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The New (Tentative) Bathroom Layout

January 10, 2018

We are diving into our master bathroom remodel and want to be completely transparent and share all the details as we go for a few reasons; first, a bunch of you have reached out saying that you're tackling a remodel, too, and are looking to us for some guidance. Second, it's actually a very overwhelming project for us and whenever we feel overwhelmed by the scope of a project, it always helps to take it in chunks and check it off as we go. Also it helps to just say we're overwhelmed. Already feel better.

So instead of saying, "In two months, we're going to have our whole bathroom done" which is both exciting and also exhausting. We're saying, "this week we're going to tackle planning!." Or demo. Or tile. Or plumbing, etc. It really helps to break it into smaller chunks, while still having an overall plan in place. DIYing with three little kids, man. Whew!

On that note--the plan. We have flip-flopped, looked at a thousand different bathroom photos for inspiration, measured thrice and are pretty sure we landed on the best layout for our master bathroom.

First, let's show you what we currently are living with and which parts are not ideal. Here's our current layout:

As soon as you enter our bathroom, there's a big tub (that mostly collects dust now that there is a tub in the girls' bathroom), a tiny shower, but perhaps the biggest pain point is the toilet closet. It's across from the single sink vanity (oh my goodness--I can't wait for double sinks!!) and slightly angled but really congests the walkway into our master closet. Which is also filled with weird angles thanks to the toilet closet jutting into it. Can't wait to box that area out and maximize it!

So here's our tentative layout and a few very early before photos.

1. We'd like to move narrow the doorway into the bathroom a little bit, and get rid of the weird angled archway and add a pocket door leading into the master bathroom. After not having a bathroom door for four years, you'd think that I'd be okay without one now--but it's the opposite. Every single day I wish we had one, but especially when we have people come over unexpectedly and I am getting out of the shower and one of our girls has come in to look for me and left our bedroom door open on the way out. (Can you tell this happens a lot!?) And although I am tucked into the bathroom--I still feel super exposed. I can't wait to have a door!

2. We're nixing the tub completely and moving the toilet closet to the immediate right when you walk into the bathroom. It'll be more out of the way.

3. This will make room for a large, glass enclosed steam shower with multiple heads. A luxe shower. Built in bench--the works. We're also going to add a window here to bring some natural light into the room--finally!

4. A 72" double sink vanity will float in between the shower and closet. We've gone back and forth with this decision, from making it wall to wall or floating--but wall to wall meant building a wall into the glass shower surround and every picture I saw of that--I just didn't love it.

Fig. 1. This illustrates that half wall I often see separating vanities from glass enclosed showers. While I am not a fan of that, this layout (down to the hooks between the shower and toilet closet) are pretty closet to our future layout.

Fig. 2. I'd rather have the vanity floating in the center of the space (not necessarily floating on the wall) so that the glass enclosure can extend to the floor.

5. With the toilet closet gone, we'll be able to square off and maximize the master closet. We'll be tackling this as a separate project but since it effects the layout of the bathroom, I wanted to include it here.

6. Finally, a small built-in linen closet for towels and we'd love to find a way to incorporate built-in, concealed laundry baskets there, too!

So now that the layout feels right, we have started to pick finishes--which is probably where a lot of my anxiety is coming from right now. It's so fun but I also want to pick them all. Ha! I am waiting to find that one piece that I have to have and build around that. We hope to get everything ordered this month and then we'll definitely share a mood board with you! Can't wait!

Inspirational image sources 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

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  1. Hello, I just found your blog and love it! Your bathroom is so gorgeous, and has inspired me to finally (gulp) actually take on a master bath remodel. I have a similar layout and have been wondering about the plumbing issue of swapping the toilet to the drain of the shower/bathtub. Was that a large headache or did you have to run new plumbing?

    any help is greatly appreciated!

  2. Hi Julia, great post! This all looks amazing and I’m excited to follow along and see what you end up doing with the space. Your design will make the space so much more practical – well done! Thanks for sharing this awesome article!

  3. LOVE these renovations and super excited for you. I have a few points to think about without going into tons of details b/c it looks as though many have commented with probably great detail already.

    I really would re-think the toilet room/door swing/hallway into main bath area. Smells very well may linger into room/down hall and IF you do keep it there, definitely insulate the wall with sound boards so you don't listen in from bed.

    POCKET DOORS! If possible, they eliminate door swing issues and if installed well and with solid core doors, they are wonderful and last for decades. Cheap, hollow-core doors can easily come off the tracks and be a nightmare.

    Closed storage laundry baskets in bathrooms look pretty but are mostly nasty for moisture and smells. I think a curtain to cover but still allow air flow is much better, or in the closet area....or in the hallway if you want it closed. I just think it is a dangerous and often regrettable decision b/c the reality is just so impractical.

    I think if you moved your door entry into the bathroom to the left, closer to the closet, would make flow much nicer. It makes the toilet area even more private, you walk in to a pretty vanity, and you are closer to the closet if that is where you are headed anyway instead of needing to walk through the entire bath to get there. I realize I sound dramatic, but hurrying to get it all down and not too concerned with how it sounds. I'm a wife to a Veterinarian (dirty clothes, strong smells, 24 hrs/day on call...night time emergencies, etc.) and mother of seven, so I am always trying to simplify and make life flow nicely. I don't want to hear my husband's 1 AM shower on way to ER call nor do I want him to hear me piddle at night. :-) Good luck with all your decisions, and if you stay with all your original ideas, I am sure it will be perfect for your family!

    1. I completely agree with closed laundry space!! It’s very regrettable. It looks pretty. But smells linger and then it’s more work in the long run!!! ????

  4. Hi Julia! This all looks amazing and I’m excited to follow along and see what you end up doing with the space. I’m currently trying to plan a master bathroom/closet reconfiguration myself and wondering what the dimensions of your space are, to the outer walls? Thanks in advance for sharing!


  5. You are geniuses! Your space planning is rocking my world. That's going to be ridiculously more functional. Can't wait to see your end results! I just pinned your inspiration photos - love them!

