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Gift Guides!

Gift Guide for the Kids!

November 30, 2015

It's gift guide day and we'll be posting one every hour in the morning. Each year, we like to jot down gift ideas over the course of many months that we honestly love or have been a hit in the past and share them right here as our tried and true gift guide. Also, since it is Cyber Monday, many of these items are a fraction of what they are other days. First up--gifts for kids!

Gift Guide for the Kids!1. Pie Face, the game. We got this game a few months ago, and Greta could have invented it. So many laughs for the whole family. Here's a little video I captured of it in action:

Gift Guide for the Kids!2. A Piggy Bank! Teaching kids the value of saving at any age has been something we strive for. Greta loves adding coins to her piggy bank. This one has a rubber stopper at the bottom, so you can count it (or spend it!) at any time, too.

Gift Guide for the Kids!

3. A Cutesy Chair Just Their Size. For their room, the playroom or living room, kids love something to sit in that's just for them. These sweet chairs can be monogrammed and come in a few different excellently designed animals--this Panda is on Faye's list!

Gift Guide for the Kids!

4. Mix It Up, The Stinky Cheese Man and other Fairly Stupid Tales (I just found my copy from when I was little!), and The Book With No Pictures are classics at our home. We love giving the girls a few books for gifts and if you don't have these, these are must-haves.

Gift Guide for the Kids!5. VTech Kidizoom Action Cam. Perfect gift for the budding videographer or maybe you just want to give your phone a rest! This video camera is a lot like a Go-Pro for kids (except a whole lot cheaper!). It can go under water, on bikes, can take stills or video and is rechargeable and meant for kids--so pretty tough to break, too. Can't wait to see what the little ones capture.

Gift Guide for the Kids!

6. Melissa & Doug 10 Piece Magnetic Fishing Game. This simple magnetic fishing game kept Greta busy for a good year and then some--she lovvveeeddd it. I'm wrapping it up for Faye this Christmas. It teaches great motor skills, too!

Gift Guide for the Kids!

 7. Ski Skooter. This is really like a snowboarder for beginners, except you don't need any of the shoes or gear required for snowboarding, apparently this even works on grass.Gift Guide for the Kids!8. Trampoline. Two years ago, we got Greta this exact Trampoline for Christmas. It's still in our basement. It still gets used every day! By both girls now. :) It's smaller than a normal trampoline, with an 8 foot diameter, but the really trick is this one is only 6.5' tall which means it is perfect for indoors! I know not everyone has room for a trampoline in their house, but if you do, we couldn't imagine our days (especially long, cold winter days!) without it anymore.

Gift Guide for the Kids!

9. The Very Hungry Caterpillar Nesting Blocks.  The most beautiful, colorful blocks that tell the familiar story, but also teach letters, numbers and shapes! Already wrapped for Faye-Faye.

Gift Guide for the Kids!

10. Artist's Surplus Jar. We recently got this for the playroom and I can't sing its praises enough. It's all the tools you need to really get imaginations going. We are still discovering new, fun supplies during our daily craft time.

More gifts for kids right here and find all of our other gift guides right here!

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  1. So when I first heard that you had a full sized trampoline in your basement, I thought you were crazy, but the more I thought about it, the more it makes sense- especially for us families with snowy cold winters where you can't get outside. I brought the idea up with my husband today, and with a new baby on the way in a couple of weeks, having something for our daughter to expend energy on that is home and doesn't require going out sounded like a good idea. So... we bought a trampoline too:) Thanks for the link! I appreciate it- here's hoping it is as popular here as it is at your house!

  2. OMG Pie Face!!! I love this. Have been searching for something for my godson for a while and this fits the no noise rules from his parents but will still cause so much laughter. Great list!

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