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Guilt-free Shopping? MMkay.

July 26, 2011
I love free money.  It gets me out of the house and onto one of my favorite activities: treasure hunting.  Yesterday, Pier 1 was doing a little promoting and giving all of their facebook fans $10 off a $10 (or more) purchase.  I sprung on that and set a few ground rules for myself.  Mainly--I was only going to spend $10...errr nothing.  Period.  Since there was nothing I was waiting to get from Pier 1, I wasn't going to go there and spend $40, just to get $10 off and only spend $30.   Although, that is a good deal if you had your eye on something, I tried my luck at finding what I could get for ten bucks or less.  I succeeded.  And just in case you want to run to the store and take advantage of free money, here's some ideas of what you could get for free:
They had an array of placemats on sale for an additional 20% off.  This one was $3.00 before the markdown and incorporated lots of colors found in our home.  I loved the idea of getting a few of these to add a splash of color to our table when guests come over. 

If candles are your thing, now is the time to stock up.  At only $1 each, you could walk away with an armful.

These large sponges would be perfect in a basket in the guest bath.  At under $3 a piece, you could grab a couple and mix them with the candles above and still be under $10.

These fake pears are the most realistic I have seen.  Ever. Greta even got a little excited when I picked them up.  The whole bag was $10.  Right on the money.  I could see them all piled together in a glass jar, sitting on open shelving in the kitchen.  Yes, I can picture it well.

This punchy red milk glass vase caught my eye.  Although, I think it was the price tag I saw first.  Pretty by itself, or with some simple flowers.  The frame on the right was also $10 exactly.  I remember it was really heavy and solid-feeling and would be a great little piece on a nightstand with a picture or a a little artwork in it. Gah!  I wanted it all.

These measuring cups (also $10) were not only colored green, but are made of all natural materials.  But considering we already have 2 sets of measuring cups--I put them down.  Sllooowwwlly.

These candles were incredible and I was shocked they were way under $10.  Just $7.48 for the mosaic one on the left and the ones on the right were barely over $6.  No one will believe that you got them for so cheap, let alone free.

So what did I walk away with?  Knobs.  Knobs! I absolutely fell for these little wood/ceramic guys on the right.  They were $5 each and I loved the idea of using them in one of our bathrooms.  I picked up two and got excited when I paid nothing and then got excited again for a half bath reno in my future.  As for the tiered basket on the left, I can't get it out of my mind. It is priced at $12, but Chris said that $2 for the knobs and basket is a steal....even if it does break my rule of spending nothing.  He said he would be happy to print out a certificate for himself and bring me home my basket.  *Crossing my fingers it will still be there* I can't decide if I want to fill it with fruit in the kitchen or rolled towels and soap in the bathroom.  Or maybe if you had lots of jewelry, it could be perfect for that too...I am just not one of those girls.  Anway, I'll let you know where it lands--because I overshare like that. 
There's my what-you-can-get-for-free wrap-up.  The coupon expires 7/27 (that's tomorrow).  So, if you have a Pier 1 close by, why not go for a little treasure hunt and grab yourself a gift? Guilt free.
Just click on this image and print.  Can't wait to hear what you got!
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  1. Shopping is more popular in recent year especially for women. Women want to do more and more shopping and look different to others. Today, online shopping is also so popular and most of the people like it. There is easier not to struggle for any conveyance. But its procedure of getting goods is very complex and more things which required for this purpose like as bank account or credit card number and if not this things then has a PayPal account. The usage of internet is so popular and people like to online shopping without any problem.

  2. F-U-N!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could get seriously lost for HOURS in a store like that. Someday, my whole house will be furnished in Pier 1, Crate & Barrel, and Pottery Barn. Well, prob not PB because of how outrageous they price things, but still, maybe a few items :-)

  3. Did someone say pears?!

    I am SO good at spending free money, I always wish I could make a living out of it. You should see me with a gift card.

    (Rich uncles used to get me gift cards in middle school for christmas and birthdays and I thought it was terribly impersonal. I am an interesting person with lots of well-known interests, I'm not THAT picky you need to get me a gift card. As an adult, I have come to cherish them... as it turns out I'm the only one with my taste, ha!)

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