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Our Less Is More Entry Reveal!

November 14, 2019

This post is sponsored by Lulu & Georgia. They've extended Chris Loves Julia readers 15% off their purchases through the end of the year with code CLJ15. Woot!

Our entry was not really on our radar this year, but when one of my favorite favorite online shops, Lulu & Georgia, reached out and asked if we could collaborate on a room in our new home, the entry was the very first space that came to my mind. With new neighbors and guests coming in all the time, and it being such a central location in our house that we pass through often, I thought there's nothing like a good first impression so we turned our attention to the entry and picked out 6 things from Lulu & Georgia that completely transformed it. We have an entry! We have furniture!

Here's where we started:

A complete blank slate with really tall ceilings that I just wanted to feel cozy and intimate and simple. I can't tell you how good it feels now! What a difference a few pieces have made!

With every room in this house, I am really thinking about how can I bring less things into the space without sacrificing style or impact. I suppose that is really what less is more is all about.  For the entry, I really wanted unique pieces with staying power. Pieces that are well made but different than you would see at a big box store, per se, and Lulu & Georgia is my go-to for furnishings that do just that.

I went back and forth between doing a bench or console in the entry and decided on the main wall, a console would be better proportionally (but we made add a small bench or antique chair under the stairs on the opposite side later). The ceilings  are 20+ feet in the entry so I wanted to make sure the furniture and any accents were substantial enough that it wouldn't feel...dinky? Again, if I went for a too-small bench, I'd have to add more things to make it look right.

In the end, we made a drastic difference and huge impact 6 items from Lulu & Georgia.

1. A credenza that I couldn't love more. This is the investment piece that I built the entire vibe of the entry around. It's beautiful and big and well made. It has storage galore with 4 disguised doors and a unique vibe to it, right?--like, if this was the only part of my house that a person may see, they might think hey, this house is cool.

2. Interesting wall sconces. There were pretty ornate wall sconces in place (and 4 more of the same that still go up the stairs) But something that I have been noting for the past year when seeking inspiration is lighting adds A LOT to a space. Of course the color, and bulb and all of that, but I'm talking about the actual fixtures here. When I pick apart a space that I've fallen for, unique lighting choices are always something I note very first. Lighting changes everything. If you are going to update a track home--you swap out the lights. If you want to change an older home to fit your vibe and style more--look to the lights. And while you're there, might as well make things interesting, right?When I'm designing a space, I usually have 2-3 options for Chris to look over and choose from and although these sconces were my favorite (because how cool?!) I wasn't sure if they were too out there for him. Imagine how proud I was when he said, "Well those are the coolest sconces I've ever seen!" And they really are. Bonus points: they were a cinch to install.

3. An oversized mirror. This choice came down to proportions again. The ceilings are massive, a normal sized mirror would be dwarfed here. So I thought--what about a full-length mirror on TOP of the credenza. The measurements were perfect (it's 72" tall and 36" wide). It plays to the height of the area, bounces light around and serves as that last check point before you leave the house. Every entry needs a mirror.

4. A durable area rug. I know what you're thinking--that rug is super light for an entry. I thought so initially, too. But! Our friends at Lulu & Georgia explained that this chunky woven rug was also Indoor/Outdoor and resistant to water making it perfect for an outdoor space, a dining room, or yeah, even the entry. Dreams coming true!

5. An oversized vase. Back to proportions, I knew that we needed to go big with accessories because anything too small translates to looking like clutter. I knew one big vase (even if it was $100) would be better than 4-5 smaller things that actually add up to $100 anyway. Go big! I love the texture of this one and it's also indoor/outdoor.

6. A candle. Scent is such a big part of making a house your own and I always want myself, our family and everyone else to be able to walk in and think, "it smells great in here!" This candle combines all of my favorites: wood and spice for a masculine fragrance with a hint of sweetness, featuring notes of sandalwood, tobacco, and leather--and it can fill the entire main area of our home. Such quality!

You can see in the background of these photos, we still have a lot of work to do in this space overall, but these pieces have grounded it all and gave us a major push in the right direction. I'll end with--we were starting from scratch, so you may not need even 6 pieces. You might just need one. One really good, interesting, quality piece--Lulu & Georgia is a pretty great place to start and don't forget to use code CLJ15 for 15% off your order!


