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Wallpaper!! + $100 Ace Giveaway

October 29, 2014

We got the wallpaper in the entry up and it is dreamy and just what we hoped! It actually made the area look bigger (hard to portray in photos--you really must stop by) and so much more interesting.


As a refresher, here's how the entry looked last month.


For our Ace Hardware project for October, they urged us to spruce up our entryway and we've been doing just that. We were able to get a new finish nailer to install our baseboards (finally) this month and had enough left over to get all the supplies we needed at our local store to hang the wallpaper.

While I knew I wanted some accent or wallpaper on the far wall in the entry, I struggled finding a wallpaper that would suit it, and to be honest, to suit me too. Wallpaper is kind of personal like that. I wanted something smaller scale but still classic. I came across this photo and tucked it away as my inspiration. I loved the abstract dottiness. It felt classic but cool.


I went hunting for something similar and found this paper from Hygge & West. Up close you can see "the abstract stone shapes uniquely arranged to create an alluring pattern." ... Their words, but just as true. ;)


And as you step back, it softens considerably.



Although Ace did have everything we needed for the project, I didn't get any actual in progress photos, but our friends Kim and Scott just hung wallpaper from, coincidently,  the same company, so do go check out their tutorial. This wall took about 4 hours not including the time we took removing the old doorbell box. What a difference, right?! I think I would like to wallpaper the switch plates, but I was advised to get a different glue for that so I'll have to track that down and give you an update on that later.


Now I can't wait to wallpaper something else--the bedroom? Yes. It's addicting and so satisfying. Our entry is coming along quickly now so you'll definitely see an update on that front before the week is up. And as always, Ace loves to help our readers get their projects done, too. Together with our friends at Ace, we’ll be giving away a $100 Ace Hardware gift card to one of you! The giveaway runs through this Friday, October 31st at midnight MST, and the winner will be announced as an update to this post. You can easily enter using the Rafflecopter widget below. Take Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



We’re excited to be collaborating with Ace Hardware as a part of their Ace Blogger Panel. Ace has provided us with compensation and the materials necessary to complete this project and strive to be as generous with our readers (thanks, Ace!) All opinions are our own.

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  1. I am not 100% on board with wallpaper - having removed paisley wallpaper in our bathroom (complete with pink wood trim) - but you have me thinking about it.

  2. I'm almost on the wallpaper train! Your entry might convince me to board!!! And didn't you say sometime that a new bench was coming to the entryway? I can't wait to see that!

  3. Am really getting closer and closer to wallpapering my small hallway half-bath. This post is really providing a lot of inspiration!

  4. Are other people experiencing problems with your website failing to load? For the past couple of weeks it usually does not load . Safari on an iPad , the bar gets halfway across and then stops.

    1. That is so weird! I am on Safari myself. Although on my laptop. And we recently moved to a different servers ($$$) to help with that. I will for sure look into for you, Sue. No good.

  5. OH I love that wallpaper! It looks so elegant! I would love to do that in my hallway! I was just going to repaint, but that would look so nice!

  6. After removing lots of 80s wallpaper (think tiny green pineapples) before I moved into my house, I am not sure I can ever hang wallpaper myself! I admire your bold choice though! I love Ace Hardware. They can always answer my questions and have whatever I need for my projects.

  7. That looks fantastic! You are more more daring than I when it comes to wall coverings. I also really love your floor. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.

  8. You have such great style! I love all of your design choices & always look forward to each project that is published. You are an inspiration!

  9. I absolutely love the wall paper! I'm thinking about an area in my house to wallpaper! Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. Gorgeous entryway, it really pops now. You made it very much like the inspiration photo you picked. So pretty!

  11. Love how it turned out. I can always go for classic black and white and I haven't seen this pattern before. Good choice!

  12. I love this! You have such a style sense. This paper is perfect here. We are still working on getting paintings/photos, etc hung up -- we have not decided what to do with our entry yet! I will just enjoy yours instead ;)

  13. I like that you incorporated wallpaper, but I just don't like the pattern you chose. The way the white spaces repeat just looks so odd.

