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How To Make Your Sliding Patio Door Open Easier

June 28, 2013
This post is sponsored by Procter & Gamble and Lowe’sThis summer, Lowe’s wants you to Go Outside and Shine! When going to Lowe’s to pick up flowers and citronella candles, you can also purchase all your favorite P&G products, too.
The good folks from Procter & Gamble and Lowe's sent me a few of their outdoor cleaning supplies to try out (along with several other bloggers--I am sure you noticed) and after I stared at the Magic Eraser outdoor pro container for a good 3 minutes convincing myself they put the sticker upside down (lid on the bottom?) I got to work.
I didn't clean my grill--I cleaned something much more gross.  Something in need of major attention.  When I was at my parents' last weekend, their sliding patio door opened and shut so easily it made me jealous. Ours is difficult to open--not smooth at all.  Replacing our patio doors is a bonus on our list for outdoor upgrades this summer, but in case we don't get to it--I was determined to make the most of the one we have. Which, I mean, definitely needed attention.  No wonder opening the door is met with such resistance, check out that build-up!:
First, I vacuumed any loose debris and leaves, then I sprayed the track with Mr. Clean Outdoor Pro.  It bubbled, which gave me the extra boost I needed to feel like it was working. The first round, I just sprayed and wiped, sprayed and wiped--and it always left a bit of debris caked on.  And then I decided to let it sit for about five minutes before I wiped it off, and that seemed like the ticket.
It wiped completely clean! The door is significantly easier to open now. Imagine that.
Of course, I couldn't stop there.  The frame around the patio door looks dirty, but in the past when I tried wiping it--it seemed more like it was stained (like our windowsill).  Just for kicks I scrubbed a small section with the outdoor pro magic erasers and after a little elbow grease, the frame started to look new! Check out the untouched top against the bottom, cleaned with the magic eraser.
And then, THEN! I remembered that Greta had drew on the side of the house with crayon (#gretaaaaaaa!) and surely, if the outdoor magic eraser could renew the frame around my patio doors, it could help me out with this crayon that I scowled at every day for 3 weeks.
Piece of cake.  So now you know if your kid draws on your house, or you seriously neglect the track of your patio doors--these buggars are magic in undoing all that.
Thanks to P&G and Lowe's for sponsoring this cleaning spree and thank you for supporting our sponsors.
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  1. This type of dirtiness always arises with glass doors. On the other hand if you choose vinyl patio doors then there is close to nothing sort of dirt on them. Personally having the experience of vinyl patio doors Brampton, I feel there might be no need any magic erasers or Bon Ami.

  2. The Magic Erasers are a Godsend! My daughter wrote on my brand new kitchen drawer last week with a pen that stated "ink not water soluble" so I was horrified! After trying nail polish remover, soap and water and "good old elbow grease" all to no avail, I remembered my Mum had given me a Magic Eraser the week before so gave that a shot and it came off easier than I could ever have imagined! I was astounded!! Wouldn't be without it now.

  3. I bought my first pack of Magic Erasers about a month ago. No longer have to touch up scuff marks on walls with paint! I had no idea about the outdoor products, that's awesome! And our door looks like yours did and it sickens me, I am absolutely getting these products and getting that door track sparkling. We have doggy prints on our siding, not crayon....but I have a feeling that will be sparkling again soon as well! Thanks!

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