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  1. PLEASE KEEP DOING EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING! You guys do a phenomenal job creating valuable content that is educational, inspiring, entertaining, and overall just plain enjoyable. I truly hope that the negative comments don’t cause you too much pause.

    Simply, budget is a sensitive subject... always has been, and always will be. Great work earning the opportunity to partner with such amazing vendors and create dreamy spaces with such wonderful pieces/materials.

    In today’s instant gratification society, many are quick to forget the hard work and (sometimes moderate to high) budget that goes into creating the truly fabulous spaces we see posted on IG or in magazines. So many want “more” for less. However, if you had chosen any items other than the ones you did, you would be denying yourself authenticity.

    If this design feels out of reach for some to replicate exactly, then hopefully they can instead draw inspiration from the overall style and great tips you provided. (Hello numerous tips on considering scale of chosen pieces.) At the end of the day, not every finished space or item will be accessible to all budgets, but why is that a problem?! You guys have great balance of high/low/DIY, and personally I love the mix. (I’m pretty sure I’m still drooling over the incredibly affordable fireplace over-grouting DIY you posted recently.)

    I hope that anyone voicing negative comments, can take a breath, and realize that higher budget & new vendor partnerships = more content for us readers, more inspiration at a quicker pace, and a healthy mix of high/low end posts to suit all of our needs.

    Again, I absolutely LOVE what you are doing. Please keep the great content coming.

  2. Absolutely beautiful. The the mix of styles. Getting ready to paint our home and I would LOVE to know what the paint color is? Love this creamy shade of white! Please share!

  3. Please keep us posted about the rug and how you clean it...curious to see how it holds up to dirt over time. Thank you!

  4. Love this look! I’m wondering where the large gray vase is from. I looked on the Lulu and Georgia website and couldn’t find it. Everything you’ve put together for this look is stunning and has definitely inspired me for projects in my house. Thank you!

  5. "More style with less stuff" is the Cozy Minimalist creed! (Myquillyn Smith/the Nester.) You guys are totally cozy minimalists though you might not know it ;-) I love the huge vase; scrolled the whole post just to find that source.

  6. Your style is so spot on classic, modern, fun, and inviting! Out of curiosity, I clicked on the links and wowza! It's all so beautiful though and I appreciate your thought process you wrote out for the items you picked. It has been sweet to see your family's growth over time. Your home is beautiful. My home could definitely fit inside yours ha! So I always keep that in mind as I plan my own projects (or save up for items you recommend). You are inspirational to follow! I love seeing where you are taking your new home. I do miss your previous home and project price points though. One of the main reasons why I have loved following you is because not only is style top notch, but you're also relatable and your DIY's and projects were always feasible. You have had a strong influence of helping us overwhelmed non-visionary folks feel like "We can do this? Yes! We can do this!" which I why I think you may be getting so much response on this post. Lately that message has been sounding more like "We can do this? Maybe? Hmmm let me seee....oh this is beautiful but nope!" It's beautiful but it's been slowly becoming much less feasible. I think your posts that show mock alternative items always helps us ALL feel included and more welcome. Sending this wholeheartedly with love and encouragement!! You're my favorite Instagram account and literally the ONLY blog I love and actually read!

  7. I guess I also don’t understand the backlash regarding the budget on this post. Unless your intent is to replicate the look exactly, (which sometimes I get cause come hell or high water that black kitchen cabinet needs to be in my house some day) I think design blogs are generally meant for inspiration. I read this post and had a eureka moment regarding my own entry. For over a year it has sat empty cause I can’t figure out how to style it - it is two stories and has only one wall which is curved so while I have wanted to put a credenza there, it was dwarfed by the tall wall. And hanging something behind it didn’t work because the curved wall makes things hang awkwardly. But seeing this, I realized a tall mirror leaning against the wall is the perfect solution. Not only that but I have an oversized vase that I inherited that I can never figure out what to do with - it’s too big for my shelves but it looks too small sitting on the floor and I have tried it on a credenza before but it seemed too big - now I realize that all it needs it a large mirror behind it to balance it out! So thank you CLJ!

  8. I like the more modern entryway! This is totally a me problem, but I'm really not a fan of the cottage look (even when it's done well, which you guys totally do!) , so I had unfollowed the blog after seeing your kitchen and Greta's room (which, again, are lovely, just much more traditional than my taste). Saw this post on insta and was excited!

