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Let's Talk About Appliances!

August 12, 2015

Appliances are probably the most important part of the entire kitchen, but especially to Chris. He is a serious at-home cook who not only enjoys making meals every night for our family, but we invite people over a couple times a week, as well. There were only a few particular items on his must-have appliance list: 1. More than one oven. 2. A large cooktop, greater than 36". 3. An all-refrigerator (with a separate freezer in the pantry) to maximize space for fresh foods.

Initially, Chris had eyes only for the Viking/Wolf brands. That's what he really wanted. We even included a 48" Viking range and all-refrigerator in our initial kitchen mood board, but we could never really get used to the price. The range and fridge together were close to what we had planned on spending for our entire remodel! Soon after we posted that mood board, we actually got an email from the nice people at Viking. They thanked us for including them in our kitchen plans and offered us VIP pricing on the appliances. It was a generous amount, but we still weren't sure if we could make it happen financially. We started looking for other options.

I started looking around for an all-refrigerator since those seemed harder to find outside of the Viking/Subzero brands. I went through nearly every brand when I stumbled upon Frigidaire's professional line. They had an all refrigerator with a built-in trim kit option! It looked good and professional--the handle was nearly identical to Viking's! Even better, it was the right height to fit into the Ikea cabinets we had planned, while the Viking one was a little too tall and would require some special carpentry on our part.


I showed Chris and he was completely on board with it, especially after I showed him the trim kit option and the price. Knowing we liked the look of their professional fridge, I poked around the other appliances in the line hoping I'd find a 48" range. Well, I had no such luck. But, I did really like the look of their professional 30" gas range.


The squared off edges, front dials, and long industrial handles--it was designed very well. And that's where I got a crazy idea; Could we put two of these together? With the grates on top going all the way to the edges and the extremely squared edges, could it look seamless? Would we need to leave a gap between them? Has this ever been done? Is this even allowed? Chris loved the idea, but wanted to make sure it was possible first.


I started a google image search and couldn't find any good examples of two 30" ranges side by side, but I couldn't get the idea out of my head. I thought I'd contact Frigidaire to see if this was possible according to the appliance's regulations, also I wanted to see if they would be willing to offer any VIP pricing since Viking was so willing. #shameless

A few days later I got an email back saying that they'd love to have a conference call with me, their master contractor and their head of marketing the next day. I jumped on the call and they had all good news for me. We could absolutely put two of their gas ranges right smack up against each other. There needs to be an 1/8" gap between cabinetry, but other than that--we could go for it. The contractor gave us a lot of good pointers on exactly where the gas lines need to be run and good range hood options. They were actually really excited about the idea and asked what else we had in mind. After discussing with them a few more details on our kitchen plan, and them sharing more information about their Professional line, our visions were very much in sync.

So, full disclosure time. We've partnered with Frigidaire and they've been generous enough to supply all of the appliances for the kitchen, and even want to work with Chris a little on some food posts for their site. They've honestly been a dream to work with and their team is so on the ball, but I hope all our readers understand that, even without the partnership in place, Frigidaire was our choice. The design, the function, and the price points - it all fell within our original budget and we couldn't be more excited to not only show you how they look in the finished kitchen, but for Chris to cook some great food to share with all of you using the appliances, as well.

Frigidaire-Professional-AppliancesWe'll be using the entire Frigidaire Professional line, except our range hood insert comes from Electrolux, their sister brand. I don't share the total dollar amount of items we're receiving lightly or to brag or anything like that--it actually makes me terribly uneasy. I share it because all of the appliances for our kitchen together cost less than one 60" Viking range. And that's how I know we landed in the right place. We are designing a home cook's kitchen and Frigidaire's Professional line is a great way to do that for, literally, 1/4 of the price of the other "high end" brands.

Our appliances are scheduled to be installed the week of the 24th--2 weeks! And we can't wait to see them in person, especially those side by side ranges in action. C'mon! Is that the craziest idea you've ever heard of?

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  1. Thanks so much for this post! I can't visualize very well, and wondered how this would look. Never considered Frigidaire before and will definitely be checking out this pro line.

  2. Literally found this post because I had the same crazy idea and was googling the same thing! So, now that you have lived with it, how do you like your decision?

  3. Literally found this post because I had the same crazy idea and was googling the same thing! So, now that you have lived with it, how do you like your decision?

