It is the last day of the 3rd busiest month of our lives. July was good to us
and for us. At least that is what I am saying so I don't turn into the stress ball I was for the majority of the month. Being busy is
good, right?? That being said, we'd be perfectly content with a more mellow August. Really. Not necessarily lounging every day (we have 2 rooms on the list to be painted next month--eee!) but more family time at home would be welcomed. Before we jump into a new month with a fresh list of projects, we've rounded up all of July's right here for you--that seems to definitely be heavy on the art (I would say
we finished the studio just in time) but there's a lot of other fun projects splashed in there that even I forgot about. And in the spirit of keeping things concise (smashing nearly 20 posts into one could get lengthy), we described each post with a hashtag or two linked that's linked to the full post.
#photoledgesoffun :
#cleangarage #ilovemymom :
So long, July. What did you guys get done this month? Any projects around the house? Or maybe you made it to an actual beach and we can live vicariously through you. Any exciting plans for August? Bring it!
Young Chris looks like Chuck Bartowski. :) (Have you ever watched that show, 'Chuck'?)
He's gotten that one before! Love it.
August means SCHOOL STARTSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! Where did this summer go???
I must say, this summer has been great. No complaints. The only complaint I have is that we weren't able to travel much ie to charlotte to see family and do some boating, mainly because Ryan wasn't able to take off work. BUT we had fun here and tried to discover new things here in the city.
Our August goals are to organize our place. I still feel like I don't know where anything is and I have been looking for my camera memory cards for the past 2 months and STILL can't find them. boo. But, we are also going to do some baby prep, buy a twin bed, organize Brinley's room, maybe try and do a day beach trip, and just get in gear for this next BUSY semester. I am okay to have a few lazy days here and there because come August 24th, we are busy BUSY until December 14th. Eeeks. But, all things are good and exciting, but I maaaay once or twice lose my mind.
PS you missed a HUGE debacle on Sydney's instagram. She posted a picture from their Hawaii trip of her and a girlfriend and in the picture, the way she positioned the camera, her cleavage is INTENSE. and all the preachy LDS girls went hog-wild and said how immodest she was and yadda yadda yadda. OKAY. It isn't modest. Wearing bikini's aren't "modest," BUT if I was in Hawaii, with my husband, with NO KIDS, with THAT hot 12 yr old skinny body??? I WOULD WEAR ONE. I know I would. And I probably will some time in the future. But, dang there were over 200 comments on that picture and it was intense!
One day I am gonna get an iPhone and have instagram and NEVER miss drama again! Hahaha. And I totally agree, if I had a rocking bod, I'd be in a bikini (which tells you why I have never worn a bikini). Maybe for Cruise 2013.
P.s. School might start for you guys in August, but LAST YEAR!! Ahhhh!!!!
I can't believe it's already August! Only 145 days until Christmas - INSANE! Anyway, I completed a few projects like my DIY campaign style desk and my mid-century modern dresser turned entertainment center and added some to the list for August. DIY dining table, I'm talking about you!