  9. I’m kinda surprised by the backlash of this specific post. It’s definitely unrelatable to most the size and scale of your home, renovations, and furniture budget but why is there so much heat about a couple sconces and a credenza? Also, there are literally thousands of people to follow who aren’t sponsored, making homes beautiful with inexpensive finds. Follow them. If you want to follow Chris and Julia Marcum then you have to follow where they are. And by the way, the reason you get free blog content is because they work with money made from sponsors—it’s kinda messed up to be so upset about something that costs nothing to consume and is your choice to visit/follow.
    The tip about a full length mirror for a tall entry is awesome, I love that idea. What will you put in the credenza since you probably use the mud room area for most of the entry type stuff?

  10. After three house renovations, one divorce, and 37 years working long hours in a senior, high pressure job, I can afford these items. But I am not in the USA so these lovely choices are from Lulu and Georgia are not available to me. Nor are your amazing Target Or Overstock or Wayfair bargains. Not a complaint.
    This blog provides visual and practical inspiration almost every day. Thank you so much Chris and Julia.

    1. Just wanted to let you know that I know for sure Crate and Barrel ships internationally! That is where their beautiful display cabinet is from.

  11. I love that this entry reminds us you don't need a lot to make a statement. It can be beautiful with less. And while I understand that some of your stuff is more than my budget at this time, it inspires me to look for something. Your kitchen phase 1 helped me go ahead with painting our paneling. As far as this makeover- I just wanted to see the doors open :) Reminded me of your other entry set up in the last house.
    I do feel like once the major renovations are complete, there will be more projects and how tos like before and in the mean time, stuff like this is fun too. 2020 is going to be a huge year for CLJ and I'll be watching/reading

  12. That credenza is gorgeous!
    I want to paint our trim using the no sanding method you used. I noticed scratches on the foyer base board - are you happy with how the paint is holding up? My concern when not sanding first is that the paint will peel if scratched.

    1. This is really the ONLY place we have had issues with the paint and I think it's because up until last week all the construction debris has been thrown/stored here. Something to keep in mind though for sure.

  13. Late to the game, but I've been thinking about this for a little while, and I kind of figured that this blog post was going to get this kind of backlash because of the price point of the pieces. So like... I just bought a house as a single woman in her late twenties working as an engineer, so I am a bonafide regular person and not a blogger (though I kinda want to be). I pretty much gutted the house, which was not my plan, because the old lady that owned it before me smoked inside and the smell got... everywhere, and my budget for putting the house back together is around $15K. That includes soundproofing, new flooring, new paint, a kitchen renovation, new appliances that aren't smoke stained, new window treatments that don't smell like smoke and aren't stained brown, new lighting fixtures that aren't smoke stained, and new trim and doors and everything else. That isn't smoke stained.

    And yet here I am, reading a CLJ post about furnishing an entryway with pieces that are out of my budget. I'm not going to blow $7K on a few entryway pieces--partly because the entryway in my house is the size of a postage stamp and mostly because that's literally the rest of my budget and I really want new cabinets that don't smell like tobacco when you open them. (Do you sense a theme. The lady was disgusting is the theme.) And like yeah, I clicked on the link for the sconce and my eyes just about popped out of my head at the price, but I mean... no one is saying that I have to buy those sconces. I can like that sconce and peruse Wayfair or whatever and see if I can find something similar looking for less.

    I'm reading still, because I learned how to get the look for less here. Because even though CLJ's budget is bigger, they still do plenty of things on their own. Sure, the sconces were expensive as all get out, but I saw on Instastories that Chris wired them instead of calling an electrician. Cool, I don't have to call an electrician either, I took a class on that in college. Maybe I can exchange it like that, like I decide to splurge on the material and save on the labor by doing it myself. The budget renovations that CLJ do are great. I never would've thought to do a phase one renovation on the kitchen while I save up money to do The Real Renovation. These posts, also, are great, because I may be broke as shit, but I can figure out how to make this work for me anyway.

