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My Hunt for the Perfect Persian Rug

March 26, 2015

When searching for the perfect rug for the laundry room, I went through hundreds of options and tried to take my time to find one I thought would be perfect for the space--and then ended up with two at my doorstep earlier this week. Ha! This rug will likely be the only real color in the room, besides any art I can squeeze on the walls (you can check out the mood board here), so I wanted it to be interesting. I started searching through vintage Persian rugs on Etsy first. I have learned I am most attracted to rugs with a little bit of navy blue in them--even more if it's the base color. This is probably no surprise considering our living room rug, but I love the freshness and navy adds to even vintage rugs--it adds a modern element, I think. Etsy had a lot of beautiful, but pricey options to be honest. I wasn't looking to spend $400 on a 3x5 rug. And then the heavens opened and I stumbled upon a shop called Oh Comely Vintage and this little rug with a navy background for $140.


It was love at first site. The geometric detailing, the blue and coral. Although the size was a little smaller than I wanted for the laundry room, at 2' x 3'4", it was too pretty to pass up.


After looking through the rest of her perfectly curated shop (and instagram!) I had to exercise great restraint not to add this little curio box or this candle holder. Table runner! Everything is so reasonably priced and beautiful, Oh Comely Vintage quickly became my new Etsy crush. You might be able to tell from the above photo, I ended up laying my new favorite rug in the hall bathroom.


It's just the right size, incredibly soft underfoot and could not tie in the deep navy walls lined with art any better. Of course that put me at square one with the laundry room rug. But for once in my life, Facebook ads actually pulled through. They must have caught on that I was looking at Persian rugs and this one showed up in the sidebar of my feed for $119 from that looked really promising. I remember muttering, There's no way that one with the navy blue base and cool geometric details is $119. I was so sure I was going to be a victim of click bait and end up on a very un-special option--you know? But, it really was. And! It was a 3.5x5!


I ordered it within 10 seconds and the two rugs actually arrived on the same day. It was like Christmas! It fits perfectly in the new laundry space, which is where Charly hangs out a lot of the days (no idea why) and she has really taken to the new rug. I pulled it out to the living room area to get better photos in the light and she came right out and plopped down on it again. Haha!



We have tried dog beds, pillows, blankets and even a large Ikea chaise for her to rest on and this is the first thing she has consistently wanted to lay on. I think the other options were too hot for her, but either way, we're chalking it up to our girl having good taste. ;) Wins all around. I know persian rugs are having a major moment--what are your secrets to finding a good one? Is there something you look for specifically?

Ps. The laundry room makeover we did for our friends is on Wayfair today! You can check it out, and a few other laundry and linen makeovers, right here.

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  1. love the color combos in your rugs! I don't have any red in my home, to the red persian rugs aren't my style, but these!

  2. I am a die hard persian rug lover (probably because my mom is as well, so it's what I knew growing up). They are so classic and are perfect everywhere, in my biased opinion. ;) Seriously, I bought one from ebay specifically for our long, narrow NYC kitchen and I adore that it easily hides the various spills and drops that occur in there. It was so cheap (under $100) because it was a bit worn and not a perfect rectangle, but that just gives it personality and keeps it from feeling too precious to use in a high traffic area.

  3. Looove those rugs! Look so good in the bathroom. I just checked out oh comely vintage and the shop has some great pieces, thanks for sharing that little gem. Funny - our dogs do the same thing with rugs, the second I lay a new rug down they both come and lay on it.

  4. If you don't mind me asking, how do you wash or clean those rugs, especially the bathroom one? They're both gorgeous but seem a little impractical in those locations to me I know a powder room rug won't get as scuzzy as a bath mat, but they still get dirter than normal throw or area rugs (at least in my case).

    1. I don't know. I haven't had that experience. The powder bath doesn't have a tub or anything and the last rug we had in there, never needed anything more than the occasional vacuum. The laundry room rug will probably need some spot cleaning in the future since it is off of the garage entry. But since these rugs are vintage to begin with, it's easy to see how wonderful they wear. The varied colors really help to hide any stains, I imagine, too.

    1. Right now it is in our bathroom. But not sure long term. It was one of those mass-produced cheap-o ones, but I mean---Oh, it's on its way to you. ;)

  5. You have answered my Persian rug dreams! I have been searching for months and months for a Persian/tribal-inspired rug for my kitchen that is affordable, beautiful and fits my non-normal rug size needs! Thank you!!

  6. I have zero skills when it comes to picking the right rug, for any room. I swear I get tired of the color or print so quickly. Persian rugs seem to hold up through the different style changes though. I need to do some searching.

  7. Congrats on finding the perfect rugs for your house! It really pays off to hold off for the perfect addition rather than settling on a so-so option. I can see why Charly likes it so much! She is so cute.

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