  4. I've got say your post made my dream kitchen possible! I looks great I'm doing the exactly the same thing, buying two ranges!
    Thank you =)

  5. What did you do for the cabinet above the refrigerator? Is it 33" wide? Looks like that refrigerator is 32" wide but Ikea only sells a 30 or 36" refrigerator cabinet.

  6. Hi Julia!
    We are doing the exact same set up with the ranges. Did they say anything about a retractable/pop up fan option (like if putting the ranges into the island)? If not, is there anyone I could contact to ask about this? Thank you! We are using the all fridge/all freezer and adding 2 of the dishwashers- 1 on either side of the sink. I saw them in person and fell in love!

  7. I adore your blog and all you do! I hope Frigidaire stands behind their products for you. We bought a refrigerator. It never worked properly and after fighting with them for six months (and living with a cooler for a refrigerator) we gave up and bought another brand.

  8. I've done this already--albeit not with Frigidaire. My contractor wrapped a two-inch piece of bridging metal in between the two ranges in stainless sheeting--the same sheeting that went up as backsplash-- and I made it look like one (rather large) unit instead of two pieced together. He also wrapped the base/toe kick in the same stuff. Ten years later and in a new house and I'm still sticking with the same contractor; he's a genius and can figure anything out. We're about to rip this kitchen apart....

  9. I know there's been some concern with the gap in between the two stoves. Would it be possible to attach/lay something (a piece of steel?) over the gap to prevent debris getting in that crevice? I'm thinking it would lay flat on top, but be a T shape, so it didn't shift around.

  10. I think this is the best possible way to do a sponsored post. It's part of an overall project you wanted to do anyway. It's not a forced event that you have to figure out how to tangentially relate to your regular content. And it's far, far more relatable for most readers. The line you're going with probably represents a stretch for a lot of home budgets, but it's a realistic stretch - a $4k fridge, while pretty, seems wasteful to me. The one you chose is more reasonable.

    We just bought a frigidaire range and I'm really happy with it. Unfortunately, we returned the Gallery line fridge for another brand because it was like Elsa had moved into the freezer. Actual icicles formed. I guess I failed to do my homework because MANY online reviews featured the same problem. Something to watch for with yours. Hopefully not as many problems in the full freezer model.

  11. Awesome, awesome. Totally agree with the other readers- this is such a great way to do sponsorships. I imagine it's also awesome when contacted by a company out of the blue, but for such a huge part of this kitchen, I'm glad you and Chris picked what you wanted first- especially given that he loves to cook so much and it's such a huge part of your lives. Adds an air of legitimacy to them as well. All in all, congrats on this major budget break!

  12. I am SO glad you are going through a kitchen remodel now! We are moving into our first home Friday, and it is in desperate needs of updating.... The kitchen is PINK. We love the look of professional appliances, but not the price tag. Also, who knew you could get an All-Fridge? That's amazing!!! Definitely will be looking into Frigidaire for our appliances! We can't wait to start journalling our experiences!

    Looking forward to the progress posts!

  13. I love the idea of two ranges side by side, genius! I'd love to have a separate fridge and freezer. How awesome you'll be able to get what you wanted and be able to save some money toward other projects. I did notice you're doing a double sink. We just replaced ours out for a super large single bowl and I love it. It's perfect to be able to soak whole cookie sheets, roasters and baking dishes and still have room to spare, and I absolutely do not miss not having a second bowl. I always wonder why people make the decisions they do and was wondering what made you decide to go with a double vs single. I can't wait to see your progress!

  14. It's lovely to hear how this partnership unfolded :). It sounds as though both brands would have suited you well, but the Fridgeaire option is a comparatively humble option and probably more within the reach of the average keen home cook. Thanks for being so honest about the whole process, especially as there are the inevitable individuals who will use that honesty as a basis for their criticism. I'm so excited to watch your renovation progress!

  15. This is a great post! We were just drooling over the Frigidaire Professional line this past weekend. How does using the stand-up freezer (as opposed to the chest freezer) affect the space in your pantry? I am so excited to see this come together!

    1. It actually gives us more shelving space in the end. We couldn't really put shelves directly above a chest freezer because it has to open, but this stand up freezer takes up a much smaller footprint on the floor so we're gaining shelf space. Also, if you check out Monday's post, you can see we put the hookup and outlet for the freezer on the back wall immediately when you walk into the pantry, so it will be accessed easily. Worked out great!