    I've been feeling lately that it's getting ridiculous, the complaints against bloggers that are able to increase their budgets. Maybe the Amazon mentality is contributing to that, because a lot of the complaints that I see are that people can't just click a link and get the exact thing in their house because it's too expensive now. It's no longer ~accessible~ because I can't get the immediate gratification of one click and done. But no one is stopping you from putting your own work into it. You can reverse image search on Google and find something similar. You can save the money yourself and get the credenza in a few months or next year. You can even go and build it, like why the hell not. But people say they just want to click a link and get everything in a catalog delivered to their house and then get mad when bloggers put affiliate links on roundups or do too many roundups. It is incredibly hysterical to me, like you're the one that didn't want to do the work in finding a bunch of pieces that worked together, but you're complaining because--at no additional cost to you!--someone has done the work of finding a bunch of pieces that work together for you and how dare they earn a commission--that you aren't paying for!--on it.

    1. Thank you for this thoughtful comment. I think the beauty of blogs has always been to read about someone else's journey and gain inspiration or MOTIVATION. I wish so badly I could read your experiences gutting your house!

      1. Oh, it was hilarious--mostly because I had to laugh to keep from crying. I am a tiny Asian woman, like I think your oldest daughter might be taller than I am by now, and I frequently found myself in situations like trying to lift a sledgehammer and not being able to and instead demoing a wall with the pointy side of a hammer and sheer stubbornness, moving a 50-lb bag of mortar totally fine when it was dry and unmixed and then thinking that the bucket of mixed mortar would be equally easy to move (it's really not, like wow), sticking my whole upper body into the intake vent to clean it and screaming at the sheer volume of nicotine stains, causing a terrifying echo to travel through the house... and surfing a roll of carpet down the front stairs and almost braining myself on the front door.

        I'm a hazard.

        Maybe I WILL start a blog! I'm really enjoying telling you about it, and WordPress is free, after all.

  14. Beautiful entry! Very simplistic and well put together. Cozy minimalism has been what I am striving for over here and so I love seeing this where just a few simple things speak volumes rather than frames and art and trinkets covering every space. You put this together so well.

    As I flip through the Lulu and Georgia website (did the same when I saw the beautiful table you chose for your office), I'm always intrigued by figuring out how THAT specific piece of furniture spoke to you. I see so many gorgeous pieces and credenzas on the website and and I wish I could be in your mind sometimes to see how one particular item was the one for the vision and how you narrowed it down. I am truly intrigued and fascinated by the thought process behind choosing the different elements. You have a talent for sure!

    1. I'm rereading my comment and I hope you understand what I mean when I said I'd love to know your process how you narrow down between all the choices! I fear it reads that I didn't like the credenza you chose (I LOVE it!)! I meant that I was curious with ANY furniture how you are able to narrow down between the many choices. Hope you understood that! P.S. - Anyone else spend hours later worrying about something trivial they said and worried it came out the wrong way? No, just me?

      1. You're so sweet to even worry about it! I wish I could say what drew me to this one. I think this one was the right tone (I was looking for a darker wood since our floors will be lighter) and I was obsessed with the vertical lines! In fact, I saw it and was about to order and it went out of stock! I emailed Lulu & Georgia and they encouraged me to pick a different one (it's true they have so many great ones!) but I was really sure THAT was the one I wanted and was willing to wait. And it came back and we snagged it!

  15. LOVE this!! Weird question though- will you somehow secure the mirror to the wall? I love the look of the tilted/propped mirror, but do you worry about it falling when you have kids running around? When and if you do figure out a way to secure the mirror, will you please share? Thanks!

  16. I don't think there's anything wrong with you sharing higher end pieces! You all do a great job of sharing a mix of high/low and your job as content creators isn't to do our shopping for us... like if you want to just see cheap credenzas, go google it! :) You talked about your process, your choices, etc. I learn SO much from reading and following along and even though these items are out of my budget I would never think that makes it not for me.

    What I would take from this -- is to ask myself what is MY budget of an 'investment piece' for me? What things do I want to save up for and splurge on? That might be a $500 credenza for me as a young person in a starter home, instead of the hand me down one I have. But I can still think about applying this philosophy to my personal budget and home, and save up for some pieces that I really love instead of always looking for the cheapest option.

    You guys are so inspiring and I LOVE the credenza. the fluted look is both modern and traditional and I think totally fits into the vibe of the inspiration you've shared for the home! <3

  17. I love what you’re doing. Is everything in my budget, no but that’s fine. You put things together I wouldn’t have ever thought to do before which makes me so much braver in my own home. In fact when I’ve questioned my decisions I’ve honestly asked myself “why am I questioning?” And I almost always answer myself with it’s an unexpected or not normal choice. Then I ask if I’m decorating for others or myself. I love that you have pushed me to be brave in my own choices and decorate for me and not the status quo.