  14. Ahh! love it! I have a tiny wall between our kitchen, living room and entry hallway that is begging for paint or wallpaper. wallpaper has always seemed so intimidating - especially finding the right pattern to live with. I think this one is perfect! looks almost animal print like (yay for me!) and yet, masculine enough in organic, geometric print that the hubby would probably go for it too. great choice!

  15. It's so perfect! I am really wanting to wallpaper the wall behind our bed because my husband doesn't love the idea of things hanging above our head and the wall feels very bare. What an impact, too!

  16. That paper is so yummy!! Bravo to going bold! I am too big a chicken to try and install wallpaper in my house. Hats off to you!! The real question is, what does Charlie think of it? :-)


  17. My husband and I just bought our first house this past spring and almost exactly 6 months later, I painted the first two rooms. Picking your own colors is such a great feeling!

  18. After taking down a few rooms with wallpaper I'm not sure I could put it up out of spite, lol. I do like it in this space though.

  19. I don't think I would have ever picked this wallpaper by looking at it in a wallpaper book, but I think it looks fabulous up on your wall. Love the black and white of the bathroom!

  20. I just linked this post to my hubby at work so he could see the wallpaper. He has been completely against the idea of wallpapering even a tiny section of our house, but this may have changed his outlook a bit. He loved it! Thanks for the continuous inspiration!

    On a side note, we made the soup recipe this past weekend! SOOO good. Thank you! :)

  21. We are moving into a new house soon - but like you, I never can find wallpaper that is modern and timeless. Maybe I should start looking again... there are several focal walls begging for a special something!

  22. I love it! We rent so wallpaper is out of the question for us, but if we had a place of our own I think I'd consider it! I could find all kinds of ways to use the gift card though. :)

  23. I am absolutely loving the modern take on wallpaper these days! I would love to do something similar in my own home once I track down a pretty wallpaper everyone can agree on. An ACE gift card sure would speed that process up!

  24. Do you find yourself going out of your way just to admire that wall? I do that all the time with especially satisfying projects.

  25. Do you still love the hooks? I am thinking about getting the same ones for our entry and was just wondering if they work well for a few coats (say 2 coats) on one hook?

  26. I would love to wallpaper my foyer with something similar (think it's called "Fireworks" - white with black dots) but my husband is adamantly opposed. Party pooper.

  27. I love it! I also thought animal print when I first saw the mood board, but I totally love it!

    I am so hoping to convince my husband to do small bit of wallpaper in our new house! Our current home had the WORST wallpaper (multiple layers too!) in the kitchen and it took FOREVER to get off so he is totally in the "I hate wallpaper!" mindset. -But if you love it, you don't have to remove it! :)

  28. You're really brave for finishing your entry and then practically redoing it. I loved it before but I REALLY love it now! Nicely done!

  29. Wow, that's a really bold choice and I think it worked out well. If the pattern was much larger it may have looked too busy but I think it looks great.

  30. Gorgeous! I'm too chicken to put up wallpaper, the walls in our house were not left in the greatest condition by the previous owners (divots and unsanded spackle everywhere!) $100 at Ace would get me plenty of paint to cover that all up though :-)

  31. Ohhhh my stars - it's beautiful!! I would love to jump on the wallpaper bandwagon - but we have these crazy textured walls everywhere in our house. I'm sure it's possible to wallpaper those? Must. Do. Research...

  32. I've never been a huge wallpaper fan but maybe that's because I spent hours removing big floral print wallpaper from purée house. This I love though!!!

  33. You mentioned that it took you about four hours to do that wall. How would you say the time vs. impact factor works out versus, say, painting an accent wall?

