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Day One

September 24, 2013
We closed on our new-ish house yesterday!  It was terribly anti-climatic, a formality really.  Mostly because we had been living there for a few weeks anyway. We already had the keys. We've already started on a few little projects, but now that things are official--we're calling yesterday our "first day."  Let the renovation calendar begin!
It's no secret there has been a lull in house projects around here, in large part due to health reasons, but also because we really didn't want to start painting the whole place until things were more concrete. T's were crossed. I's were dotted. This hasn't stopped us from picking paint colors and testing a few (we'll chat about those soon!). And now that the deal is a done one, our to-do list is growing. Did I mention we decided to throw our 3rd annual costume party, after all?? We did. It was a tough decision.  Between personal setbacks and moving to a new house that isn't near party-ready, we weren't sure we were up for it.  But, if there's one thing we learned, it's that there's nothing like inviting 60 or so people over that gets us in gear.  Before last year's party, we paneled the living room wall, and gave the whole laundry room a makeover.  We're good under pressure.
The party is set for October 26th, 4 1/2 weeks away and we think we've come up with a pretty achievable list of things we'd like to do before that date rolls around. Namely:
1. Paint the "great room" including entry, living room, dining room, and kitchen and staircase. These are all connected so will all be the same color. We hope to tackle this one this week!
2.  Decorate? For halloween, yes, but I'm actually referring to the everyday decor. Hang up some art. Get some throws and pillows out and about.  Make it feel like someone actually lives here. Ya know?
3.  Revamp the hall bathroom.  This will be the restroom our guests use during the party, so we want to put some of our energy here.  New paint. Paint the cabinetry. New lighting, mirror. A towel rack would be useful.  Just generally make it feel a little more us.
4.  Paint the front door. We actually want to do this one before a top-secret Christmas assignment, but it works for party prep, too.  Our current front door is a really, really glossy maroon, like it was sprayed at an autobody shop?  Not sure what the prep is to paint over that (do you??), but we'll figure it out and get it done.
5.  As a bonus, add recess lighting in the great room. Eeeks. That would be a big bonus, but would make a big impact. Lighting is such a big deal, and the humming fluorescents are cramping our style.
6. Party prep. Food, photo backdrop, awards. All of that fun stuff that makes us want to keep doing this year after year.
I'm easing back into blogging and projects, but we're excited to check each of these things off and share all the details with you as we go.  Does party prep get anyone else into gear?
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  1. Hi there! Stumbled across your blog on pinterest (looking to do some board & batten/wall panneling!)
    Anyway, your list of stuff to do before your Halloween party really makes me think we BETTER get our list of things done before our's! Our party is the same day and I just want to paint the main living area (the living room/kitchen/eat-in kitchen area is all one big room like your's!)

  2. Newish house of yours seems to be spacious one, no? The great room gives chances to release your creativity. I’m realistic in all that, so I wonder how well you’ll play with the advantages (bright colors and space) and disadvantages (the ceiling – sorry of that) of the house. I’ll be following the process guys… Ok, I’m just kidding. Have a great fun with these rooms. Make them even more alive ;)

  3. Congratulations on closing! I bet it's such a relief. We just closed on our second house after a terrible summer of multiple contracts and having to live with my mom for a while, so I know how relieved you must be. Coincidentally we are also having our first party on October 26th and have a bunch of projects to wrap up.....oh you know like installing kitchen counter tops! Here's to both us us being party ready in a month!

  4. Threw an impromptu housewarming party for some friends yesterday, just to get me to hang the art that has been standing around for weeks! Got it done an hour before my guests came :).
    Glad you are back!

  5. I've missed you. Julia. Praying for your good health. So glad the house fiasco is over. Can't wait to see the upcoming projects. God bless you and your family.

  6. I love that dark chocolate brown in the great room but it's kinda....dark! Lightening up the walls makes for a great before/ after. I bet you'll have some serious priming to do first. Can't wait to see it.

  7. We do the same thing when we move - when we came to our current apartment we had people over the day after we moved in. They all thought we were crazy, but we need the motivation to just get everything out of boxes! We're set to close on our first house (yay!) in late October, and we're already planning a Halloween bash :-)

  8. I know what you mean. We are having family over next month for our toddler's 2nd birthday party, and we have a long to-do list to finish before then (not party stuff, just fixing-up-the-house stuff!). It helps to have a goal!

  9. Yay for you guys - so glad the purchae is final! A bit anticlimactic, but you should still totally celebrate (even before your Halloween party - one can never have too many celebrations).

    As for your front door, go for oil based primer not latex. Without knowing exactly what the paint is, don't make the mistake of using latex which may bubble up over oil based paint (totally speaking from experience here). Good luck!

  10. Congrats on getting through all your crazy sale shenanigans. The paint choices in that house now make me say HMMMMMM. That GREEN! In a bathroom? Can't make for good skin tones in the mirror, lol.

    Our house sale just fell apart a week before closing (!) due to the buyer's bank. What a let-down.
    Back to the FSBO sign... ( we didn't have the next place lined up yet-we were waiting until we closed-but still.)

  11. congrats on the new house! so happy for you guys!
    Wow, you guys are going to be bussy, Im sure it will be a fantastic party!
    That guest bathroom is perfect, love the window! It doesn´t make much sense to have 2 half baths in the same floor right? How about turning the other one into a pantry?

    1. I only said pantry because of Chris´s cooking talent because a "mudroom" closet would be great too!
      I just don´t know how you could use both bathrooms, maybe one for girls and the other for boys ;)

  12. So happy to see you back blogging and that it's official!! We work the same way. Our house is cleanest when a friend is coming over last minute. We had a realtor over yesterday because we've been flirting with moving. He pressured us to do it before winter so the to-do list has been drastically changed and projects are getting busted out. Good luck with your list!

  13. GL, guys!! Glad the closing went well.

    As for the front door, maybe sand the heck out of it?? Then prime and paint? That gloss is well, glossy.

  14. Yayyy!!!!! I've missed you!!!!!!

    I'm so excited to see this house develop! So so so much potential

    Guess what? Ryan is dressing up as Eric from the Little Mermaid for Brinley. Isn't he the best? I wonder what prince he will be next Halloween?

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