  18. I can't afford that credenza either, but what I notice from this space is the repeating vertical line thing that seems to be having a moment. When I see things like this repeated by many of the bloggers I love that's what I am going to take away from a post like this. It's a beautiful piece and looks brilliant in your home! Go for it!! Bre @ brepurposed is re-doing her fireplace accordingly and on a different budget. I'll take inspiration from both!

  19. Wow, how beautiful! I love how it makes a statement without being cluttered. For those complaining about the price they do need to think about how your blog, style and business has evolved over the last 10 years. I've had three houses in the last 12 years and our style and budget has grown also.
    Something I do a lot is when I see a piece of furniture I like but the price is out of my range is an image search(google or pinterest) to find something similar. Or think to myself how I could build it/diy.

  20. It's such a beautiful vignette, and the scale is spot on! Did you struggle at all with the more modern vibes of the console and lights? I know your going for cottage-y in the rest of the home, do you feel like it will be inclusive of that once the rest of the house/finishes are done, or was this a purposeful departure? Would love to hear more on that!!

  21. This space is stunning! Are you able to please share a link to the greenery in the vase? It's the perfect scale for our 20' entryway ceilings.

  22. Love it! But how did you deal with blocking the floor vent? I always struggle with furniture placement, when the furniture is flat to the floor (like the credenza appears to be?) and blocking a heat vent.

    1. OMG I had this exact thought and I need to know! (I don't even have vents in my place, but the thought of blocking the vent is making me twitch...)

  23. It does look gorgeous! You created a cozy & welcoming vibe with less without making it look cold and sparse.
    I appreciate that you were clear from the start of this post that LULU and GEORGIA reached out to you for a collaboration. Investment pieces, yes way but $55 ($46.75 with code CLJ15) for a candle (hand poured & hand thrown albeit) would be a huge splurge.

  24. When you say this post is sponsored, does that mean in this case you were given the furniture for free? Just curious because after reading your to-do list post yesterday it seems like you guys are doing a ton at once with the reno/floors/furniture and I was just wondering how it was all being paid for? Hope that’s ok to ask - I realize some of it is due to this being your full time job - but I’m still curious how it’s all working.

  25. well done! it can be so mind boggling decorating a home, when under construction! you did a great job! i love the mirror on the credenza. it really is amazing what a mirror can add to a space.

  26. This. Is. Incredible. Those light fixtures are 100%!

    I won a contest through your blog a few years back for Lulu & Georgia! I still have everything I bought with it, everything was amazing quality!

  27. Will you replace the ornate sconces in the stairway with ones that match the new ones in the entry? If so, did you purchase them all now?

      1. I always wonder how other people plan and then implement designs in adjoining spaces that aren't worked on at the same time. Hope when you decorate the stairway you'll clue us in on your process. Can't wait to see what you choose to complement these sconces (and the rest of the entry)!

  28. Love love love it!!! Well thought out. I appreciate the reminder about spending $100 on a large vase as opposed to lots of little things that add up to $100 ( or beyond). This is something I struggle with all the time.

  29. At first I thought, hmmm...this feels more mid-century modern than "cottage". That aside, this is stunning! I love how the curve of the sconces echo the curve of the front door transom. Do you plan to use the same sconces on the opposite stairwell wall?

  30. With knowing that you'll be changing floors in this space, how does that effect your decision on wood tones/finishes, etc. when buying investment pieces, especially? We are chronic renters due to my husband's job and moving every 2 years and I struggle to buy nice furniture because I'm afraid it'll clash with flooring and wall color at the next house. Hoping there's a trick for "universal" furniture. ????????

  31. What about the vent on the floor where the credenza is? Maybe the base doesn't cover it? If it does, how did you decide that it could be sacrificed??? Maybe there are more in your entry that we can't see?Did you shut it off so the heat and air won't damage the wood?

  32. It’s really beautiful and a huge transformation, great style. I don’t think most people can (or SHOULD) spend $7700 furnishing their entryways, which is what this would cost me with tax and shipping, and that’s without the vase.

  33. This fits perfectly in your space! Looks awesome. :)

    Random question... is the new credenza blocking the heat/air vent in the floor? If so, how did you work with that? (This is my biggest struggle right now with redesigning my upstairs great room. I want to block an existing vent with an end table but my hubby isn't having it.)

