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20 Ways to Romanticize Your Life at Home

January 22, 2024

There's been a lot of talk about resolutions this month, and I'm here for it. One of my sisters has a goal this year to "romanticize her life at home," and I love this. She's all about unlocking new ways to love where she lives and how she lives there. We had some girl talk about what it means to "romanticize your life" (as fellow Enneagram 3s, it can sometimes be a struggle), and I was surprised by how many ideas that we came up with that were, well, ideal. Our talk renewed the romantic in me. Some of these ideas are already baked into my home life, and others are things I want to get back to. My hope is that there's something here that inspires you, too. Here's to a romantic new year...

Let the Light In

Chandelier | Boucle Chairs | Velvet Bench (similar) | Rug

Every morning, as I'm moving through the rooms in our house, I'm opening shutters, blinds, and curtains. It's so refreshing and invigorating to let the daylight in. I find that this does of Vitamin D kick-starts my day and inspires me creatively. It's also a 100% free mood-booster.

Designate a Reading Nook

Coffee Table | Blue Velvet Couch | Rug | Candlesticks | Faux Tree (similar) | Coffee Table Books

You don't need a "TBR" list to designate a nice screen-free corner of your house for books. This can just be a quiet place where you flip through coffee table books and drink your tea. Also, I love a Kindle and an audiobook, but there's something very romantic about books in print.

Refresh Your Stems

Tree Art | Faux Stems | Woven Ottomans | Table Lamp | Coffee Table | Faux Stems | Rug

There's a study that suggests that we emotionally benefit from nature, and even artificial plants can elicit these responses. Our brains can't (emotionally) tell the difference between faux greenery and live plants. We register the plantlife as plantlife, and it makes us feel good. Aesthetically, it's a romantic notion to swap out your stems for whatever's in season. Keep a tote of your favorites and restock your vases as the seasons change.

Do a Puzzle

Wallpaper | Gallery Frames | Sconces | Taper Candles | Chandelier | Dining Table | Puzzle Board Cover | Sweater | Dining Chairs (vintage)

Remember that beach vacation where everyone worked on a puzzle and sat around talking? You can do this at home! Like, anytime! Sometimes, I feel guilty pulling a puzzle out because it feels like my to-do list is a mile long, but I find that it feels productive because I'm solving something, and it's truly meditative. Whenever I' need to think through something I'm craving downtime, a puzzle is my go-to.

Make a Vision Board

Gold Framed Pin Boards

It's a rather romantic notion to physically clip favorite images from magazines or books (or print-outs) and collage them together to manifest what you really want. I recommend installing a pretty bulletin board in your home office and adding inspiration to it often. If you can dream it, you can do it.

Add a Tassel

Wood Armoire | Woven Basket (similar) | Rug | Faux Stems | Black Pot | Globe Pendant

Last year, I stained this little armoire, and for some extra charm — hung a tassel from the latch. It was so darling! A tassel is pure frill, and it feels so good to give your favorite pieces a little upgrade that's purely aesthetic.

Have a Ritual

Shop the Bonus Room

In our house, we have movie night every Friday. Chris makes a big snack board, and we pile on the couch with the girls, and it feels like the best kick-off to the weekend. Even when our daughters are booked with activities or playing with their friends — Chris and I keep the movie night tradition alive. It feels so good to have a weekly ritual.

Cook a Meal for Yourself

Shop the Kitchen

This doesn't have to be fancy, but it does have to be something you like. Make something just for you. It's therapeutic (and romantic) to cook a meal when you're the only one eating. I think, too often, I grab something from the pantry or have a bowl of cereal when it's only me I'm feeding, especially for lunch. But there's something lovely about making something nice for yourself. It can be scrambled eggs! (I make a mean scrambled egg.) Bonus points if you're home alone and humming along to a favorite playlist while you do this.

Listen to an Audiobook While You Do Housework

Shop the Laundry Room

Is there anything more romantic than getting lost in a story?? I'll never forget the day I listened to Lucy Foley's "The Guest List" from start to finish and did every stitch of laundry there was to be done in our house (towels and sheets, too!). I love putting my earbuds in and listening to a book that's unpause-able.

Take Up a Hobby (and Have a Place for It)

Lounge Chair | Sconce (similar) | Abstract Face ArtCharcoal House (similar) | Trees | Faces

Tinker with an instrument, and display it prominently. Artists, carve out a home studio (even if it starts as just a desk). If you're into plants, designate a little greenhouse for your botanical beauties. Your home is a reflection of YOU, so give your hobbies center stage.

