcast to continue. It was so much fun to listen to and hearing Chris’s salad story again was hilarious. As I’ve grown older I’ve realised that feeling multiple things at once is normal and trying to understand your reactions helps you to understand yourself more. Ok this got a bit deep!
    Best of luck and I’m looking forward to see what is next for CLJ!!

  28. Thank you for being honest and sharing with us! I look forward to see where you take the brand next. Much love and gratitude for sharing the podcast, and wishing you much luck with the brand in the future.

  29. I've really enjoyed the podcast and I hope that you might eventually find a way to do occasional episodes just dedicated to answering reader questions, as opposed to an every week commitment. More so than the blog or instagram, the podcast has always felt very genuine to me and it is also actually really entertaining. Just something to think about.

  30. Don’t think you guys can ever recreate the incredible chemistry of the three of you. Too bad it couldn’t continue. I hope this doesn’t negatively impact Preston too much financially. Of course everyone should live their best life, but I would be pretty upset if I got one day notice, especially from a friend. However I’m sure he would never say anything, he is such a great friend and gentleman. Good luck to him and Corinne!

    1. Podcast advertising is net 90. So, we (and he) will have ad revenue for the next three months. We would never leave our friends out high and dry.

  31. I was a podcast listener before I was a blog reader, so I’m really sad for myself, but wish you luck with whatever you decide to do with your time. It takes courage to stop doing something successful to follow a dream and I wish you luck.

  32. Scary music was on point! And I am super happy that you gave a coupon code to Thomas Avenue. Looking now and about to order a couple samples! PS the code worked for me, so thanks!

    Sad to hear you guys are ending the podcast, but I can't wait to see what you do next!

  33. Bah! I can't listen fast enough. WHY!! is my first reaction, but I totally support you guys. Best wishes on every endeavor. RIP podcast because I loved it.

  34. You guys (Preston very much included) are the sweetest. Only the best wishes to you all! Excited to follow along as always, and see what you do next!

  35. I am so sad about the podcast, my long commute won't be the same without the 3 of you! But I totally understand the decision and am happy I can still follow along on the blog!

  36. I'm so bummed :( Your podcast was the highlight of my mondays (YHL better not quit too! haha). I haven't listened to your why yet, I'm sure it is completely valid. Best wishes.

  37. I too suffer from analysis paralysis with home decor/renovating. Pinterest, Instagram, and the constant changing of trends make breakout hard for me, haha

  38. Ya'll I love your podcast and I'm sorry to "hear" is go, but completely understand moving on with life's needs/projects. Got me to start thinking about what I want out of my life/work for myself and my family.

    Also- not related but we are just starting to renovate our 3rd home and need to pick out backsplash and floor tile and I LOVED your coupon code from Thomas Avenue.. however the website says it doesn't exist! What's up?

  39. Thank you for all the great material you've shared, not just on the 'cast, but here too. I heard the news this morning and was really sad about it. But I told my husband that my deep depression over this will require some retail therapy for the house. You and Chris have a place to stay if you ever want to visit Colorado.

  40. This is definitely bittersweet but I am so happy for you guys and can't wait to see what is next for you all, I know it will be great. Thank you for doing the podcast, I've learned so much through it and have laughed a lot along the way. I will miss all the laughter and the dynamic of all three of you. Your podcast is the first one I ever listened to, it's the reason I downloaded the podcast app and I totally binged all the episodes until I got caught up and then just couldn't wait for Monday when a new one would come out. I could probably just keep going on how much I loved listening and will miss it so I will just stop here and say I look forward to following along on Instagram and the blog and I'm subscribing to Preston's podcast!

  41. Whaaaaaat?! Well, as someone who requires A LOT of margin in my life to function well and is ruthless about saying no
    to things, I fully support your decision (even without having listened to the podcast yet). But I am also super bummed because I truly looked forward to every podcast! Guess I'll have to listen today :)

  42. So, while I have been visiting your blog for a while now, I only just began listening to your podcasts about two weeks ago. I have blitzed through them and literally just caught up this morning. And then I listened to today’s podcast, and it’s the last one. ???? I am so excited for you guys and all you have coming up, and I look forward to following along on your blog! And I know I will be re-listening to several podcast episodes, because the tips and knowledge you shared were so inspiring!!! ????????????