  6. Not that you need more comments, but here's my $.02. Your overall layout makes the most sense, I think - more than completely swapping sides or crazy things like that. But there are a few tweaks which would maximize function and flow of the space while making use of dead space.

    If you eliminate the double doors to your bedroom, you can square off the entire closet/bathroom space. I would then move your bathroom door to be centered on the vanity when you look in, and I would move the linen closet to be inside the larger closet (instead of being on the wall shared with your bedroom, it'd be on the opposite side of the wall that's to the left of the LC now). Moving the door to the bathroom gives you more room on the right side, so you can hopefully swing the door to the toilet closet inward instead of outward.

    With the extra space in your closet, you can build a double-sided dresser or shoe rack with a bench/chair (to put on shoes) to put in the middle and have a full, floor length mirror (on the wall you see upon entering the closet). This would buy you extra space from not having a shoe rack and bench in your bedroom and justify stealing the space from squaring off the closet/bathroom.

    Regarding the shower, you probably want to have either a sliding glass door or swing the shower door in the opposite direction so you can reach out for towels without getting completely out of the shower. The nice thing about shower doors is that they are much more likely to actually be shut consistently, so you don't have to worry about it constantly being left open and blocking the vanity (which would happen regardless of which way the door opened, really). I would still consider if there's a spot in the shower stall to have a heated towel rack, given where and what type of shower heads you install. The heated rack is so so luxe and even more convenient!

    Otherwise, general comments:
    - get heated flooring
    - install a fogless vanity mirror (even with an enclosed steam shower, with the door so close, steam will still come out when you open the door after a shower)
    - heated towel rack (seriously, try to find a spot for it because it's so nice)
    - curbless shower entry is so nice, and can still work with a fully enclosed steam shower

    I know you've gotten tons of comments and are going to settle on a great solution!

    1. Squaring off the double door entry and reducing to a single door is brilliant. Then by moving the door to the bathroom opposite the vanity they could probably even consider moving the linen closet directly across from the WC.

      1. Moving the bathroom door towards the center of the room would help the congestion, but seems worse for the current bedroom layout. May just be my personal preference, but I’d much rather have a wall opposite the bed than a door, even if it looks into a beautiful space. I’d consider pushing the bathroom door further to the side and moving the toilet closet to a different space, or swapping the bedroom layout.

  7. This bathroom hook saved my marriage:

    Obviously, I'm completely kidding about the marriage stuff, but it's amazing how a good hook can upgrade your daily life. Down with the towel bar. It's impossible to share and always looks messy. We have 2 of these, one right outside the shower for towels, and one in a nook for robes (we're robe people). Be sure the hook has a good U-shape to it otherwise the towels will fall right off.

    Looking so forward to you working your magic!!

  8. I'd really consider moving the door into the bathroom to where the linen closet is mocked up. With the three doors in a row it's going to really become a high traffic area. Other bonuses will be you won't have to walk through the bathroom area to get to the closet (giving it more of a suite feel) and you'll also gain privacy in the WC/Shower area. If that ends up sacrificing the linen closet I'd be totally fine with that.... you'll have some storage around the sink area and also the closet is right there. I understand having a linen closet in a bathroom where you don't have storage nearby, but in this case you do. I'd prefer to keep dirty clothes in the closet anyways.

    I do think it would be nice to eliminate the double doors on the bedroom and square off the room, but that's a big job and I'm not sure is worth the reward. Moving the bathroom door though, I think you'd see the benefits regularly.

    1. Just chiming in to say I think putting the door where the linen closet it would make the space better as well. First of all, the view when the door is open would be to your (I'm sure gorgeous) sinks, not a hallway of doors/toilet closet. Also, with a huge closet and double vanity, I think you'll have sufficient storage without a linen closet. I'm not always a fan of the audience suggestions lol, but I liked this one :).

  9. I commented yesterday but did a poor job sharing., no need to post this one. After looking at Emily Henderson's proposed new MBath (2nd floor) on her blog today the bones where too familiar, I thought it would be helpful in what I failed to express yesterday.
    *Entry similar
    *across from entry, possibly nice place for full length mirror (obviously there would be a wall there in your space)
    *closet fairly the same, maybe with pocket door
    * double vanity roughly same place you are currently planning to place it
    *to the right after turning corner into bathroom, where EH has a second sink, that could be the water closet area.
    * further down that wall on the right, linen closet
    * that leaves the back wall where you are planning the shower, can go the full width of the room with the shower which may allow for a tub after all or Japanese soaking tub???
    Can't wait to see all you do in your space, love your attention to detail.

  10. Hi Julia - so exciting! Can't wait to see it all come together.

    Late to this but I have one simple idea which involves minimum wall-moving and solves a host of problems (and I've always thought double master bedroom doors were cool anyway :).

    I think you have room to square off the bathroom where the linen closet is. Then put the door to the bathroom in that spot, where you now have the linen closet, adding a wall on the right for this door to open onto. This would:

    * take traffic pressure off the high-use corridor of WC/shower
    * give you the daily eye candy of seeing your gorgeous vanity/mirrors first every time you enter
    * give you much quicker, easier access to closet
    * sequester WC and solve its door problem - door can open against shared wall with bedroom (insulate WC as someone else suggested)
    * provide lots if space for towel hooks, etc. on the other side of that new wall you built for bathroom entry door to lie against
    * move the line of sight into the bathroom further away from the bed (I think?)

    And most importantly - speaking of eye candy: I wouldn't flip-flop the WC and shower, as I adore the intersection of the vanity/shower/window in shower and all the light and sparkle that will happen off those surfaces. Putting the WC next to the vanity will kill that. My two cents : )

    Two more things: our hampers are in our closet and it works just fine, away from moisture, etc. And: do a heated floor! We almost did, and I wish we had every winter when our largish master bath gets drafty. Radiant heat is awesome!

    Good luck!

    1. This is the best suggestion!!! I haven't seen any replies to comments about layout so maybe the tentative layout is the final layout afterall? Definitely love these ideas though.

