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Greta's Birthday: What we Gifted Our Two-year Old.

February 13, 2012
Greta is two today!  Part of our date night this past weekend was to get a gift for our little Greta girl.  We got to Ikea 5 minutes before it closed, but we knew exactly what we wanted to get her--this swing for her room:  

It was the fastest Ikea run in my history, and hanging up the swing was almost as fast.  The one thing that slowed us down was not picking up the brackets that are supposed to attach to the ceiling beams.  Ikea is 45 minutes away and Home Depot is only 10, so we decided to head there to see what we could find.

These large industrial hooks were 79 cents a piece and we screwed them right into the ceiling beam.  Chris pulled down with all his body weight and they didn't budge--success.

The instructions for the swing said to leave a width of 10 cm (4 inches) between the hooks.  We eyeballed it.

As she gets older and taller, we can easily adjust the height, but for now it is pretty low so she can climb up and "read" a book all by herself.

As for us, we are adjusting to life with a two year old.  We are learning they don't call them "the terrible twos" for nothing.  The tantrums are in full swing, but what is even more terrible (and wonderful at the same time) is knowing my baby is now a little girl.  When did her skin lose that baby softness?  When did the rolls on her thighs disappear?  She is getting too heavy for me prop her on my hip and carry with one arm. Her hair is thickening.  She is taller than most 3 year olds.  She wants to sit at the table now and eat with a real fork.  Her imagination now allows her to mother her baby doll--high-pitched voice and all.  She is so independent.  She is definitely not a baby anymore.

Greta, my two year old, this year you are going to grow up even more and as much as we will miss the "baby Greta" terribly, you have nothing but wonderful things in store for you.  Let's just try to keep the public tantrums to a minimum this year and I promise to keep the freezer stocked with blueberries.

Happy Birthday, Greta the great. 
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  1. What a fun gift! I bet Greta loves it. :) Happy birthday to your little one and welcome to the terrible twos. ;)

  2. Very fun idea for your little one! :) They grow too fast don't they? I have a 17 month old and it won't be long until he hits those 2s. Hope she enjoyed it!

  3. I teared up reading this and looking at her pictures. I love her dearly and last night I was telling Rory I wish I could just go give her a present and watch her open it. I miss her so much. And I know she's turning into a little girl. She's growing up even faster for me since I see her maybe twice a year. For now, I think I'll go watch all the videos from her first birthday and blow kisses at the screen. You're an incredible mom Jules, love you

  4. Happy birthday, Greta-girl!!!

    I can't believe how big she is! I want to see her in person. And play with her! I think she and I would get along great. I have the emotional maturity of a 5-year-old, so it works.

    I love the swing. I love the fur ON the swing. And I love her dress. What a great gift! Good yob!

  5. what a great gift idea!! max would seriously love one of those in his room. greta is such a cutie--time flies with little ones!

  6. What a FUN gift!!!! I want a swing like that in my house!!! Greta, you are such a sweetie. I love your bob. I love your dress. I love your puppy. I love your incredible excitement for everything. You are the best! We love you so much!!!

  7. I want one! Seriously, what a great gift. Looks like she loves it too. I think one of these would go nicely in MY room. :) Also, she might not be a baby in age, but you can always refer to her that way (keep it to yourself...NOT in front of her friends OR her dates...yes, she WILL date someday - sooner than you think, actually). Alyssa's still my baby and now that she's 20, she even likes that I call her that - sometimes. Happy birthday, Greta, sweetie! :)

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