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Casual Friday

Casual Friday

August 19, 2016


School starts next week, and in the evenings, we're already breaking out jackets. But, just when I feel like summer is all but over, I get this image in my inbox of the Pittsburgh kitchen renovation we did with Frigidaire Professional back in June. !!! Recently, photographer, Adam Milliron went over with stylist Quelcy Kogel and captured the kitchen for every season since we won't be able to pop in anytime we want from across the country. They did an incredible job and I can't wait to share more photos on Instagram as the year progresses. But for now I'm changing my mind--summer is in full swing--pass the watermelon!

Other fun things this week!

Speaking of back to school, these college freshmen went all out on their dorm. It's gorgeous and cozy and why not?! I remember getting some new bedding, but this is next level. You go girls! 

The prettiest fall nail polish colors! (Just ordered Liv in the Gray and Front Runner looks awfully close to our reading room walls.)

into the lake

After several requests, I reopened my Etsy shop temporarily, until Labor day. I hope to start painting again soon (after our home office/studio is complete), but for now, feel free to snag a print of one of the eight paintings listed (the one pictured is called "Into the Lake").

The Oregon Trail card game is now out, exclusively at Target (but you can buy it on Amazon for triple the price), and my nostalgia can't resist.

While Chris usually scoffs every other minute during The Bachelor/ette, he has totally gotten into Bachelor in Paradise. He thinks it is hilarious and often agrees with Nick's matter-of-fact comments "you are never going to be with him." We try to keep our computers closed while watching a show together, it just feels more like we're actually doing something together even if that thing is watching a screen. But he opened up his computer during Tuesday's episode. After a couple minutes, I leaned over to see he was researching the cool hotel they were staying at! After I was done cracking up, I noticed it's actually pretty reasonable!

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West Elm's Sofa sale is coming to a close; the super cool Billie Sofa and Eddy sofa are in the $600 range and if you've been eyeing our Lounge Sofa (shown above in the velvety fabric; color is Grey), Crate and Barrel is running their annual upholstery sale! This is the best time to buy furniture from them, especially when you check eBay for a coupon! You can stack coupons as long as it says "furniture included" and "no restrictions." Update! It seems hard to find one that is applicable to sale items. The coupon can't be stacked if it says it is  for full-priced items. 

Lastly, I have to say, I had high hopes for the A Night In series, but the bloggers involved and all of you readers blew those expectations out of the water. Thank you for being into it. We're already planning and excited for next season's. Tag your photos on instagram with #anightin and tag @chrislovesjulia and @yellowbrickhome for a chance to be one of the guest bloggers in our fall edition!

Hope you all have the best weekend. Painted office reveal on Monday!

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  1. Love your podcast! Would love to hear your thoughts on a future podcast for decorating an open concept floor plan. I read your post from December on pros and cons of the layout and would love more detail on decorating an existing open concept kitchen and living room. Also, how do you know a paint colors undertone? Thanks for the great design insight! Love your blog and podcast!

  2. There are lots of waaay nicer and much more reasonable places to stay in Sayulita than Playa Escondida. You and the kids would love it there!

  3. We are starting a kitchen renovation and are using Ikea cabinets and loved the idea of an all fridge in the kitchen. I was wondering, what size cabinet did you use for above your fridge for your built in look? Thanks!
    PS Love your blog and all your amazing inspiration!

  4. I did love the "night in" posts, especially yours. One or two of the other bloggers seemed totally out of their comfort zone with night photos but I think it's great!

  5. I love love LOVE your Crate and Barrel sofa and was wondering what fabric it is? (was trying to look for it mentioned in the comments or in another post and couldn't seem to find anything about which color it is...)
    Thanks in advance!!! :)

  6. I just visited your Etsy shop and saw the cow butcher chalk print. I bought that print 4 years ago from you! I have been such a huge fan of your blog and had no idea that was your artwork, small world!

  7. Last night my husband and I reviewed our renovation plans (3 bathrooms & a kitchen, eek!). Your kitchen + Pittsburgh kitchen are big inspirations! Do you have any recommendations related to the ikea kitchen planner? How did you plan the Pittsburgh kitchen to ever detail from afar!? I've setup the layout, but how do you get to the finer details?! It feels good for imagining ideas early on, but are there options to get to more accurate drawings? Our contractor is used to getting detailed kitchen plans from a kitchen and bath store with things like water and gas location, etc....does Ikea help more if you're in store? We're 4 hours from a store so I want to be sure I'm prepared when we go!

    Any Ikea kitchen planning resource recos would be greatly appreciated!!

  8. YES! The shop! I swear on my LIFE I have been miserable for the last few weeks because as we're renovating our newly purchased foreclosure, the ONLY thing I could picture in my hallway was some of your art. I was eyeing up canvas at Hobby Lobby yesterday wondering if I could try to make something similar. Perfect timing!!!

  9. I'm loving your Casual Friday posts!....We're going to buy a sofa from Crate and Barrel during their 15% off sale. Are the eBay coupons generally stackable? Seems like Crate and Barrel would prevent that but I haven't checked out the eBay coupons yet.

    1. I was just about to comment that all of the coupons I see on eBay say you get the discount on "full-priced" items...I have never seen any stackable ones, so it's good to know they are out there (I'm just not seeing them...?!).

      1. Actually....literally ALL of them that say "no exclusions" still say it must be off a full-priced item...are we SURE these unicorn coupons exist??? I might just be the unlucky one who can't find them :)

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