  11. Wow! Looks great! I know you read so many comments on here so you may not get to this one. But my only thought was the swing of the shower door.

    I have lived in houses where shower doors and/or linen closet doors swung opposite to the direction I walked into the room through. And it drove me nuts on a daily basis. I actually had one door flipped because after a while it just felt wrong.

    So I would consider the possibility of switching the shower door direction. Yes, both the toilet room and shower door would swing the same way and it doesn't look as nice on paper BUT when you are heading quickly to either of those locations on a chilly day from your warm bed, you will be happy to use your left hand to quickly open the door just enough to jump in.

    Just creating the path if least resistance. ;)

  12. Won’t the door swinging out of the toilet room be a pain?
    The one in the pic swings in..... do you even need another

  13. So exciting! A minor thing that we didn’t think about when renovating were the towel hooks relative to the shower door - now we have to get completely out of the shower to grab a towel and scurry back into the shower to stay warm and keep from dripping everywhere. If your shower door was hinged on the other side, you could reach out and grab a towel. Does that ruin the aesthetic though?

  14. I’ll echo what everyone else is saying about those doors causing problems (sorry)! One thing I’d suggest thinking about is a pocket door on the toilet room (would obviously require a different layout) and a regular door as the main bathroom door. Reason being that a regular door is alway going to be easier and faster to close than a pocket door, and you’re probably going to want to close off the bathroom more often than you’re going to want to close the toilet room (how many times a day do you quickly pee vs both of you need to spend some quality time in there at the same time ;)?

    I also highly recommend a towel warmer. Make sure it’s big enough for 2 towels!

    And I have to recommend wardrobes in your closet because of how much I loooove ours. . We have a walk through closet in our master (you walk through it to get to the bathroom) that is all wardrobes (built-in PAX). I could totally see a row of wardrobes on either side of your closet (top and bottom of the drawing), no corner wardrobes because those ones are useless, which leaves that back wall open for some amazing wallpaper and some fabulous huge mirror or art. I’m sure Semi Handmade would be thrilled to work with you on some amazing bookmatched wood doors or something. And your clothes would be sealed off from the bathroom moisture, so that wouldn’t be such an issue. Just an idea!

  15. Could you add sliding barn door that goes into the closet which leads into the bathroom? This would give more privacy to the bathroom and guests could only see the closet. Then you can close of the current entrance to the bathroom and you could have a door going out to the water closet instead of going in, since it would be against an empty wall instead of a door. You could then keep everything else in the same place as you have planned. Plus a matching barn door as your pantry one would create a nice feature in your bedroom.

  16. Love this and your blog! I’ve taken inspiration from you for our outdoor space and my toddler’s room so I’m happy you could find inspiration from our home. (Well from amber, really). The top photo is of my bathroom :)

  17. Hi! Love this idea! I think you have rearranged the layout perfectly! I have a question though about the halfwall situation. You said that you could only have the full glass wall with a floating vanity. But why could you not still have it with a vanity that goes to the floor? For instance the picture you showed above with the half wall and the vanity that has legs.. why could you not just switch that up and have a floor to ceiling glass shower wall AND still have the non floating vanity? I hope that makes sense! haha

  18. I'll add my vote to the team advocating for adjusting the bedroom doors. I feel like double doors are unnecessary, and going to a single would give you room to expand the closet and the bathroom just enough to make some of your layout challenges easier to resolve.

    I love the inspiration picture showing the layout of the vanity, shower and toilet. I can't wait to see it come to life for you guys.

  19. Your new layout makes so much more sense. You get two sinks, plus your closet and shower get bigger! No brainer. Can’t wait to see the finished product.

  20. Adding a second comment- we ended up putting hooks in our shower for our towels, they can dry in there with the fan vent and hanging swimsuits or anything wet isn’t an issues of things dripping on. The floor. They don’t get wet where they are placed and are generally warm when the shower is done.

  21. We remodeled our master bath two years ago and hands down the BEST thing we did from a daily function perspective was have our electrician add a drawer for hot tools. Not the Pinterest hack where you put a power strip in the drawer but a properly wired, insulated drawer. GAME. CHANGER. Just a suggestion. :)

  22. This is so exciting! I'm sure whatever you end up with will be great. Don't rush into finalizing the layout -- it's the most important decision.

    I like the suggestion that many people have made about making your bedroom door a single door and straightening the bathroom wall to give you more space. Also, if you plan to hang towel hooks on the wall between the shower and the toilet, you'll have to step all the way out of the shower and close the door to grab your towel -- brrr!

    Also, have you considered computer software like Home Designer/Virtual Architect? It's under $60, very user-friendly, lets you make layout changes quickly and easily, and automatically generates a 3-D rendering of the room! I promise I'm not a commercial, I just use it all the time for our home renovations and since you do this for a living, I really think you'd find the software useful. Good luck, can't wait to see the bathroom -- it will be gorgeous!

  23. Have you thought about closing the wardrobe off from the bathroom completely and entering the wardrobe from the bedroom? That way you won’t have steam or moisture affecting your clothes

    1. This was my thought exactly. If you reduced to a single door into your master, you could add a door (that wall looks long enough for a barnyard door!) into your master closet, closing it off from the bathroom entirely. It would also add more wall space in your bathroom for perhaps a larger linen closet, and allow you to change your clothing while someone’s is using the bathroom.

      1. But I love being able to enter my closet without going through the bedroom. Relocating the bathroom door to the middle where the linen closet is makes more sense to me. Allows easier access to both bathroom and closet. A good exhaust fan in the shower area (I would put one in the WC also) should keep the moisture at bay enough in our climate.

