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Casual Friday

Casual Friday

October 14, 2016

What a week it has been around here! It's always fun to be deep into a project, like the girls' room, and our readers get invested, too. Thank you so much for all your comments and input on our One Room Challenge, both the bunkbeds and the wardrobes. We're having so much fun seeing this room come to life in a brief amount of time. I meant to include this little video from my Instagram story of Greta and Faye seeing their bunks for the first time in the post about building them earlier this week, but I spaced it. So here it is now:

This weekend we're working on the reading nook and demoing out the closets and I'm determined to finalize the textiles, can't wait to share more progress next week!

We did have a few set backs this week, that we're trying not to focus on, but since I've received so many questions about the status of projects we've introduced but haven't followed up on, I figured I better lay it out there. The desktop for our standing desk is still not done, in fact, they said it was going to be 2 more weeks. Not ideal but not a huge deal either, just a month longer than we anticipated. Secondly, and probably the most frustrating setback, the contractor that's installing our stair railing is not answering the phone...again. We really feel uncomfortable having our Halloween party without the railing in place, so this one is particularly stressing me out. We're crossing our fingers for, what seems like, a miracle. This has gone on so long! 7 months! 7! Months!

Other fun things:


Doesn't Melissa's house (@thefauxmartha) make you want to live in an eternal fall? She's one of my favorite people to follow for food and design. Everything she posts makes me smile and feel inspired. They are currently adding a fireplace to their living room that I've been watching on Insta Stories and ooooh, I can't wait to see it all finished!  It's going to be go-od.

I'm 100% certain this fox doormat is the most beautiful doormat in existence.

Have you tried this Indian Healing Clay? A friend recommended it to me after I couldn't get into a dermatologist for a stubborn blackhead (tmi?). This stuff cleaned out my deepest pores and my face feels amazing! At just $12 (for a pound!) and over 10K reviews made it the easiest purchase of the week.

I'm so excited to see this One Room Challenge bathroom come together from Place of My Taste. As many of our long-time readers could probably guess, we were thiisss close to doing a bathroom for our ORC--the girls' bathroom downstairs specifically, although our master bathroom is on the list, too. In the end, we decided to tackle their bedroom first and are looking forward to that project next!

Hex knobs for under $5?! Unheard of. (In copper, nickel and brass--these will go fast.)

Have an excellent weekend!


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  1. I'm really curious about how/if you're going to vent the platforms for the bunk beds? My understanding is that having a mattress on a flat surface (the floor or just a piece of plywood) doesn't allow the mattress to properly breathe and creates a situation where the moisture from sweat, body heat, etc. breed mold in the mattress. I always pin these types of bunk beds for a future build project of our own but never really know how they vent it. Do you just lay slats on top of the plywood, do you drill venting holes? Maybe this isn't an issue where you're from?

    1. We live in an extremely dry climate--the desert of Idaho--and have had Greta's mattress of her old bed on a plywood board with no issues. But! We are going to watch and see how it works, as we've never really been aware of it as an issue. The plywood board is actually laying on top of 2x4 planks, and it would be easy to change the base to slats if we find is is an issue.

  2. How frustrating about the contractor for your railings. I hope it's resolved soon! Also, the girl's room is coming along beautifully! Those bunks are going to be stunners, and I droll over your proposed plans for the wardrobes. We have a similar closet situation (two bifold doors that connect one large space, but ours is one useless cross bar and storage space above), but aren't looking to tear the existing structure down. Any advice on how to maximize the interior space?

    1. This is the second contractor. The first one we moved on from. This guy was very responsive at first and now won't return our calls! It is the weirdest thing ever.

  3. Thanks for the heads up about the hex knobs! I've been eyeing the pricey Schoolhouse Electric ones, so at this price, I jumped on the CB2 ones! Backordered but not for too long.

  4. I super LOVE the bunks BUT, and I think i'm going to have the same issue with my 5 and 2.5 yr. olds, how do you plan to convince Faye to stay on the bottom bunk??? We have the Ikea Kura bed and are about to flip it to make it bunks but I know there's going to be a war to keep the little guy at ground level every. single. night!

    1. We're going to ease into it. Faye will likely sleep in her crib during the transition. But, when we go on vacation, she sleeps in a twin just fine so we're crossing our fingers she'll get the hang of it.

  5. I just wanted to say that I would be SUPER pissed about your new art for the living room. I saw it on Snapchat last night, and while you can hang the "broken" one up for now, don't settle. The framer should replace it (the print and new framing). What a bunch of hooey!

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