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Meet Cricket!

December 15, 2022

Last week, it's safe to say our lives and home improved 100-fold when we brought a puppy into our home. Meet Cricket.

Isn't she the cutest?? She reminds us so much of Willow but definitely has her own look and personality. She's a multi-generational "mini-Bernese," which is to say, both of her parents are also mini Bernese mountain dogs but were bread from Bernese Mountain Dogs and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. A "Mini" Bernese Mountain Dog stands fully grown between 16 to 19 inches tall at the shoulder and weighs between 35 and 55 pounds (both of her parents were under 30 lbs, so we're expecting around there).

But more than all that, she is the sweetest thing. So lovable and kind and smart. She is so social (like the rest of our girls) but also so incredibly mellow. We are completely smitten with her.

We found her with a lovely breeder in Oregon (Lk Mini Bernese) in September, shortly after she was born, and watched her grow these last 13 weeks. At eight weeks, she went to puppy kindergarten (an add-on training that the breeder offered) for four weeks, and it was excruciating to keep the surprise from the girls, but already so worth it! By the time she came home to us, she could sleep through the night, is kennel trained, knows basic commands, is about 80% potty trained, and knows her name.

Speaking of her name--Why Cricket? Little Women has always been a big part of my life--from growing up with all sisters to falling in love with the movie and interiors growing up to having all daughters of my own. It resonates with me. And when we were trying to decide on a name for this sweet little puppy, we couldn't help but feel like she completed our family of little women. So we called her Cricket, after the nickname that Marmee gives Beth.

While we have rescued both of our previous dogs and have had AMAZING experiences with them and truly feel like they found us. We feel the exact same way about Cricket already. This is our first time having a puppy, and I was so nervous going into it. But it's been absolutely what I feel like we needed in our home to feel like home, and I needed it personally. Someone to take care of and to snuggle. A little baby that gives unconditional love all hours of the day. She's so fun and sweet and cuuuttteeeee.

The girls were out. of. their. minds. surprised when they opened a box to see a little puppy inside, and they haven't stopped being little mamas to Cricket. Walking her. Feeding her. Training her. Taking her out back to play. We're so excited to watch her grow and can't wait to share more of her with all of you, too.

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  1. Love the Cricket stories! She is precious!! I just read the post on the newsletter about her #2 on your rugs. Folex is great, but for animal accidents, Bac-Out is my absolute GO TO!! It makes the stains disappear and has a great odor controlling smell. It is particularly helpful for those throw up situations. I get my Bac-Out on Amazon. Lowes or at WalMart!

    1. Julia,

      Happy New Year! Cricket is absolutely adorable!! We got a Corgi puppy last February and I felt the same way about the house training. He would do #1 outside but saved #2 for inside. It was so frustrating when he had every opportunity to take care of business outside. Our vet told us that it really can take a while and to be patient and that one day it will 'just click' with our boy and it did!! At about 8 months old, he finally got it and we've never had another accident again! So, hang in there! And, to the reader who suggested Bac-Out, I'm planning to get a bottle to keep on hand. Appreciate the recommendation!

  2. Usually I am not a fan of designer breeds but this one is genius. You cannot go wrong with a Cocker Spaniel or a Bernese, it's a no fail combo. Honestly I wish we had known about these prior to getting our now six month old BMD, she's the SWEETEST but I do worry about her lifespan and joint issues from being so large. Congratulations, Cricket is so lucky to have such a loving family to call her own!

  3. Another Little Women lover over here, and a puppy lover as well. May Cricket bring you as much love, loyalty and happy memories as Charlie and Willow.

  4. We have an almost two year old cavalier King Charles spaniel named penny and I was truly floored by how calm a puppy she was. That breed is playful and fun but also so wonderfully chill. Sounds like cricket has some of that energy too! Enjoy it all!!

  5. Congrats!! We got a puppy in April 2021 and while I am a cat person through and through and have also had dogs my whole adult life this little lady has my heart...My Cricket bring many many years of joy and love.

  6. I noticed her on your like to know it post and wondered if you had got a doggie. Congrats --she's beautiful. Enjoy!

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