      2. We LOVE having one entry near the middle of our bathroom/closet and having them connected. It is so nice not to have to walk through room to get clothes on/off before/after showering, and it is HEAVENLY not to have one more door to slam. My husband ROCKS, but he is from the loudest family on earth...actually, they all speak quietly and laugh silently, but doors and drawers are slammed, silverware rummaged through and they walk as if they each weigh a thousand pounds. Only do one door for both rooms if at all possible b/c if you move, the next owners marriage may be saved by your thoughtfulness! :-)

    2. how awesome is that idea?! love it!
      I don't have an idea but more of a question: why does the actual toilet has to be behind a second door? I'm from Germany where these extra closets are not very common but I'm in the US a couple times a year and I just don't get it... One lock-able door is enough to be "alone", isn't it? a little nook and a pretty (wall-hanging) toilet feels private but more airy to me :)

      anyhoooo, can't wait for more updates along the way - thanks for sharing everything!

      Love from Germany

      1. The water closet, as we call it, is nice because then two people can be using the bathroom at once. Chris and I both like privacy when we're going to the bathroom but this allows us the ability to both be able to use the room, even if someone is going to the bathroom.

  24. If there is any way you can arrange this bathroom to include a heated towel bar next to the shower, you should do it. i cannot tell you how wonderful it is to finish a shower, snake your hand out for a towel, then bury your face in a hot towel. And you get that little luxury every time you shower! Not to mention the heated towel bar is great for drip drying lingerie and swim suits and the towels dry a lot faster after showers.

    1. Yeeeesssss to this! We put in a heated towel rack in our bathroom Reno and it’s the bear decision we made!!!

  25. Your design will make the space so much more practical - well done! (As always!) I am so excited to see the whole process.

  26. I would pay attention to door swing for the toilet closet.
    1. With an outward swinging door, I'm guessing the toilet closet door would always be shut when not in use. I encourage a fan (TMI?) ;)
    2. If you cannot have it swing inward, then you may want to have it swing toward the door from the bedroom. Consider the situation you mentioned with your children opening the door to your bedroom and bathroom to find you and someone is at the front door. At least having the toilet door swing toward the door from the bedroom would provide just a touch more privacy.

    I'm sure it will be gorgeous when you're done and I can't wait to follow along!

  27. I LOVE seeing the nitty-gritty stages of your project because that is where the magic happens! That black vessel sink is GORG. We just put a vessel sink in our master bathroom and I didn't take into account how high it is! The sink is 5 inches above the counter-top so its way above my elbows when I'm trying to wash my face. I would have lowered the counter 5 inches or less to make it more comfortable.

  28. You might want to look up Figure R307.1 in the IRC to see required minimum fixture clearances per building code. It is a visual diagram that lays out clearances for each piece. Your water closet looks a bit short for code and comfort - and as two tall people, you will feel like the door is basically at your knees when sitting (sorry for the visual). Food for thought - but I'm a residential architect who frequently has to solve these dilemmas for my clients. Also - leave enough space between your floating vanity and the glass wall to be able to reach in and clean the two sides - otherwise you'll see it from the shower side particularly. Good luck!

    1. Architect here too and I have the same thoughts! Also typically in cold climates do not recommend putting plumbing on an outside wall unless it is the only option.

  29. It looks like you aren't putting a door on your closet. We used to have one but got rid of it when we remodeled and we get some weird looks when people realize there isn't one now. However, we NEVER closed it before, and it blocked part of the closet when it was open. I love not having one! Guests don't use our bathroom, so if the closet isn't the neatest, it doesn't matter. It allowed us to add a small dresser in the alcove that used to be hidden by the door and is much more functional. Can't wait to see where you go with your bathroom!

  30. Hmm, I am confused about the master closet layout relative to the entrance of your bedroom- are there two entrances to your master closet? Or is it only accessed through your bathroom? It is hard to tell what is outside the hallway of the double doors in your before picture. You seem to have some deadspace at the entrace of your bedroom. Have you thought about hiring an architecht to design your layout? I would push your double door bedroom entrance back, make an entrance to the closet on the left when you first walk into the room. Use that opportunity to remove the recess in that wall where the current toilet closet is - either give the foot of space to the bedroom or to the closet/bathroom, depending on where you want it or need it - but make that wall even. Then, center your door to the bathroom, as in slide it to the left of where it is now, so that you'd open the door the toilet closet to the right (which would just be a wall on the other side of the entrance). Keep your linen closet in the same spot as you want it now, with the option of turning it to be shower /toilet wall facing vs. vanity facing. You could probably keep the bathroom closet entrance if you really want to because you'd be making it bigger despite adding in another entrance. Hope this makes sense! Can't wait to see what you pick out. A glass shower wall is must knowing that you have such beautiful taste in tile :)

  31. Good comments & I can't keep up with them all. I like the idea of straightening out the bedroom door area. It looks like there is wasted space in the hallway. You could then move the entry into the closet/bathroom area towards that direction. On your diagram, it could be where the linen closet is located. That opens up more space on the right side of the area. I love pocket doors and agree that it is necessary.

    I like the idea of moving your closet to the right side of the room and putting the bathroom to the left. It seems that the traffic through the area would be better, especially if you have a dresser in the bedroom. And the person getting clothes is not crossing the bath area. Since this space currently has water & drains, could you put a small stacked washer & dryer. I'm sure you have a larger set downstairs, but a smaller one might be helpful over the years. Consider putting a solar tube in the closet area. The cut in the roof doesn't even have to be over the closet since the reflective tube can be snaked through the attic. Don't forget to have enough electric plugs in the area for an iron and/or clothes steamer.

    For the bathroom area (closet area in your diagram), consider frosted or clear glass "walls" where there are short walls, perhaps even some sliding glass doors which would separate the shower/water closet area from the sinks and closet area. The sinks could remain in the same general area with a beautiful window in the area. I think someone even suggested raising the ceiling into the attic area. In the bath area, your could place the water closet on one side but not have to enclose it in a little room. There might be some space for a linen closet in this area. The shower would be at the end or corner of this area.

    Good luck in going through all of the comments!

