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April 7, 2015

Today, Faye is 1! A whole year with our sweet baby Faye and it flew by in an instant. We waited and tried for over three years to get her here and she has been worth it ten times over. She loves us all so freely and gently and so differently. Faye rarely makes a sound and usually walks around (yes! she's walking!) with her lips smacked together. So, we were all very surprised when just a couple weeks ago, she said her very first word so clearly.

"Ba-by!" Oh Faye-Faye, I'm so happy you're my baby and you came to our family. Faye is sweeter than you could possibly imagine. She is so sweet! Impossibly sweet! And tender. And kind. And bashful.


At one, she likes to mimic blowing raspberries. And only wants to eat what we're eating. She loves books, especially ones with flaps she can open. There are so many times, where I'll find her in her room completely surrounded by all of her books she pulled off of her bottom book ledge--flipping through them one by one and pointing to the pictures with her entire hand coming to a point. It's so cute, I could die.


Besides reading, she spends her days following Charly. These two are such an odd sight to see with such a huge difference in size, but Faye hands over her meal scraps and Charly (mostly) provides a soft pillow for Faye to lounge on.


^^A perfect example of Faye's always-smacked-together lips! Maybe what is most heart-warming about this entire year has been the connection between Greta and Faye. We worried that the 4 year, 2 month gap would be too big for a bond. Every month it took us to get pregnant, we worried that our dream of Greta having a sibling to love and a live-in playmate to be close with were diminishing--but they have proved us wrong.


We were so happily wrong. They are perfect for each other and with each other. No one can make Faye smile like Greta can.


A lot of people have been asking us lately if another baby is in the works--ha! In the future, we'd love to try for one more, but right now we're just enjoying what we have been blessed with--two healthy beautiful girls (that sleep through the night ;). Happy Birthday, Faye-Faye! Wouldn't want to live life without you in it.

Ps. When Faye was born and Faye's nursery!

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  1. I felt like you were talking to me with this post. We have an amazing 2.5 yo daughter and have been trying for a second child for some time now (and two miscarriages later). I am letting go of my hang up that our kids must be close in age. Thanks for speaking so openly about your struggles. It's so wonderful to see the connection between your girls with the 4+ year gap xx

  2. Happy Birthday Faye!
    A while back, you did a post about the SoYoung diaper bag. I'm curious if you are still using and still love that bag?


    1. Still using it as our one and only diaper bag every day. I also use it as my purse. Love that thing--truly. And Chris has really liked it too. It has taken daily use very well for over a year now!! It's just so stylish and versatile.

  3. Can't believe that sweet baby is 1! I feel like it was just yesterday you had her! Her first word video was the cutest thing ever! And I LOVE the pics of her with Charly! You are such a wonderful mom Jules. You love your kids so much and it shows! Also... Is that little kitty the one I sent you? I love it!! Made my day

  4. Aww I love seeing your girls together! I agree with the other commenters in saying that 4 years is actually a great age gap. My sister and I are four years apart and we've been best friends since the beginning.

    Wish you and your family all the best!

  5. Oh my, such a sweet and tender post. I loved reading about Faye's darling personality (and the video is just adorable)! So happy your family has been blessed with two precious little ones. Three years of trying must have been very tough at times (but more than worth it, as you said it).

    It gives me hope. My husband and I are at 19 months of trying and two miscarriages later and, though we feel very grateful for all that we have been blessed with, we don't have a child and we're not pregnant. The yearning is so very strong, but so is the hope.

    1. Keep your hope alive, Summer! I'm sorry to hear you are going through this trial. We have suffered miscarriages, including a heterotopic pregnancy, and it is all so physically and emotionally painful and draining. But, like you said, it has made us so incredibly grateful for our blessings. Prayers go out to you and yours.

      1. Thanks so much for the kind words and prayers, Julia. (And for being open about your struggles. Happy for you!)

  6. The last photos, you have to frame and print for your girls. Sweet post, even sweeter baby girl. Happy Born Day Faye!

  7. It's so hard to believe she is a year already! Where does the time go? You have such a lovely family, enjoy every moment :)

  8. What a sweetie! My sister's and I (there are 3 total) are all 4 years apart and we have the closest bonds. I speak to them both daily and we all live in Pittsburgh together!! 4 years seems to be just enough that we are able to be close, but not steal each others spot light in certain senses :)

  9. Faye I just love you! Isn't it the best having 2 girls? Our girls personalities are in reverse though, Brinley and Faye, Greta and Ellie. We have got to get these kids together someday!! I have loved seeing Faye Faye grow up, but also Greta turning into a dream big sister. You can see from the pictures of them how much she loves her. Celebrate Faye!

  10. Happy Birthday Sweet Faye!

    This post is so precious. Our daughter (and first child) Iris is 2 months old and the first few months are so precious but also so hard. Now she is smiling and we've settled into a routine, and we just love her to peices! It really goes so fast and I know we will blink and be planning her first birthday. Getting through that first year is such a huge milestone, as much for the parents as the baby. You've done a wonderful job! Congrats on beings a mommy to two for a whole year, it's your birthday too!

  11. Wow, that really did fly by! She's beautiful, both of your girls are. My wife and I are constantly back and forth in deciding if we want to try for another... our daughter will be 4 in June and the age gap between her and a new baby are something we talk about a lot so I'm glad to hear it works.

  12. This is so lovely. Happy birthday Faye. My big sister and I are 12 years apart and we've always been so close, 4 years should be nothing.

    I love your candidness about the difficulty getting pregnant. My husband and I have been trying and trying and we haven't gotten our gift yet. It's a subject that not enough people talk about and I want can't get enough of because it helps give me hope.

  13. Aw, she is so sweet!

    You know, I have always been convinced that four year age gaps are the best. My sister and I are 2 years apart and fought constantly while growing up. We are now very close, but definitely were not loving playmates as kids. My brother is four years younger than me and we were always super close as kids. My theory is that my brother and I did not need to compete as much as my sister and I did. This is also conveniently in keeping with the WHO recommendation of three to five years between babies for optimal maternal and infant health.

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