  34. Can you cover a floor vent like that? What are the implications? I have one a spot in my bedroom where i'd love to move my dresser but the vent is there.

    1. First you need to know if it’s a hot air vent or a cold air return. If Hot air comes out when the furnace is on than, as Julia mentioned, you will want to close the vent to protect your furniture from drying hot air. The consequence will certainly be a cooler room. If it’s a cold air return, you could still close it, but if you have furniture with legs and clearance you don’t need to. The consequence of blocking cold air vents is that the room won’t heat or cool as effectively. So could be stuffy or cold depending on the season.

  35. I absolutely love it! I have to remind myself to go for fewer bigger objects in my own home - and here you can really see what an impact that makes!

  36. Love it all! Are you afraid of just leaning the mirror that it might fall? We have a large leaning picture over our mantel and sometimes i worry that it will fall over.

    1. This mirror has a huge hanging wire on the back, so it’s actually secured into a stud. Yes, we were absolutely worried it could fall so we didn’t take any chances.

      1. Thank you for this question and the answer! I was just thinking the same thing. I've noticed so many home reno bloggers lately propping HUGE mirrors on dressers, etc., and my head always goes to: "What keeps it from falling??" LOL!

  37. Looks so great! Nice work! Just curious: do you plan to use the same scones throughout the house, or switch it up?

    1. We'll group sconces based on area. The entry will have these and the stairwells will have something different and the dining room will likely have something different. But they'll all coordinate

  38. Calling something an "investment piece" is a polite way of saying "too expensive for the real world". You did a nice job of filling the space and your design principles are spot on.

    1. I disagree with your statement about "investment" pieces being too expensive. If something is well made and fits into your long-term design concept, there is nothing wrong about paying more for the piece. Buying lots of things to chase the latest fad tends to be even more expensive and, depending on how the "old things" are discarded, may be unhealthy for our environment.

      When I moved into my first few apartments, family members gave me furniture to get me started. I used to joke about those pieces being "early relative" or "late attic" pieces. But, I still have some of those pieces since they are sturdy, still look good, and they give off good memories about family & friends.

      1. This space is obviously beautiful and the pieces you picked will last a lifetime. These are interesting choices and I always appreciate the inspiration. I think your audience is just going through a transition. When I first started following you, I could click on the links for things in your space that I loved and I could afford to buy them for my own home. Now that you've had all this hard earned success, your budget is very different than mine (and probably a lot of your readers). Most of us can't afford to spend $7,000+ on our entryway. We're just dealing with the transition of ChrisLovesJulia going from being accessible to being aspirational. I don't begrudge you your success at all - I'm here for the inspiration and I love seeing what you're doing. I just see comments like this one about investment pieces and I know some readers are still coming to terms with the fact that not all of us can afford what you can afford.

      2. I agree with the aspirational vs accessible comment! That was spot on. Combined with not ever getting a reply in comments or messages anymore, only a “seen” mark showing each time, it is a little disheartening to say the least. You have become unapproachable it appears. But, I am finding other Instagram and blogs to turn to these days. I still follow you for the inspiration and out of curiosity, just not as invested or involved as I used to be. Don’t ignore and forget all the little people who helped you get to where you are today!

      3. First, let me apologize for not getting to all of your comments and messages. We value your feedback and wish we could respond to everyone. You’ve got me! I see you! Second, I’m so sorry that some of our content comes off as unapproachable — but thrilled that you’re finding new blogs and accounts that you’re loving! Tell me the kinds of content you’re specifically looking for from Chris Loves Julia. I’m listening ????

      4. One thing to remember is that Chris and Julia don't actually BUY most of this pricey's gifted to them by advertisers. I think their account has shifted from being a relatable decor blog to a high-end, aspirational decor account. Think of them like an Architectural Digest magazine with advertiser content rather than a DIY/budget-friendly account. It's definitely a transition, but I don't begrudge them. They've worked hard, and there are many other, affordable/achievable decor accounts for the average joe. I enjoy their content while realizing I, as a middle-class gal, would never ever personally spend that much money on a credenza.