  32. I've been in love with this Jute Tailored Vanity from Kohler since I worked there years ago. You can get it in your size, with your choice of top, finish, and storage inside. I love the metal legs that can attach. I think that will help your "floating vs nonfloating" dilemma. They also had some really cool new tech vanities at the KBIS show this past week that might be worth looking into. Love the plans :) We're redoing our master too but unfortunately are locked into the weird layout we have :(

  33. Love your blog & podcast, thanks for sharing your ideas, your passion for design is contagious, thank you. Have you considered closing off the current door to the bathroom. The open door across from the bed doesn't seem ideal. Closing off that door = larger wall space across from bed. Turn bedroom entry into one door. New door to bath/closet on current closet wall, that could then be bumped out. Looking forward to seeing the reno play out.

  34. I think you may have enough space to swing in the door into the toilet room if you do a wall mounted toilet. You gain about 8” of floor space. Also it feels super luxe! Doing a glass door also help because of the pivot hinge!

  35. I am so excited to see your progress on this project and I love your inspiration images! I'm a designer for a remodeling company and you are smart to float the vanity and use a full glass panel instead of a pony wall. It is so much less complicated in terms of thinking through tile/shower jamb transition details and how they work with the glass. The only thing that may make you want to rethink that decision is where you are putting the shower bench. If you're planning to put it on the same wall as the sink, the half wall might be a better solution than cutting the shower enclosure around the seat or having a hard-to-clean gap between the seat and the glass. Either way I think it will look awesome!

  36. Have you thought about moving your closet door to go into your bedroom directly? Hard to tell, but if you square your doorway into the hall (so it's not at an angle) could you get a door to the closet there? That way you could maximize the wall space in your bathroom.

    I'll be honest though I have a closet in my master bathroom and I do really like it, but if not having enough wall space(The toilet location and its door) is an issue that could give you more flexibility.

  37. This will be gorgeous when it's complete, I can't wait to see it!

    Since you're looking for feedback, I have a few thoughts.

    If you use a bath mat, where will this be living when not in use? We re-use our towels and they hang on a hook within arm's reach of getting out of the shower, it sounds like that's your plan too and you have an space figured out for them. I like to hang our bathmat up in-between showers so that it dries completely and it goes on a towel bar (none of this is visible standing outside the shower room, both are tucked out of sight).

    Our house is 7 years old and we didn't put much money into the shower. I have however used showers with ceiling heads and honestly I feel like I'm drowning...I would be careful of placement so that you can easily step out of the stream of water for a break from water hitting your head & face. Normally when I shower, the water mostly hits below my chin and I'm most comfortable with that arrangement. We also put the faucet handle near the entrance of our shower so that we can turn the water on without getting wet and let it warm up before getting in. I also was mindful of not seeing bottles of shampoo, conditioner, razors, scrubbies etc as one looks into the shower, that is all concealed out of sight. We have a bench in the shower and don't use it (too cold to sit on) if I had to do over I'd just make it a nice wide ledge for a comfortable spot to rest my foot when shaving legs.

    We have 4 bathrooms and while I love vessel sinks and wall mounted faucets, I only put them in the guest bathroom and I'm glad they aren't anyplace in the house that gets a lot of use. So far we had an issue with the faucet when my son's friend shut off the faucet and it broke (we weren't home at the time so I think there's more to the story) and our plumbers didn't add a shutoff valve for the sink so that we could turn the water to the faucet off so it was a huge big deal. As for the vessel sink, it's okay, but I feel it's put a timestamp on that bathroom for one thing, the rest of my sinks are under mount and I feel are much more timeless & classic. The other thing with my vessel sink is the hand soap first I tried a soap & dish but felt like one was searching on the floor for the soap when hand we have a pump bottle of liquid soap but having the sink higher than the top of the pump bothers me.

    I know you're craving privacy in your bathroom but I'm feeling since you're planning a door on your bathroom do you really need one on the toilet closet too? We have a door to our bathroom but the toilet alcove is open and I feel once the bathroom door is closed I have all the privacy that I need. With the door on the toilet closet it just seems like a cluster of doors in that area that you might regret later, if anything a pocket door on the toilet closet but that won't work for your space sadly. Our plans also called for a door on our closet which we omitted and I've never regretted that decision either, our closet is pretty and I don't mind seeing it, not being able to close a door to it also adds incentive to keep it clean. We also opted not to put a tub in our MBR and best decision ever as I know we would have spent a lot of money on a dust collector.

    Laundry our previous house we had a bin almost like the one in your inspiration picture located next to our bathroom and we never ever used it because we'd have to go and get a laundry basket just to empty the bin out and the extra steps made it feel like less work to just take our dirty laundry to the laundry room right away vs keeping it in the bin outside our bathroom and having to empty the bin later. Plus the bin was narrow & deep so I felt a little claustrophobic reaching down into the depths of the bin when I'd empty it out. If anything I would suggest a couple of laundry baskets on a shelf that when full you carry them to the laundry room and skip the extra step of emptying the bin into a basket.

    1. Re: the bin, I feel like I've seen cabinet doors that open to 1 or more laundry baskets where the sides are held up by 1x2s so the slide to put in clothes and can be pulled completely out and carried to the laundry room; that seems like good idea!

    2. I am anti-shower bench, too. I only use it when pregnant or after a really really REALLY rough day. Not only is it cold to sit on, but it's a giant pain in the ass (PUN!)
      1) install is a lot more labor, materials, and expertise
      2) it sucks to keep clean. think about it - water and suds just sit on there! And even if you brush it off after a shower, you are left with more grime where the water & suds fall down. You also have to clean 3 more crevices/angles.
      3) Our bench leaked when we moved in. I'm paranoid that despite 5 gallons of caulk there's still some water seepage.
      4) It takes up like, 2sqft MINIMUM of the lux big shower stall real estate. Just makes it feel smaller.

      Totally dreaming of the day we renovate our master - I'm going free-standing teak bench all the way.

  38. This looks so great! Can't wait to see how it turns out. We are planning a master bathroom re-do in the next year, so I'm in the group of people for whom this will be helpful!

    Your design made me think of the most recent This Old House episode (Newton GenNEXT | Tommy’s Flair for Flares), they were working on the new master shower, and they added radiant heating under the tiles in the floor of the shower and in a bench in the shower. That just seems so amazing and luxurious, especially if you live somewhere that gets super cold, like you guys do.

