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Toddler Chore Chart??

January 13, 2012
Lately, we have been thinking it might be time for a little chore chart for Greta.  She'll be two in exactly one month from today and she has become such a good helper around the house.  Granted, the girl, like any toddler definitely loves playing with her toys and can be quite the tornado, but before lunch and dinner she knows she has to "Cean up. Cean up. Cean up" before she eats. (Her version of "Clean up, clean up everybody, everywhere. Clean up, clean up everybody do their share.") Yeah, she just repeats the same words over and over to the tune.  We think it is pretty cute.  
In addition to cleaning up her toys, she also is really fond of unloading the dishwasher.  She first started helping me when we moved into this home in April, and we caught her in action last May:

Truth is, I didn't always like her to help me back then because it took SOOOO much longer.  She would hand me things one at a time at snail speed, but I endured and I am so glad I did.  Now, she unloads the dishwasher SO fast.  Some things like the plates and glasses she hands to me because she knows they go up high, but things like silverware, bowls, cutting boards and pots and pans--she has down and together we can have the whole dishwasher emptied in 2 1/2 long as I don't distract her with the video camera:

Recently, I have started letting her help me hand-wash some things that don't fit in the dishwasher and I am right back to last year where I don't prefer it.  There is water. Everywhere.  She doesn't really get the pans clean, but she loves doing it.  I am holding onto that knowing that she will get better and hopefully continue to enjoy little chores like this:

Greta also helps me change the laundry when I feel like doing it (laundry is the worst in my book), but I think it would be fun to start rewarding her for tasks that she does--even if the reward is just putting a sticker on a chart.  Anyone out there have success with a toddler chore chart?  Any suggestions of simple tasks an almost-two year old can handle?  Is not-quite-two too young?

Weigh in, friends!

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  1. I've read over and over and over again (and believe) that as soon as your toddler STARTS helping...MAKE them help. Then they know they have responsibilities and they will like them. Koley loves to put his books away and put his trucks in the dishwasher/car wash. .... It's a start.
    I think rewards can come in many ways. If you think Greta is too young to "get" stickers, maybe just a big hug and lots of praise would do the trick. Koley LIVES for those!
    And I just love that video. One spoon in, CLOSE the drawer. Open the drawer, one spoon in, CLOSE the drawer.

  2. Girl, you are too funny. A 'Chore Chart' for a 1 year old? Of course that's too young! I think sticker charts are good for something short term that you're trying to teach a child, like potty-training. But for the everyday, I think it's best to keep having Miss Cutie Pie help Mommy, and treat it like a normal every day thing that's done. Not like it's a big deal. We all work together, then we play together. For me, I think everyone should learn, with simple reminders at the time it's happening, to automatically help and clean up after themselves. Also, I think it's good for children to know that they do a chore because Mom or Dad asked them to, not because they get some reward for it... And the novelty of the chart/reward wears off quick anyway...just sayin'. ...Also, for older kids, I've been wondering if chore charts imply that that's your only job and other chores, if not on your chart, are someone else's chores- so that when Mom asks a kiddo to do something extra, they say "it's not my job!" I dunno ... I'm not saying i'm against charts etc; I make a schedule for us of certain things, like what day sheets are washed and other deep cleaning is done, that isn't done daily. I def need reminded of what chores needed done in the house sometimes! -Jessica

  3. What a cutey! Thanks for sharing the videos. I'd save sticker charts for things that she doesn't want to do. I wouldn't want her to go from willingly helping with chores to only doing them if she gets a physical reward. Right now it sounds like your praise and attention are enough of a reward for her.

  4. This is hilarious and I think you are SO BRAVE. I am still in the ahhhh let me just do it mode, and I need to be better (I know this) but Brinley has also done a great job at breaking LOTS of plates and bowls and we just can't afford anymore breaking for the love! But, doing silverware is a great idea actually. I do let her do that sometimes but I need to let her help me when I actually do the dishes in the afternoon.

    The sticker chart is a great idea. I've heard things like brushing teeth, putting diapers in the trash can, putting dirty clothes in the laundry basket, and eventually being able to dress themselves (Brin is just good at taking clothes OFF but over Christmas she put on her own leggings which was amazing!!! I think just simple things like cleaning up toys. It is a HUGE because Brinley doesn't always want to help. Greta is the best at cleaning up! I'll remember to add that one to the sticker chart.

    Let me know if you find any good sticker charts on pinterest or if you decide to design your own. I think Brinley needs some of this in her life :-)

  5. I think it's a great idea! I wish we would have started chore charts ages ago... Also, the sticker chart is a great idea too. Sticker charts solve everything at our house! hahaha Every time Zoe needs to do something (like when we potty trained her, when she started sleeping in her big girl bed, etc. etc.) we start a new sticker chart and it works like a charm!

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