    I can't wait to see how this space comes together! I'm not usually a wallpaper person, but I'm definitely willing to be convinced. ^_^

    1. Good question. I mean, I can paint a wall this size in 20 minutes. But paint doesn't have the same (not even close) to the impact wallpaper does. I have tried stenciling in the past and it is probably MORE time consuming than wallpaper with less than stellar results as compared to wallpaper. I am not against painting accent walls at all. For this application, wallpaper was the right choice for us--I didn't really weigh the time it took into the decision.

  34. whoah! that's a huge difference for your entryway! glad you were able to find a pattern that suited you and your space.

    1. We have some leftover and I am contemplating doing that! Although, there is also a wrap around option on the other side leading to our bedroom. I worry if I do one, I have to do both. Not sure I have enough for both.

  35. Love it! I think it looks so classic. I am on the fence right now about wallpapering a wall in my daughters room.

  36. I'm also from the too-scared-to-try-wallpaper camp, but I love watching you guys master it until I can build up my own motivation and courage! It looks great!

    1. Hahaha. That's really funny because my sister commented on the entry mood board post with the same thought and it almost scared Chris out of the idea. It definitely could have that vibe up close but doesn't really read animal print in general.

  37. I love this - especially since your entry is a typical little box. I've also been dreaming of wallpaper (and taking down some weird stuff from previous ppl) - inspired to just do it!!

  38. Love it! Huge Hygge and West fan here. Looking for a place in our home to use that classic gold/white stylized chrysanthemum print you see all over the decor blogosphere, and/or their Mexican and Otomi-inspired papers. Love your site, by the way. Longtime reader, first time commenter.

  39. I thought you meant wallpapering on the entry way between the hooks and the bench for some reason. I am excited to see what the finished entry will look like! The wallpaper took a tiny bit to warm up to for me because it's bold. But I do like it's pattern!

  40. I typically do not like wallpaper, but I actually think I'm in love with yours. You two have great style. Thanks for sharing it with the world! :)

  41. You guys, it looks awesome! Kudos to you both for committing to making the space one that you love. It can be difficult to work on something, realize its not right, and persist. I have thrown in the towel on my share of projects and they just keep dropping down the line on the old to-do list!

  42. New reader from the past few weeks. Hoping to buy my second home in the next few years and have already begun to collect inspiration. I think YOUR entryway photo will be my inspiration for one-day wallpaper. I love the print you chose!

  43. I love all the cool wallpapers that are out there now but I vowed to never put them on my walls when I bought this house as every room had some wallpaper and it was so awful to take down. I have heard that the newer stuff isn't so bad to take off though.

    Can't wait to see the photos with the bench from your sneak peak last night.

  44. Have you ever tried to wallpaper over textured (knockdown) walls? I'd love to wallpaper but our entire house has the knockdown texture...

  45. Stunning! I am too chicken to try wall paper. I've wanted to ever since Greta's bedroom in your old house though.

  46. i think it's always great to have personal touches to make an entry welcoming -- family photos, flowers, and the inviting scent of a candle.

  47. I've been having a similar wallpaper conundrum, finding one that looks like us. I want to wallpaper the wall behind our bed.

  48. We are in the process of taking down all our 1980s wallpaper but I love the idea of putting something new and fun up in a small space. I actually love the texture of paper vs just painted walls.

  49. A gorgeous mirror, beautiful rug and somewhere practical to keep your keys/coats/bags is always a must in a good entryway.

  50. I love this pattern! As much as I would love to hang wallpaper as an accent wall in our home I don't think my husband can get on board because we just stripped tons and tons of wallpaper before we moved into our current home. Think 90s floral wallpaper and the accent border to match!

  51. I think every entry needs a place to sit, a mirror, and somewhere to hang your coat/bag. A nice rug is helpful too :)

  52. I accidentally entered my second entry before leaving a comment, and I forgot what the comment was supposed to be but I will take a guess.... If I won the $100 I would use it to buy wainscoting for my daughters room that I am redoing and some lights and curtain rods.

    1. I LOVE this wallpaper! Which is funny 'cause I wasn't sure I liked it when I saw the previews. But it looks great on the wall. I'm impressed. Thanks for the encouragement to go outside the box!

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