      1. What a match made in heaven!! I was curious about the now stand-up freezer too; how cool that this design change now equals more shelving space! Double win.

  16. I'm so excited for you!! Your kitchen is going to be amazing. I'm so looking forward to seeing the final reveal! :-)

  17. Just joining the general chorus to say, I think this is sponsorship done right. There's a lot of hullaballoo on this question in the blog world these days. But this is a good fit. Especially since you guys legitimately do cook on a level to warrant commercial-style appliances and it isn't just flash. I'm stoked that this has worked out for you and so excited to see the kitchen come together!

  18. Wow, that is absolutely amazing! I can't wait to see the kitchen in action and I'm having some serious appliance envy. Thank you for being so open and honest with us all the time - it is truly refreshing.

  19. OH! I am soo excited for you both! That is completely amazing! I feel very proud of the 2 of you -- your hard work over the years on the blog has been rewarded with this amazing sponsor! I can't talk about the professional line, but I have had Fridgidaire appliances (a gas stove, also) for over 9 years -- and I LOVE em!!
    I can't wait to see it all working -- and hear about all the yummy new recipes that Chris will be trying out! :-)

  20. Good for you guys! A lot of bloggers have been getting a lot of flack for sponsored posts, but those partnerships are often what enables all of you to carry out the projects that we love reading about... while we are stuck in offices only dreaming of working creatively, for ourselves, with our own rules. Some people get sales bonuses, some people get refrigerators :) They're beautiful. Can't wait to see how the kitchen turns out - I absolutely LOVE your style (and Chris's food)!

    1. This is spot on. I get two annual bonuses based on my performance at work. Why shouldn't you get something similar? Granted, my bonuses don't *quite* add up to $12k. But mine plus my husband's...pretty close. Plus, my employer just pays it, I don't have to work up the courage to go ask for it twice a year. So there's a moxie factor involved, too.

  21. Julie, I'm so excited about this new kitchen for Chris and the whole family.

    I love the transparency of this post and I didn't walk away thinking you chose these products because you got a great discount. Also, as I start planning my own kitchen renovation, I'm excited about this post as I love the look of Viking/Subzero but it never made sense for my house (I would NEVER get that money back). Now I am excited to look into Frigidaire’s professional line especially as we are also looking at IKEA cabinets .

  22. I love the idea that the entire set of appliances is cheaper than the Viking range-hello great value! (This is exactly what sponsored blogs should be like-SHOWING a different alternative to give readers value but still the same general aesthetic/look they are wanting.)

    Curious to find out what you are thinking for in-between the two stoves-Are you planning on having something to block crumbs/grease/etc or are you just planning on cleaning between them often?

    1. We'll have to see how close we can get them to each other and cross that bridge when we get them in the house. The manufacturer said we can put them touching, so hopefully there won't be any crumbs!

  23. Isn't that line crazy beautiful and such a good deal?? I also personally love the no smudge stainless...I never wanted stainless again until I saw that! So excited for you guys and what a genius idea with the double ranges!

    1. Thanks Gwen! And yes! I didn't even mention the no smudge stainless. We actually just checked it out in store and it isn't that fake stainless look, it really is stainless that doesn't smudge. Is this real life?!

  24. So what you're saying is you put out the bait for Viking to bite, and when they responded with not quite enough free swag you decided to dis them on your site.

    1. Did I dis Viking? They were so nice! I even mentioned that in the post. Their appliances were always a pipe dream and served more as inspiration. We appreciated their offer, just couldn't swing it.

    2. Wow. Just because Viking made an offer, does not mean in any way that they are obligated to accept it. It's their kitchen, their decision. Jeez....................

    3. I kind of knew from the very first mood board that they'd be scouting out to Viking for free stuff.

      I find myself really wanting to like the blog but every time you start a reno project it's like, "oh jeez let's see what they try to get for free this time."

    4. Excuse me for butting in but....She did not dis Viking, she said they were nice and that they simply could not afford it. Maybe you should re-read the paragraph. This is an honest price comparison and Get it for Less Post.

  25. LOVE this! I love the appliances, your fantastic idea of combining two 30" ranges, and I love the transparency in this post! Thank you for walking us through the whole process. And congrats on reaping the harvest of all the hard work you've put into this blog!