      5. It’s true! Once a week, we partner with a brand we love for a sponsored blog post, and sometimes, the product that you see in those sponsored posts has been gifted. We flattered to be called “aspirational,” and we aspire ourselves to be counted among the caliber of designers featured in Architectural Digest. But, we’re still DIYers to the core and try to follow up pricey project posts with budget-friendly versions. Also, we get that one man’s credenza is another man’s expensive bag, shoe, vacation... We save for and spend on what we love, right?

      6. I agree with you in that chasing cheap fads rather than saving up for something you really want to keep is not great for lots of reasons. Most of my furniture is vintage and I rehab it by either refinishing, or reupholstering, and I buy what I love vs what's trendy. I think the other commenter hit the nail on the head. This blog is transitioning from accessible to aspirational. This will mean a loss of some readers but I don't think it matters. Even if I HAD a $7000 budget for an entry space, that's not how I would choose to use those resources. Calling an expensive piece an "investment" is a misnomer, but that's just my value system, not theirs.

      7. I would love to hear why you don't think saving up for something you really want is a good idea? I think we're growing and changing--but isn't everyone? We survey our audience every year and it's amazing how we have all grown and shifted over the past 10 years. That being said, this might be a more inspirational post for some (I look at a lot of high end designs and figure out how I can achieve the look within my budget ALL THE TIME!) and it might be accessible for some. That's why we also do posts like a $1000 kitchen makeover or a free way to fall up your kitchen or a budget bedroom makeover in 2 days. To label the entire blog over one post and one person's point of view or budget seems a little far fetched. Like you said, if you had a budget that we did, you wouldn't spend it the same way. That's fine! That's what makes the world go round. It doesn't mean that you can't appreciate or enjoy for entertainment's sake how we did I would hope.

      8. I think we all get it that this is Julia & Chris's job! However, I have to agree that the blog is becoming more inspirational. Since moving into this new home, you guys have taken on a lot of projects in a very short time frame. Not only that, but you continue to choose pieces that are quite expensive ($1500/chair, $3600 credenza, etc). I love your styling but so much of it is way more than I'd ever spend. This is what millionaire homeowners fill their second homes with.

        That being said, I definitely appreciate your under $2K renovations as being more achievable! It's great when you show how to tile, or paint, or do something handy instead of just buying the next new thing.

        On a side note, I can already imagine these pieces in storage next week while your floors are being redone!

      9. This. Exactly this. While I can't afford a $3,700 credenza (nor do I have the room for something that big) I appreciate the style, design, and tips you share on the blog! This space could totally be mimicked on a $500-ish budget. I'm a fairly new reader, but I'm here for inspiration (I would've never thought to go that big with a mirror on a credenza!) not to try to "keep up". Just my $0.02. :)

      10. I have literally tried to comment Felicity's exact comment so many times recently. I always ended up deleting it because I don't begrudge your success! But it's been a hard transition for me to accept as a reader.

      11. My budget for my home is extremely small, which means I thrift and craigslist my way to the home I want. However, I would MUCH rather see a blogger spend more money on the quality piece they really love than a bunch of cheap furniture that doesn't last, or that their readers might be inspired to buy and then be disappointed in. I honestly prefer seeing content like this one over posts full of Wayfair stuff, but I recognize that bloggers need content that appeals to all their readers. Anyway, just sharing so you know you have long term readers who don't mind the changes. When I saw this post on Instagram this morning, I thought it could be a hotel lobby! Beautiful and unexpected.

      12. This Julia!! High end inspo, budget renos, free transformations... ALL in the same blog. You guys do it all and I am HERE for it.

      13. I'm not the OP here. I love the entry and that credenza is dreamy, but I do understand what they're saying. I've been following you way back since the days of your first house when I found you commenting on YHL. I've loved seeing your success and don't begrudge you the budget you're playing with in the least. It is inspirational and I think you still share plenty of budget friendly stuff. I just thought I could shed a bit of insight on saving up for stuff you want. As my career/my husband's careers have progressed, our budget has evolved from Ikea and thrift stores to a higher-end budget for us, think $800 bed, expensive mattress, $3,000 couch. That might be unattainable for other folks reading this blog. We'd never save up $7K for our entryway or one room in our house, because our budget doesn't allow us to spend that much on a room. We live in a 100-year-old house, have two kids in daycare and man, college is expensive! So, your price tag of an investment piece is just going to be different than some of your readers. I don't think that means you shouldn't spend what fits in your budget/goals and invest in things you love. I'd much rather see you do that than parade in cheap new things for the sake of content. Just my $.02.

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