  39. I know a bunch of people have already commented on the door swinging situation, but I’m going to chime in as well hoping to convince you to change it. I currently have a laundry room with a similar door/hallway layout and I HATE it. My doors will actually hit each other and I have caught my fingers in between the doors multiple times. I know it is easy to think that both doors will just stay closed when someone isn’t using them, but your kids will probably leave them open. It is one of the first things on my list of things to change in our upcoming renovations.

  40. loving the direction your headed! good luck. Any chance you can share the overall bathroom dimensions? I'm tackling a re-do and I love comparing spaces for inspiration. all the best in your project!

  41. Thank you for being so detailed in this process! I love reading through your ideas and seeing what others are saying too. We're about to reconfigure the master bedroom bathroom and adjacent bedroom to make it more usable -- lotsa things to consider: window placement, vents, ductwork coming from the second story, ugh! Trying to figure out how much to eat into the adjacent bedroom and make it into an office/nursery (hopefully one day!!!).
    What are the dimensions of your nursery?

  42. I am so excited for you guys! We lived with a really bad bathroom (it had carpet!) for far too long also so I can only imagine how exciting this is for you. We are mid reno right now and even though its not done yet I still love it so much more! I know you mentioned you don't like the half wall in the shower, but we did one so we could hide our shower niche in it so you will never see our shower "stuff" unless you are actually in the shower. Just thought I would mention it in case that appeals to you :)

  43. We went through a master bath reno a few years ago, and it’s simultaneously exciting and exhausting. Hang in there! I have the same concerns that others have expressed regarding the layout. I think that you’ll find the water closet door to be in the way if it swings out like that. If you’re not using the WC, you can just keep it closed. But every time you use the toilet, you’ll have to exit to your bedroom to shut the door and get to the sink to wash your hands. Is there anyway to bump out the wall between your bedroom and bathroom? From your photos, it looks like you’d have room, but you’d have to square off the entrance to your bedroom and go from a double door to single door entrance. However, if you did that you’d buy so much extra space in the bathroom. If you moved the entrance to the closet to the corner where the closet and current vanity meet, it would open up enough wall space for a double vanity along the shared wall with the closet instead of on the wall between the closet and shower. Then you could flip flop the toilet and shower, eliminating the issue with the WC door. That layout also gives you a longer wall inside your closet for hanging bars or a shelving unit. I can’t tell what your bathroom’s dimensions are from your layouts, but is it possible that you’d have space for both the vanity and a linen cabinet on the shared wall with the closet if you took the extra space from your bedroom? We built a linen cabinet between our two vanities when we did our bathroom reno, and in addition to giving us extra storage, we also liked how it gave us our own spaces. With a traditional double vanity we were still sharing a countertop. But with the linen cabinet separating our vanities, we felt like we had more personal space.

    1. I have to read your comment a few more times and draw it out, but it's a possibility! I am not a huge fan of a linen cabinet between sinks--I'd prefer non-stop counter space.

      1. If your closet is bigger I would put the laundry/linens in there. Having laundry baskets and room to dress and undress right in the closet is a dream.

    2. I had a thought along these lines too... If you move the vanity to the shared wall with the closet (and move the closet door to enter the bedroom instead), you could do a wide built-in double vanity with to-the-ceiling cabinetry on either side for linen storage. This would also give you some flexibility to shift the bathroom door toward the vanity, if you find you need more length in your toilet room. And maybe a window on the wall opposite the door! (Could be easier than a window in the shower.)

    3. I agree with Jenny on the door placement of the WC. It doesn't look like much of a problem on paper, but just walking through it in my mind gives a different picture!
      Good solutions, too, Jenny!

  44. Wow, people have a lot of tips, and I have to say I also can't resist sharing some comments. You are going to LOVE that huge shower! We did the same thing, choosing a big shower over a tub, and wouldn't change a thing. Don't forget to consider where your towels will hang and how you will reach for them... I like to be able to reach my towel while still standing inside the shower and I'm not sure how you would do that with the way the shower door swings here. If you can reverse it so it hinges in the middle, you'd be able to reach a hook on the wall between the shower and toilet. Just a thought.

    Also, what are the dimensions of your shower? This was something we agonized over. We ended up with 42" x 48" and it feels wonderfully roomy without being cavernous. I noticed the curbless shower in your Fig. 1, and I've always wondered about whether you can step out onto a mat? Or does the door sweep too close to the floor to have a mat there? Can't wait to follow along. It's a heck of a process but I know you will love it when it's done!

  45. You guys are awesome and whatever you decide will be beautiful. A word of caution though - I know everyone LOVES the glass wall shower thing for new bathrooms but if you have hard water those glass walls are awful. They were clearly not created by someone who was tasked with cleaning them. I am sure everyone will have an answer about keeping them looking beautiful but unless EVERYONE using the shower commits to squeegeeing after every shower the glass will become etched. That said, I cannot wait to see how it turns out. Good luck!

    1. This. Everyone has to squeegee or it’s pointless. I just put in glass sliding doors and they were pretreated to resist marks but even they need regular TLC. It’s worth it to me because I’m the only one in my condo BUT I can see it being a source of friction in a shared space.

      On the other hand, I’ve found Barkeeper’s Friend does a pretty great job getting the deposits off the glass. So. There’s that?

      1. We keep a squeegee hidden under our corner seat. It came with a suction cup that holds nicely to the bottom of the seat, can't see it at all. We swipe the doors after every shower. Works for us!

      2. I wish “having the squeegee” were the issue and not “using the squeegee”. I think maybe some people in my life think they’re decorative features? And not there for function.

  46. That door for the toilet makes me nervous! It will ALWAYS have to be shut in order to access the space, which isn't that big of a deal, but I feel like it could get a little annoying. I would try to avoid having a situation where you HAVE to have a door shut to get into the space. Is it really necessary to have the toilet in a closed off room? I get the privacy aspect of it, but would you really want to be in there anyway if your husband was doing his business or vice versa? I think I'd switch the linen closet with the toilet and have the toilet part of the room...and then you'd be able to have a more open shower with two glass walls instead of one and see it really nicely from the bedroom instead of looking into the toilet closet.

