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The Prettiest Artificial Christmas Trees

October 5, 2023

It's officially October, which means it's practically almost Christmas! Jokes aside... If you're planning to get a new Christmas tree for the upcoming holiday season, between you and me, now is the time to do it! Stock and shipping times are unexpected these days, so if you want to have it up and decorated for the season, this is your window to prepare. While I love the smell and charm of a real tree, I'm not a fan of the mess. So, I haven't had a real tree since I was maybe 6 years old. Faux is for me! For your convenience, we rounded up a bunch of artificial Christmas trees, from traditional to flocked, full to sparse, and everything in between.

artificial christmas tree

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artificial christmas trees

Christmas Bonus Room Sources

Traditional Artificial Christmas Trees

Year after year, this Christmas tree is a fan favorite, which also happens to be my favorite. It looked so charming in our bonus room, tied in bows with the choo-choo train below. Over the years, it has lived with us in three homes, and I hope we have it for years to come. Christmas 2020, it sat proudly in the formal dining room, and I'm still not over it. And, of course, for Christmas 2018, it was the main tree in our cozy living room. Here's a round-up of traditional artificial Christmas trees I think you'll love, including some pre-lit!

traditional christmas trees
  1. 7' Faux Pre-Lit Woodland Fir $498
  2. 6' H Green Realistic Artificial Pine Feather $106
  3. 7.5' Green Spruce $189 (lowest price I've ever seen!!)
  4. 7.5' Downswept Douglas Artificial Fir with Lights $414
  5. 9.0' Pre Lit Foxtail Pine Green $618
  6. 7.5' Feel Real Nordic Spruce with Dual Color LED Lights $689
  7. 7.5' Illuminated Pre-Lit Faux Pine $2,999
  8. 7' Prelit Galloway Spruce Tree $799
  9. 12' Pre-Lit Green Dunhill Fir $740
  10. 9' Norway Faux Spruce Tree $950
  11. 6.5' Pre-lit Artificial Alaskan Fir $168
  12. 7.5' Faux LED Pre-Lit Noble Fir $1,199
  13. 7.5' Color Changing Oxford Fir $1,349
  14. 7.5' Green Artificial Cedar with Steady Lights $1,078
  15. 7' Prelit Norway Spruce $699
  16. 7.5' Pre-Lit LED Grand Duchess Balsam Fir $349

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Flocked Christmas Trees

I just think there's nothing more wintery than a flocked tree. You can certainly DIY the flocked look yourself (though it can be super messy), OR you can get one of these stunners.

flocked christmas trees
  1. 9' Pre-Lit Green Pine $359
  2. 7' Snowy Grand Fir $486
  3. 7.5' Flocked Utica Green Fir with Clear White Lights $339
  4. 7.5' Pre-Lit Flocked Utah Fir $239
  5. 7.5' Artificial Flocked/Frosted Fir with Lights $280
  6. 9' Frosted Canterbury Fir $2,249
  7. 7' Snowy Norway $650
  8. 7.5' Lighted Artificial Fir $337
  9. 9' Flocked Downswept $799
  10. 7' Faux Lit Flocked Layered Spruce $699
  11. 12' Green/White Fir $1,202
  12. 7.5' Faux Lit Flocked Snow Pine $549
  13. 9' Alandis Artificial Pine with Lights $730
  14. 7.5' Artificial Fir with Lights $747
  15. 8.5" Faux Lit Slim Flocked Nova Scotia Spruce $599
  16. 9' Unlit Queen Flock Slim $499

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Sparse Christmas Trees

I love the look of a sparse Charlie Brown tree. There's something so simple and nostalgic about a tree that looks hand-picked from your local tree farm. Here are some charming, sparse trees I've got my eyes on.

sparse christmas trees
  1. 9' Pre-Lit Sparse Artificial Pine $229
  2. 5' Snow Covered Unlit Slim Pine with Jute Base $108
  3. 7.5' Artificial Aspen Fir with Warm White Lights $258
  4. 7.5' Layered Washington Spruce $207
  5. 8' Un-Lit Noblis Fir Christmas Tree $269
  6. 7' King Noble Fir with Lights $449
  7. 5.5' Unlit Indexed Balsam Fir $75
  8. 4.5' Pre-lit Alaskan Fir $129
  9. 4.5' Pre-Lit Noble Fir $102
  10. 7.5' Pre-Lit LED Natural Cut Monaco Pine Artificial $969
  11. 5' Pine with Pinecones and Berries $104
  12. 7' Bed Rock Unlit Pine $248
  13. 7' Pre-Lit Faux Silvertip Fir $398
  14. 6' Faux Pre-Lit LED Pine $379
  15. 7.5' Flocked Noble Green Fir with Stand $289
  16. 9' Layered Noble Green Fir $484