Set the Table for Dinner

I'm proud to say that we eat together as a family, at the table, almost every night. I set the table (not as fancy as the Thanksgiving photo above), and the girls help me — and it does feel special and romantic to have this time together every night. We have a teenager now, so we've had to institute no phones at the table. We want dinner time to be able reconnecting as a family, and setting the table is setting the scene for that connection.

Spend Date Night at Home

Chandelier | Mirror | Pot | Woven Ottomans | Coffee Table | Rug | Blue Velvet Couch | Linen Sofa | Boucle Chairs | Coffee Table Books | Floor lamp (similar)

At the end of the week, it's sometimes exhausting to think of going out. Some of our best date nights have been at home. And if you're trying to romanticize your life at home, planning a date at your own coffee table is a really great place to start. Order in, and play some cards. And flirt :)

Indulge in a Skincare Ritual

LED Mirror

Skincare is my favorite self care :) I really look forward to the "me time" before bed when I'm washing my face and moisturizing. Once a week, I'll do a mask, and I look forward to that, too. When I think about romanticizing my time at home, this definitely feels indulgent and special. I recommend investing in a good mirror, and do this ritual sitting down, if you can. Slow down and really take your time :)

Other ideas:

• Play music in the mornings before school to get the kids pumped and while making dinner. There's not a day that doesn't go by when I don't hear Chris cooking in the kitchen and saying "Alexa, shuffle my slow jams."

• Make dessert on a weeknight.

• Binge watch a show, but slowly. I love to reserve one night a week for our shows. Right now we're watching The Traitors on peacock and it's my new favorite. Instead of watching them every night. It feels so special to designate a night as "Traitors night!" We look forward to it all week and watch a couple episodes each week.

• Light a candle anytime you're home--don't wait for company.

• Turn off all the overhead lights and commit to lamps only after the sun goes down. (We have ours set up on our Alexa and it feels like a luxury every night!)

• I recently read that there is more to showers than the "everything shower." And it intrigued me. I feel like everytime I shower, it's the everything shower that is a lot of work (shave, exfoliate, wash hair yada yada), or the quick rinse daily shower. But there's also just a relaxation shower. A meditative shower. A clean your feet before jumping into bed shower--which honestly, feels amazing.

• Anything that you're going to use daily, or see daily--get the aesthetic version. I can't tell you how much this has improved my every day life. To have pretty wash rags. Pretty scissors. A pretty tape dispenser on the desk. Aesthetic cutting boards. Every day plates and cups I love to look at. A cool trash bin in my office. It's all the romantic route and I think it's worth it.

What else do you do to romanticize life at home??

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  1. I love these ideas and feel like I've been trying to incorporate some of these the past year since I left my job to be a full time stay at home mom. I'm a homebody too, I much prefer being at home than going out but I always try to plan a bit of our day and create 'romanticized' moments. I think for me making the bed as soon as I get up is something I do. It may feel like just another daily task but at the end of the day getting into a pretty, made up bed can feel luxurious. And taking walks around our property with baby girl is something I truly enjoy. That slowing down and observing nature part, getting our vitamin D. 😁

  2. Have coffee in your favorite chair.

    We all value these little moments in our life, the ones that make us feel connected and sane. I love calling it romanticizing your life by just indulging in the little things that make you feel good, thank you for bringing light to this!

  3. Lamps. Lighting candles. Yes, yes, yes! We live in Nova Scotia (Canada) and it is dark and cold this time of year. I love closing the blinds, turning on the outside pot lights (it makes me feel happy to know that someone else will see our lights twinkling if they're out driving after dark.

    Years ago my brother (who lives in Denmark) gifted my husband and I a set of Georg Jensen COBRA candlesticks and they are one of my all-time favourite gifts and possessions. My 9-year-old lights the taper candles each night before supper, we dim the lights and it is one of the highlights of each and every day. Maybe I've taught my kids to like it too much? Now he's started lighting them for breakfast in the morning. Fair's dark then too.

  4. I love all of these ideas! I also enjoy turning on a diffuser, which helps bring calmness into the home. I find practicing romanticising your life at home also helps with mindfulness. I’ll be coming back to this list when I need a little inspiration 🥰

  5. Love all of these, and aspire to quite a few…I’d love to eat together. We all eat at different times, the kids eat different foods, many nights my husband and I don’t have dinner until the kids are in bed! Not sure how we got there, but a “family meal” is wholly foreign to us - I’d love to change that!

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