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Ep 52: How To Get a Free Roof, Plus Our 2017 Project Report Card

December 18, 2017

Last time the ceiling in our basement was coming down, this time it's the entire roof! Well, kinda. We're starting off this episode with some cool things we've learned about insurance companies, roofing companies and how the stars can align to get you a new roof.

Ep 52: How To Get a Free Roof, Plus Our 2017 Project Report Card

Listen to the latest episodes on: iTunes, GooglePlayStitcher.

Happening This Week: Getting a Roof Replaced - For Free! 
We've known for awhile now that there are issues with our roof, but it's just been a slow "stick a bandaid on it" process where we just try and keep the water from leaking through until we can get around to it. We share our experience with a roofing company and how they helped us get a brand new roof, for free.

Listener Question: Encouraging Creativity in Kids
Jules is a super creative person, and all of her sisters are the same way. One of our listeners asked her if there was anything her parents did to encourage and grow her creativity, and if there's anything we do for our girls. Julia shares a few stories about her childhood, some unique activities they would do, and the approach we try to take with our girls. Jules also talks about Art for Kids Hub, which is a great option for parents wanting to encourage their kids' interest in art.

2017 Project Report Card
Every January we like to make a list of planned projects for the coming year, and then revisit that list in December to give ourselves a grade. We visit our project plans for 2017 and go through each project, giving ourselves a grade on how that shook out. And even though we did complete our office this year, we share why we didn't give ourselves an A on it.

Ep 52: How To Get a Free Roof, Plus Our 2017 Project Report Card

Can't Get You Outta My Mind
Chris: I'm not big on clothing. If you ever see me in my wife's Instagram stories, I'm usually wearing sweat pants or basketball shorts, a t-shirt and a hat or something. But! Every once in awhile I like to look nice, and I talk about my latest purchase that can hopefully up my thread game - a pair of Taft boots.

Preston: Any of our listeners can attest to Preston's outgoing and "let's do this" personality. The guy wants to make a positive impact and help others find their happiest life. So Preston is starting a new podcast in the new year (worry not, he'll still be here with us as well), called Next Level Life, and he shares some details and why he feels the pull to do it.

Julia: When you become a parent, one of the first things you become painfully aware of is the importance of sleep. Particularly for your children, because if they aren't sleeping, you aren't sleeping. We've talked about our sleep training, and how effective it has been with our girls. But there are still milestones that can throw your kids off and it feels like you're starting over. One of those is the transition out of swaddling. Jules talks about Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit, and how it's been a life saver for both Faye and Polly in making this transition.


We'd love it so much if you could leave a rating and review for the podcast, and thank you for continuing to spread the word about our corner of the podcast world! We love hearing from new listeners every week! 
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Theme song Headphones by Preston Pugmire



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  1. Could you send us the contact info of the roofing company you used. We need one too badly and I wonder if they service our area.

  2. I need a new roof and I came to search your blog because I trust your judgement and recommendations. I'm working with a contractor but have offered to buy the material (because coupons and discounts) that will make it cheaper than paying the contractor to buy them. My question for you and your readers- does anyone have opinions on ridge vents? My house currently doesn't have one so I don't know which way to go, pop on top or shingle covered vent?

  3. I do hope the new roof works out for you. Several red flags went up when I heard your podcast (I had to pause it and comment immediately). Depending on your state laws, your insurance company can legally a) raise your premium, b) drop your policy, c) raise your deductible, or d) some combination of the above. We are in Arkansas and our insurance company (USAA, which I think is absolutely awesome) increased our premium on hail/wind/tornado damage to $3000. Still cheaper than a new roof, and they do give discounts for special shingles.
    Second, be cautious about roofers soliciting your business by going door-to-door. Many times, they can be “gypsies” that do a shoddy job and don’t stand behind their work and/or leave town after they’ve fleeced the neighborhood. Your initial feelings may have been correct. They may say you have a xx warranty, but find he didn’t use the high end materials he promised. Make sure you use a reputable local company and ask for referrals. Sometimes insurance companies have approved contractors. The best roofers I have found through realtors.

  4. I think any homeowner's claim is a "Your mileage may vary" type thing---we called our insurance company when our hot water heater fell from our attic, through the ceiling, and into our dining room floor. We had them come out and look, but then never made a claim, because the estimate was actually not all that expensive for repair (just paid out of pocket). We've since owned two other houses, and that "claim" (remember, they never even paid anything!) has been asked about during insurance applications both times!

  5. Where I live on the East Coast, it is quite common to see roofing companies going around following a hail storm etc. I hope you follow up if your insurance company increases your rates. I know the roofer assured you that they would not, but I can tell you when our roof leaked badly and caused lots of interior damage, Erie DOUBLED our annual premium. We'd held the policy with no claims for seven years. We simply found another insurance company, but in my experience nothing is ever really free. I enjoyed your trips for fostering childhood creativity as it is something that I really wish to instill in my son as a fellow creative.

  6. I'm not sure I would recommend people use their home owners insurance to replace their roof. We had a really great, honest and direct insurance agent many years ago who explained to us that if someone makes more than a couple of claims that many insurance companies will drop you and it will become difficult to get home owners insurance elsewhere. This agent worked for a large, national and popular insurance agency. I've read a few articles on the internet that supports the argument....but it is the internet.

    I love the podcast!

    1. I totally get that. On the contrary though, we have had home insurance for as long as we have owned a home and have never ever made a claim ever. So, why not.

      1. I'd advise people to be very wary of this and know what they're getting into, every situation (and insurance company) is unique. Whether or not you have filed a claim isn't all that matters. The home's history (before you lived there) can also contribute to your ability to get insurance and your premium cost. Also, by filing a claim you now have a loss history report, those don't just go away.

        All it takes is one hail storm, dog bite, or someone slips on your stairs, and there you go, another claim. Sure, it may be safe to take one "freebie," but folks should give it serious, serious thought, please. With a house or two, a couple cars, a family in the home, things can happen and you're usually not expecting them. The three strike rule is a real thing, and it can really cause you problems if you end up multiple claims.

  7. Great episode! One book I recommend is called “Beautiful Oops”. I read it to my own children to reinforce that there are no mistakes in art and also read it to the classes at school when I volunteer and teach lessons through the Art Docent Program :)

  8. Thanks for responding to my reader question! It sounds like your parents walked the line between encouraging you and pushing you to do better. I'm excited to see your goals for 2018 and follow your progress in the coming year.

  9. Just want to let you guys know I love your blog and podcast! I have tried several times to post a review on the podcast using my iPhone, but I can't seem to get it to work. I give the star rating, type out a title and the review, then type in a nickname when it prompts me, and after that it just won't post. I tried to find a way to leave a review using my computer, but can't find a way to do that either. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know! Thank you!

  10. Maybe I missed it? How did you get a roof for free? We are in need! Will you send us your roofer contact info?

  11. This was one of my favorite podcasts from you guys, I loved how you opened up about how you grew up and how you allow your own kids to be creative. Really good advice and it felt very genuine.

  12. Interested to hear your 2017 report card. You did some great projects this year and the girls bathroom is my absolute favorite! Great news that Preston has a new podcast coming out. His positive outlook is always so refreshing!

  13. We got a free roof from "hail damage" before we moved in 2016. SO much easier than I thought it would be, and the hail storm was very minor in our actual neighborhood but a little more severe in our town -- so it pays to ask or find out if it can happen.

  14. Thank you so much for your tips on supporting an artistic child! My daughter is such a gifted artist, but I am... not. It's so hard to nurture a little artist when you're left-brained! Can't wait to implement your suggestions!

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