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Full Christmas Trees

IMO, I think we're about to see a lot more abundant, lush-looking, chubby Christmas trees. You heard it here first.

full christmas trees
  1. 9' Pre Lit Foxtail Pine Green $618
  2. 7' Dunhill Fir Hinged Tree with Lights $449
  3. 7.5' Pre-Lit LED Eastcastle Balsam Fir $399
  4. 6' Pre-lit Snow Flocked Full $86
  5. 7' Dunhill Fir with Stand $185
  6. 7.5' Feel Real Deluxe Downswept Douglas Fir $1,319
  7. 7.7' Faux Downswept Flocked Pine $799
  8. 12' Realistic Green $1,079
  9. 7.5' Pre-lit Full Dunhill Blue Fir $231
  10. 4.5' Dunhill Fir $64
  11. 7.5' Pre-Lit 'Feel Real' Full Frasier Grande $645
  12. 7' Pre-Lit Teardrop Profile Full Balsam Fir $350
  13. 7.5' Frasier Grande Green Fir $354
  14. 9' Full Dunhill Fir with Stand $304
  15. 4.5' Pre-Lit Dunhill Fir $145
  16. 7' Spruce $189

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Tabletop Artificial Christmas Trees

Next up, we have some cutie tabletop trees. You can put a small Christmas tree on a table, a bench, a dresser, or a front porch. I think these little guys are cute as is, strung with lights, or even decorated with a few small ornaments. Whatever you like! Here are a bunch at every price point.

tabletop christmas trees
  1. 3' Lit Faux Pine Tree in Basket $129
  2. 1-2' 3 Piece Frosted Trees Set $75
  3. 2.5' Faux Snowy Pre-lit Alpine $74
  4. 2.5' Faux Pre-Lit Mini Alpine $68
  5. 3' Faux Pre-Lit Potted Pine $99
  6. 3' Norfolk Pine Tree $68
  7. 2' Unlit Flocked Indexed Mini $10
  8. 2' Frosted Table Tree $25
  9. 2' Faux Mountain Pine $44
  10. 2' Natural Pine $53
  11. 4' Pre-Lit Potted Faux Spruce $198
  12. 5' 2pc Pre-Lit Potted Balsam Fir $150
  13. 2' Faux Potted Alpine w/ Pine Cones $59
  14. 2.5' Faux Pre-lit Alpine $64
  15. 4' Pre-Lit Potted Hemlock $199
  16. 2' Faux Norway Spruce $38

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Amazon Christmas Trees

This is for those who shop almost exclusively at Amazon. I get it. Shipping times are usually spot-on, and it's just so dang convenient. We got you covered.

amazon christmas trees
  1. 6' Pre-lit Snow Flocked Full $86
  2. 7' Dunhill Fir with Stand $185
  3. 7.5' Layered Washington Spruce $207
  4. 11' Pre-lit Snow Flocked Fir $599
  5. 4.5' Pre-lit Snow Flocked with Pine Cones & Berries $158
  6. 7.5' Pre-Lit Flocked Pencil Spruce $199
  7. 12' Pre-Lit Green Dunhill Fir $740
  8. 7.5' Unlit Aspen Fir $199
  9. 7' Spruce $189
  10. 7.5' Pre-lit Snow Flocked Full $124
  11. 7.5' Pre-Lit Snow Flocked Mountain Pine $341
  12. 10' Pre-Lit with Stand $514
  13. 7.5' Snow Flocked Pre-lit with Pine Cones & Red Berries $289
  14. 1.5' Prelit Tabletop Snow Flocked Pine $24
  15. 7.5' 'Feel Real' Norwegian Spruce $189
  16. 7.5' Pre-Lit 'Feel Real' Full Frasier Grande $645

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Don't worry. We still have more fall content ahead of us, but I'm so excited for this upcoming Holiday season!

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  1. Hello, CLJ team.. thanks for the amazing recommendations. i was wondering if you have any suggestions on Balsam hill Christmas trees or trees which look most realistic (9ft)

  2. Tried to leave a comment under the post "16 Top Amazon Products I swear by" but the post did not have the comment section. I am super interested in purchasing the bar stools like the ones you have in your beautiful kitchen, but I would like to know if it is comfortable to sit on for long periods of time. Thanks for responding.

  3. Great job! Thank you for the fantastic list of Christmas trees that you put together. The last time that I ordered a tree it took me a long time sorting through different ones.

  4. Just purchased the tree that you have in your bonus room on a great close out deal from Wayfair! Thanks for the recommendation 😊

    What lights do you like to use with this tree? Would appreciate any recommendations. Thanks!

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