  43. This makes me so sad!! I won't get to listen to the podcast until lunch today, but I will be scrambling to turn it on once 12:00 hits, lol! I will definitely miss the podcast! I've been following the blog for a long time now, but only in the last little while started faithfully listening to the podcast. (started listening while painting my husband's boat, ha!) I've been binge listening and am on Episode 22 right now...At least I have a few more to go before no CLJ/PP laughter. You guys are/were my FAVORITE podcast out there! I loved the laughter and friendship you guys shared! It always made me laugh and cheered me up on days that were tough, esp with my most recent miscarriage. So thank you! For giving me a reason to laugh, even though you don't know me from Adam, haha! Wishing you guys the best on the next chapter in your lives!!
    also - *insert crying emoji here*

    1. We're so grateful and honored by each and every one of our listeners. Truly. And for your sake, I'm glad to hear you are only on episode 22--it's just getting good! Promise.

      1. I should've mentioned, I'm listening backwards, haha! (So I've listened to 60-23) Why I've been listening that way, I have no idea. :) But one thing is for sure. There was definitely not too much laughter. I love it! All the best!

  44. You guys are awesome and I LOVE everything you have shared with us (podcast, blog, and insta). Sad to hear you are ending the podcast but very impressed by you for making the difficult decision. You are setting such a good example for your readers to be thoughtful about their life choices, big and small. Cheers to the next chapter!!

  45. Whoa - that is not what I expected during my regularly scheduled Monday listening. I appreciate the honesty and know that everything will work shame in worked hard for your brand and the podcast and that will translate into your next steps.

    **Virtual Hugs**

  46. LOVED your willingness to be so vulnerable and take us through your thought process. And without getting into too much detail, I'm at a bit of a crossroads professionally, and while you were talking, I had MY breakthrough - literally walking to work and listening to you, I sorted so much out and felt that weight being lifted, just as you spoke of! So thank you for that, and as always, thank you for sharing all of your beautiful design advice. I'm constantly showing my husband pictures from your home for our inspiration! ;)

  47. Noooooooo!!!!!!!
    I just started listening to the podcast a few weeks ago and I'm already so attached! I'm glad I'll still have so many episodes to go back and listen to though. Can't wait to listen to this one today!

  48. I listened to the podcast on my way to work this morning and, while I will miss tuning in to your witty banter every other week, I was so inspired and moved by what you shared. And it just reinforces what I always tell my clients (I'm a counselor by profession)--sometimes making the right choice still feels really hard and scary, but it's that courage that allows you to grow. I wish you the very best on your next steps and can't wait to follow along!!

  49. Sad that its over, but glad that it happened! I've really enjoyed your podcast and appreciate the time and energy you all have put into it. I have been a follower of the blog for about 6 years or so, but listening in on your conversations in the last year has made you relatable like friends. I will miss the stories and laughter, but your decision to follow your heart is admirable because its not always an easy thing to do. Best wishes for your next chapter!

  50. I've enjoyed the podcast so much. Thank you Chris, Julia & Preston for many laughs and lots of knowledge. I will miss hearing your voices. As always, you must to what's best for you and your business. Wishing you the best in your next endeavor and I will continue to follow your blog.

  51. Me: Ending the show seems like a very hard but well-reasoned decision, and I know that Chris and Julia will parlay this into even bigger and better things in the future.

    Also me: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  52. Nooo! I'm so sad, as your podcast is the only one that I listen to faithfully. I totally respect your decision and commend you for being strong enough to finish when you felt the time was right. I'm off to listen to the last episode and hear more about your decision. Thanks for 60 fantastic episodes!

  53. Your decision is the right one. I admire your gumption to take the leap into the new direction your brand needs to go. Props for making a decision that many (including me) would be scared to make. Cheering you on from PA!

  54. I discovered your blog through the podcast, and I'll definitely miss it. I admire your decision, though... and this podcast as a whole was the best advertisement for Preston's podcast that I can imagine! I hadn't listened to it yet, but I'm subscribing right now!

  55. You guys really have brightened my mornings! I think last week Julia mentioned an ‘abrupt’ ending to something, but I wouldn’t have guessed the podcast. I’m so excited to see what this opens up for you, and what is next.

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