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How to make tabs for your blog

June 11, 2011

Big shout-out, first and foremost, to Patty-Patty (my sis) for giving me the 30 second tutorial on how to make tabs for your blog.  And I know--well, I think--I am one of the last people to figure it out, but just in case I am not the very last and you have been Googling for days "how to make tabs for you blog" with zero satisfactory, know that I've been there and now I am coming to your rescue.

These are the basics.  I am not about to pay someone to design my blog (which I hear is pretty common), so if you are a DIYer like me, you can do this.  And if you're not, you can do this and call yourself a DIYer.  Win. Win. (Win...for all you fellow Office fans)

1.)Make sure you are logged in and then click on "New Post."

2.)You will see your typical blank post and in the upper left hand corner, you'll see that the "Posting" tab is selected. Under it, there are three options: "New post" (which will be highlighted) "Edit Post" and "Edit Pages." Click on "Edit Pages."

3.) Each "New Page" is a tab. Ta-da!! You can title them whatever you want and adding content is exactly like writing a post. Easy, huh?!  One thing that is different about tabs, is that they are automatically set to not allow comments.  If you would like to have a particular tab's comments enabled, just scroll down to where it says "Post Options" right above the orange "Publish Post" button.   Under "Reader Comments" select "allow."

4.) If you click on the "Design" tab at the top (in the same row as the "Posting" tab you were just on), you can edit your pages, by clicking the blue "edit" in the tan box marked "pages." You can change the order, or select ones that you would rather not show. For instance, I chose not to display "Home" (that one is the only tab that automatically shows up) because clicking on the blog header brings you to the home page anyway.

5.) If you want to customize the font and color, just go into "Template Designer" ----> Advanced----> Tabs Text/Tabs background.

6.) To center your tabs under your header, scroll down farther in the "Advanced" template designer until you reach the very last option, "Add CSS."  Copy and paste in the white box:
#PageList1 {
position: relative;
left: 30px;
(to adjust it, just play with the number 30, and watch your tabs move left or right until it is just right.  I think a smaller number will scooch it to the left and a larger number will move it to the right.  Atleast that was true for me.)
I really hope this helps someone.  Currently, I am still getting all of the information in my tabs, but it has been a nice addition to our blog and I am happy to update them over a couple days weeks.  Feel free to ask any questions you have.  Although I am not very computer/blog/tab savvy--I will do my best to answer them.  Especially if it is a "does this look okay?" question.  Those are my favs. 
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  1. I was hoping that by adding the pages it would have linked my blogs. Like for instance I have a page entitled "Yummy" for all my food blogs. But when you click on Yummy nothing is there but a spot to add comments. Is there a way for the blogs I have "tags" on to show up under those pages?

  2. Hmm. Are you trying to add a post to one of your pages specifically? It seems to me that each page (or tab) is the equivalent of one post. You can add to it. You can link from it, but I am not sure there is a basic way to add multiple different posts to one page. Let me know what you are trying to do specifically and I'll see if we can figure it out together.

  3. Hi, this was so helpful! I was able to add a new page to my blog. Can you tell me how to post to those pages??? I want to keep my blog organized. I know you said adding content to the pages is as easy as posting but i dont know how?

  4. Ah, this is so awesomely simple! I'm currently trying to do a re-do of my blog (most of it being in Photoshop right now - who knows when it'll actually get applied!) and this helps SO much. Thank you thank you thank you! :)

  5. Patty is a genius. And bless your heart for sharing. I'm starting a recipe blog and really, really needed to figure out tabs. I'm so glad you took the time to put it up here. The Bradley girls rock.

  6. I refuse to pay someone to design my blog too! I've been googling EVERYTHING to figure out stuff-- HTML code freaks me out, but I'm learning!! :)

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