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Chris Cooks

Mango Salsa That Isn't Like Eating a Fruit Salad

June 21, 2013

The first time you hear a song on the radio, you dig it. You want to hear it again. Every time the song comes on, you shout "I love this song!" and crank up the volume to fill your passenger-less car with sound. But as time passes, you hear the song more and more, which makes you want to hear it less and less.

That's kinda how my experience with mango salsa went. At first I thought, "Why would anyone ever have just regular salsa after eating this?!?" But then it popped up everywhere and lost its luster a bit. I went through a phase where mango salsa earned a spot in the "meh" column of foods I've eaten. Until I realized that it wasn't the salsa's fault, it was mine! In the same way that a song becomes old because I crank the volume each time it's on the radio, mango salsa became old because I ate it every chance I could. Upon realizing this, I made mango salsa a rarity, and have regained my love for it. Special is only special when it's special. Did that make any sense? Meh well, moving on.

Homemade salsa is ridiculously easy to make, and mango salsa is 1 less degree of easiness, but only because mangoes are a pain. The pit is football shaped and has fibrous tentacles that leach into the yummy parts of the mango. If you're a mango fiend and are always eating them, then you could spend the money on a mango slicer. I personally don't eat mango enough to justify the space that would take up. Maybe some day when I have a larger kitchen and space to spare, but right now I just deal with the inconvenience.

Green Tabasco sauce is the sauce for people who don't like "spicy" food. I don't like eating food that sets my taste buds ablaze. Some people do, which is fine. But I like to fully taste my food, and have my taste buds tingle a little. I've found that, to achieve this level of spice, I use jalapeños that have had the seeds and ribs removed, and green Tabasco sauce (which is made from jalapeños). If you want more spice, leave the ribs. If you want even more, use Serrano chiles.

Chris Loves Julia | Mango salsa
This salsa is great with chips; on top of grilled chicken or fish (the world's favorite application, it seems); or my personal favorite, on a pulled pork panini sandwich with muenster cheese. Whatever you choose, fight the urge to overplay it. Allow yourself to have cravings. Let them go unsatisfied for a little, and the experience will be that much sweeter.

Have a great weekend. :)

Mango Salsa That Isn't Like Eating a Fruit Salad

Recipe by Chris Marcum
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Course: ToppingDifficulty: Easy


Prep time




  • 1 mango, peeled, sliced and diced

  • 2 Roma tomatoes, diced

  • 3 sweet mini bell peppers, stems cut, seeds and ribs removed, chopped

  • 1 jalapeño, stems cut, seeds and ribs removed, chopped

  • 1 lime, juiced

  • 2 T chopped chives (if you don't have chives, use the greenest parts of a green onion - the greener, the less harsh the onion flavor)

  • 1⁄4 cup chopped cilantro (if you hate cilantro, you can use mint or even fresh marjoram works well - if using mint or marjoram, only use 1 tablespoon)

  • 1 t garlic powder

  • 1-2 t green Tabasco sauce

  • salt and pepper to taste


  • Simply mix everything together and let it sit for at least an hour before serving. With fresh salsas, you don't know what the end product is actually going to taste like until it the flavors have had time to mingle. An hour is the least amount of time I'd wait, and preferably you would do it overnight. After you've waited that time, taste the salsa and adjust seasonings accordingly. Some fruit salsas are far too sweet for my taste, so I think you'll enjoy the balance of this one.
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  1. i've been pinning pretty much every recipe you all have shared on the blog. keep up the good work! i can't wait to try them all -- maybe a chrislovesjulia summer feast is in order!

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