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The Nursery Gets a Rug

January 9, 2014
The area rug for the nursery arrived in the last 24 hours, so the corners are still a little curled, but the rich color is a stunner!
It's the Bursa wool rug in merlot (currently sold out) from West Elm. We had actually been going back and forth getting the 9x12 navy one for our living room--sooo pretty!!-- and I was watching it and watching it and waiting for it to go on sale (as everything does from West Elm, you know) and then as we were going to pull the trigger, it sold out and I was so over-dramatically sad about it. There was ice cream involved. Then I found that they had this pretty purple merlot color left in 2 smaller sizes, one being a 5x8 and I thought it would be the most perfect landing for this little girl nursery. It was on super sale for $200 and I didn't even think twice. I just ordered it right then! Perhaps the irony in all of this is now that 9x12 navy option from West Elm is back in stock. Gah! But we are loving the richness the purple adds to the room and feel like it's the perfect jump start to decorating the rest of the nursery.
The entire room is 9x12, so not very large at all, and I thought that a 5x8 would be perfect, but it feels a little on the small side to me. I think it could be due to the crib being nearly 5' wide, and leading the area rug right up to it dwarfs it a bit.
Once we get the carpet up and new flooring down and a glider and curtains in this room, maybe it will magically look larger? What do you think? Have you ever been so excited about an area rug and so let down by the size when you unroll it--at the same time?
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  1. I've been seeing a lot of layered rugs, lately. One of my favorite looks has been the natural sisal/jute rug layered with a softer rug. Have you considered getting a larger 8x10 natural fiber rug and putting it under it? I know the recommended "perfect" rug size is 6 inches remaining on all sides of the rug between the baseboards, so the 8x10 would fit the bill. And hey, don't you have a natural fiber 8x10in the living room right now? If you steal that one, then you will HAVE to pull the plug on a new living room rug. It's a win-win!

  2. I've been seeing a lot of layered rugs, lately. One of my favorite looks has been the natural sisal/jute rug layered with a softer rug. Have you considered getting a larger 8x10 natural fiber rug and putting it under it? I know the recommended "perfect" rug size is 6 inches remaining on all sides of the rug between the baseboards, so the 8x10 would fit the bill. And hey, don't you have a natural fiber 8x10in the living room right now? If you steal that one, then you will HAVE to pull the plug on a new living room rug. It's a win-win!

  3. The rug looks patchy to me in some areas - like the pile is low or missing? (It looks white in some areas, like you can see the rug backing from the top.) I like more sophisticated nurseries, too, but I'm thinking with the size/possible pile issues it may be better to return and try something else. Not said to be snarky :) Excited to see what you guys do with the nursery! And maybe if you return this one you can get the blue one for your living room?

    1. I tried that. The crib is about twice as wide as the dresser, so it kind of blocks the entry and doesn't allow the dresser to be centered on the back wall. I'm gonna keep playing with the arrangement.

  4. I am sure you are going to make it look beautiful, like you do with everything you touch.But right now and through the pictures, it looks kind of... weird to me like not for a little girl's nursery. I don't know.

  5. I got a rainbow rug for my twins nursery.... I loved it so much I would go in there and lay on it before there was anything else in the room :) I think that the size will be good - any bigger might be too big! Once you get the stuff in there you can try it at different angles.

  6. beautiful! i'm sure you put the crib in that spot for a reason, but maybe move it to another wall or float it the other way on top of the rug? i'm sure it will look wonderful once you've added more "stuff" and played with the floorplan.

    1. We JUST did this with our nursery rug! I didn't like it running up to the crib, and was ready to send it back, until my husband suggested rotating it 90 degrees. And it was perfect. He's usually dismissive of my home decor angst but this time he was so observant, and right! Worth a shot!

  7. Sooo gorgeous! I agree, I think it will look bigger when it's not competing with the cream carpet underneath and when you have the other accessories in the room. What a great steal!!

  8. That blue rug!!!!!!!!! So gorgeous. 5x8 SOUNDS big. But rolled out, up against the crib, it doesn't look big enough. I think you're right though, with new flooring, the glider and some other fun accessories, it will look perfect.

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