    1. This was exactly my thought! I would not have the toilet in its own room, and then you can place it directly across from the vanity and add linen storage to where you currently have that watercloset. It'll make that entrance feel so less cramped!

      1. Hi Julia! 2/3 of our bathrooms have a separate water closet. We absolutely love it. That way two of us can be in the bathroom at the same time. As far as comments about it being weird to be in there together...once your husband sees you give birth that pretty much erases all boundaries lol. (At least for us.)

      2. I hear ya! With larger bathrooms like this it can feel cavernous sitting on the toilet :) Ours is in a small enclosed space with a door and I love that. One of us can shower/get to closet/etc and the other can use the bathroom if needed. Rarely do we completely close the whole room off.

      3. I am totally with you here. I’ve had bathrooms with and without a separate WC and door and it saves a marriage. Must have a door. And a fan inside. Some things are better kept to yourselves. So handy to have access to the sinks and closet while someone else is using the toilet.

      4. Agreed! All those doors together do not let the layout flow. If you're not okay with leaving the door off I would seriously consider changing your layout.

    2. Similar thoughts. Is the toilet being in a closet a necessity? It sounded odd to me, but actually looks pretty good in that inspiration picture.

      Seems like the door could get in the way of the door to the master bedroom/ would it be annoying to have to go through two door if you're running to the bathroom?

  47. Yay on no tubs! One is enough. Looks great. Did you mention you might be posting new bedroom refresh ideas?? Selfishly, I am looking for this post before I start the hunt for new bedroom furniture :))

  48. No idea regarding structural issues, but what about moving the bathroom door to where the proposed linen closet is? So when you walk in, there's a closet on your left and a bathroom on your right (tweaked as needed). You'd lose the closet, of course, but it may give you more options regarding layout.

    It seems a bit cumbersome to have to walk through the bathroom to get to the closet.

    1. I like this idea. If you could straighten out that jog in the wall and change your double bedroom doors into a single door I think it could work really well. And I think it would be a plus to not have the toilet be the first thing you see-nothing glamorous about a toilet.

    2. This is exactly what I was thinking too. Then the WC could be that whole corner with a door that swings IN and it's ticked around a corner rather than being right at the entrance to the bathroom. I cannot stand doors that swing out and can imagine it being awkward coming in and out of it if someone else is trying to access the rest of the bathroom.

  49. I thought for sure you guys would have nixed the double doors into the bedroom to make a separate entrance into the closet. You could have so much more workable space if you'd close off the bathroom to closet entrance.

    Looking forward to following you along in this process!

  50. Since you are both tall, I'd recommend having a taller than average bathroom vanity.

    In my bathroom renovation, we ended up using kitchen cabinets (36" height) and have not regretted it one bit! Not only is it a more comfortable height, but it allows for additional storage space below.

    Good luck!

  51. Our house looks like it's from a similar era as yours (1993) and we're finally tackling our master bathroom too! My dad came over and helped pour a concrete shower pan yesterday...I'm so thrilled things are HAPPENING! And I'm excited to follow along with your reno as well!

  52. We finished our master remodel a year or two ago. Rather than built in laundry baskets in our linen closet, I measured around a tall, square, fabric sided laundry basket from Target (the lid folds back, so it isn't in the way) This way, can can take out the hamper and carry it directly to the laundry room rather than having to unload the built in baskets into another basket. It's worked great!

    Can't wait to see the final project!

  53. Hi Julia, you may want to check the residential code in your area on the water closet - where I practice, you need 2'-0" minimum clearance from the front of the toilet! It's hard to tell from your drawing but it looks like the water closet may not be deep enough. In general I would recommend reworking this plan to allow for less awkwardness with the toilet area and doors - as drawn, you'll definitely run into annoyances with the different door swings, though I can see your rationality in why you chose this layout. To my eye, replacing the angled wall in your master bedroom with a straight one (continuing the existing wall) would allow you to steal more space from the nook to use in the bathroom/closet space, while still allowing for enough clearance at the entry to the bedroom. Of course that's a bit more invasive than you have planned here but something to consider :)

    Good luck!

  54. OK so thoughts and comments as we JUST finished our master bathroom. The door swing on the toilet- I would flip it to the other side so when you open the door you see in-to the bathroom and not the bedroom- otherwise hard to get in to wash you hands, you almost have to leave the bathroom to get back in (you'd have to leave the pocket door open too). Or flipping the location of the shower & the toilet somehow.


    Maybe put the entrance for the closet NOT in the middle and on the top side where the vanity is now. Flip the vanity onto the share closet wall, move the toilet door to the top across from the closet entrance and move the shower to the bottom toward the bedroom where the toilet is now. You would still have everything but the linen closet, but you would have some more room in the closet for linens.

    * Toilet on shared bedroom wall- we had to do this in ours (just no other place for it) and it's definitely "audible".
    * you need a real wall to attach the bench to in the shower so it could attach to the toilet wall.
    * Rain head showers get a bad rap for women (not enough pressure for hair/ soap) but Delta has a general rain "can" head and it's way more pressure than other rain heads I've tested. We love it.
    * Having the shower bar with a handle is very useful for dog washing/ cleaning the shower and getting those "hard to reach" places
    * use insulation on the toilet room to sound absorb.
    * the tile over drains on one side of the shower are great and come with hair traps - so useful and seamless!
    * Dimmers - never underestimate a nice evening shower with minimal light
    * We installed the USB outlets in our bathroom for charging and plugging in an echo/ charges hand pump soap dispensers/ some toothbrushes.

      1. Another vote for insulating the water closet walls if possible. Our master bath water closet shares a wall with our bedroom and it can be... noisy! Tile and hard surfaces really echo. It looks like you already have this situation with your current layout, but it's definitely a nice to have if it's in the budget!