  26. Ooh idea! You could get the stainless steel sheet thst people sometimes use for backslash and put one continuous

    1. ... continuous 60 inches wide piece behind the two appliances, peaking out just a little, like maybe only an inch - but below the backsplash you are planning.

      1. Ooooo better idea - buy a stainless steel 60in shelf that doesn't have the brackets attached so you can just use the long piece and figure out a way to attach it upright to the back of the appliance so that you have the right thickness of the actual 60 inch range, continuous piece, etc. The thin flashing or whatever might look weird or too faux- but screwing in a shelf (if that's possible) would give you the right 1/2 inch lip on at least the 3 sides that show - you'll get the identical look of it being one of the 60 inch ranges and it can sit in front of the backsplash the way the real 60inch ranges do. This way the only place you'd be able to recognize that it's not a 60inch wide range is on the base (which is obviously mostly hidden and covered by the island anyway).

        Definitely go check out the back of the viking in a showroom and figure out what kind of shelf dimensions you would need and how it attaches. The exact dimensions of that piece might exist online already or be really easy to modify. Even if you needed a custom shelf made for a couple hundred dollars that's well worth the look of replicating the 13K version.

      2. You probably wouldn't need to attach it to the range itself if it was the right dimensions and shallow on an underside - you could hang it off of hidden screws off the back wall so that it hovers 'just so' above the appliance itself.

        Okay and I'll stop now.

  27. What a great idea! I have my heart set on a 60 inch range in our next home and I never thought to use two 30 in ranges! I have heard nice things about Frigidaire, as well as KitchenAid professional lines, so I will bookmark this idea for our next home. Also, kudos to you for getting a deal! You blogged for a long time with probably little to no income generated, why not recompense some of that with gratis appliances? Thanks for sharing it with us and being so honest. Can't wait to see how the kitchen turns out! We have a Sektion kitchen recently installed so I just went through all the same stuff as you- totally get it!

  28. This is amazing! I also totally appreciate the full disclosure of your sponsored perks and receiving $13000 worth of appliances. Given the fact that your blog is both home renos and cooking, I think it would only make sense that you would get free appliances down the line! I'm so excited to see how your kitchen comes together!

  29. I'm really happy for you! Don't have work hard on your blog and only talk about products and sponsors you believe in, so well done! We also look to Frigidaire for most of our appliances and have them ear-marked for our future kitchen remodel as well. I love seeing all this come together!

  30. Your idea is genius. I am not surprised Frigidaire wanted to collaborate on this. Professional lines are often overlooked for residential projects so this is a dream for them to show how well the products can work in a home. I am so excited to see this come together!

  31. This is exactly how I like to see sponsored posts done – you came on this course naturally, found what you wanted, and then went to see if your hard work over the course of your blog could pay off and get you a discount! No shame in that at all. Also amazing that Viking reached out to you for VIP pricing even if you didn’t end up taking advantage of it! Between you guys and Making it Lovely with the recent sponsorship posts, I seriously can’t believe what some people say in the comments. I know some people want to see something that they can afford, but the fact is that it’s YOUR home and you should always do what works best for you. We come to your sites to see your style and spin on design, and when it’s something like this that you decided what you wanted and then went to see if you could get some help – I think anyone in your shoes would do the exact same thing. So excited for you guys and can’t wait to see the finished product!

    1. I 100% agree with this. Congratulations on being in a place where you can partner with a brand that you would want in your home anyway. I say lucky you and a great pay off for all the work you put in to making your home a place you enjoy and that we enjoy also! We're lucky to have people like you who open up your homes and thoughts and processes to us so we can learn!

      1. I completely agree with this. This is how sponsors should be - you guys are serious about kitchen design already, and you really shine in the kitchen design/cooking posts. A good sponsor like this is natural and a great match for both you and the company. So happy for you and looking forward to seeing everything come together!

  32. I'm am *Over the Moon* excited for you and Chris. What a blessing to have a great partnership with Frigidaire. Can't wait to see how the rest of the kitchen comes together. I began following your blog during your last kitchen's remodel, as I was remodeling my own. This is like a stroll down memory lane with exciting new surprises around every corner.

    As an Interior Designer, I am so happy to learn about Frigidaire's professional line. For the longest time, homeowner have struggled with the professional and high end look of Viking/Subzero but they often times blow the budget. This is a great alternative to offer my clients without sacrificing the professional aesthetic.

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