  55. It looks beautiful and I can't wait to see your progress through this remodel! Have you considered a door that swings inward or a pocket door for the toilet closet? On the floorplan picture it looks like the toilet closet's door would block the walkway into the bathroom if the door is open. We recently built a house and discovered it's sometimes the little things like this that make a big difference!

      1. That was actually my first thought too - we love that our toilet closet door swings in, but it does look like you might not have room for that. I'm sure you'll figure out the best option for your space!

      2. We have a small half bathroom with no air vent, and the toliet gets cold if the door isn't left open for heat to get in there. Something else to consider since it seems like it'd be annoying to walk into a half open door when you enter your bathroom. Maybe you could do like.. half doors/closet type? That way they could swing inward.

        Can't wait for further updates! I know it'll be inspiring!

    1. I agree. I’d also reverse the door swing of the shower door (hinges on the left). The area in front of the vanity will need to be clear regardless of which way it swings. But the way it is now, you won’t be able to grab your robe when you’re getting out of the shower and if the door is left open (ventilation, cleaning???) you won’t be able to get to the sinks or closet.

  56. The new plan seems to maximize the space perfectly. We nixed the tub in our master bathroom, also, and have never regretted it. Another thing we asked for when building was an electric outlet on the wall behind our linen closet, so that our electric toothbrush, etc can charge within the closet, and out of the way/not on display.

      1. You can also add outlets inside the vanity - for toothbrushes, hair dryers, etc. I LOVE that I never have to see my toothbrush stand!

      2. We put our toothbrush and razor outlet in our medicine cabinet, along with one taller area where the toothbrush can go, and shelves hang off the side of that. Helps to have a dad with a CNC machine but you could make it happen without too!

  57. We are renovating our master bathroom this year too. Hopefully to start by this summer. This is our first home that we're renovating/remodeling, and our master bath will be the most challenging project. We'll be gutting and starting fresh. I'm so excited to see your progress and the finished bathroom! Good luck!

  58. This post is timely for me! We are at the tail-end of our master bath reno. Our space appears to be as large as yours (including closet), and we completely re-arranged the space (which totally added to the budget - it's not cheap to move the shower from one corner to the opposite corner!). Our closet was also at the back of the room, and as you entered from the master, the vanity was on the right, and shower/toilet (closed-off room) were to the left. Essentially it was like three little rooms in one space.

    I will say, the floor plan we went with was not my favorite (not my design, ha - it came from the contractor, who is ah-may-zing) but now that it's almost done, I LOVE IT!!!! WE SO NAILED IT! So, we moved the closet to the front of the space (now it's to the left as you look in, where shower/toilet used to be - enclosed by walls), the vanity is still to the right as you enter, and now the entire back area of the room is OPEN. We added FOUR windows, huge improvement right there. In what was the back enclosed closet, now sits the shower in the left back corner (glass wall/linear shower drain), and free-standing clawfoot tub to the back-right (just past the vanity, no wall between the two). Toilet is tucked between closet and shower, you can't see it until you turn the corner.

    Honestly, you may want to consider this layout! I thought it would look "closed-in" having the enclosed closet right by the door, but not at all - it's the opposite effect. It takes your eyes into the space, traveling - so you feel as though you're walking into a big, open room. We also half-vaulted the ceiling over the vanity (my idea, added an amazing design element!), which drastically helped with the open feel.

    Our closet space is a bit smaller than originally, but with our master bedroom being so large, it's the kind of room you'll always have a dresser or other furniture to also store clothes. We're having built-ins in the closet, including towers for towel storage. I feel the few square feet we took away from the closet was SO worth it.

    Maybe - assuming you're heart's not sold on your layout - consider this? If you put the closet to the right as you enter your space, look at how huge your bathroom can be! If you could get some windows in there (maybe back wall of closet? no idea what's behind it), even better.

    Happy Renovating! Can't wait to read the posts. Gotta say, can't wait for mine to be done, it will be by end of the month......

  59. Do you really want the toilet wall adjacent to the master bedroom? It’s hard to tell dimensions, but I think I’d try putting the toilet room in the back corner and the shower by the master bedroom entrance. Also, could you shift the closet entrance to one side and then float the vanity against that closet wall? May leave room to add a window where the vanity currently is and maybe a nice powder room chair. Could also give the closet a cozy entrance and maybe gain a little more wall space in the closet.

    The current flow into the closet is nice, but will it give you more stress to keep it tidy? Tall thin double pocket doors there may help

  60. Love it, other then the swing of the toilet door being into the bathroom, instead of into the toilet area. I see that as a big obstacle. Especially when leaving the toilet and needing to was your hands.

  61. Those plans sound gorgeous! I also don't love the look of a half wall with a shower.
    One question:
    Have you thought about making the wall with the doors to the bedroom straight so the wall with the entry dresser just extends until the wallpapered wall? May not be possible or even what you want, just a thought!

  62. I love your plan! Thanks for sharing. P.S. The top photo in your post is really speaking to me - I never thought I would love the dark vanity and the black fixtures, but it looks so luxe!

  63. Love your first (I can see this helping with color choices too) and second inspiration photos. It helps me see where you're heading. I love the idea of a seat in the shower. People who don't shave legs don't get why that's so popular. As far as the hidden laundry baskets; I had a pull out (imagine a giant drawer with a laundry basket in it) with a short panel above it I could flip open easily and drop in dirty clothes. It's more convenient to have a lift out basket to take to the laundry room. Wish I could show you a photo but we moved.
    Those back to back swing doors bother me a little as they block the path into the bathroom and closet. Is there another way?
    I'm looking forward to future bathroom posts as this work in progress moves forward. Love your plans.

  64. Good plan! I look forward to following along. Personally, I would have separated the bathroom and closet completely and created a new doorway from the bedroom. Do your clothes not get damp with the steam from the bathroom? I see this layout a lot on american websites but I guess I just can´t wrap my european mind around it .

  65. We need to put in a master bath so I’m interested in following along with your Reno. In your plan, if the bathroom pocket door is shut and you want to use the toilet, is there enough room to stand in front of the door and open it? It looks tight.

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