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Mood Boards

Get the Look of Our Nursery For Less (A LOT LESS)

May 17, 2017

Exactly one week ago, we revealed our new nursery we completed in six weeks for the Spring One Room Challenge! It's been so wonderful seeing the room pop up everywhere on Instagram and shared on other blogs and Pinterest, too. Thank you so much for sharing it. Truly.

Just like we did when we finished the bunk room for the Fall ORC (you can see the budget version of that room here), we wanted to share a budget version of this room, too! Because there are so many eyes on these rooms, sponsors are eager to be part of the One Room Challenge and have their products seen in the finished spaces.

1. Wallpaper (145 sq ft) $742 | 2. Crib $1094 | 3. Semi-Flushmount $349
4. Tripod Floor Lamp $239 | 5. Glider $899 | 6. 8x10 Marin Rug $1899
7. Dresser (with removable changing box) $1199 | 8. Pouf $229 | 9. Tassel Pillow $49
10. Side Table $66 | 11. Blue Green Pillow $198 | 12. Table Lamp $37
13. Tassel Crib Skirt $99 | 14. Pink Striped Pillow $58 | 15. Mobile $99

While we definitely put our own money and resources into the room, too, we know that the final room included some high ticket items (some gifted to us from the ORC sponsors), that might not fit into everyone's budgets right now. I've rounded up a few really good lookalikes that brought the total down to less than a third of the original price tag. Check it out!

1. Wallpaper (150 sq ft) $284 | 2. Crib $323 | 3. Flushmount $99
4. Tripod Floor Lamp $64 | 5. Glider $276 | 6. 8x10 Navy Rug $217
7. Dresser (with removable changing box) $329 | 8. Pouf $69 | 9. Tassel Pillow $49
10. End Table $66 | 11. Indigo Pillow $60 | 12. Table Lamp $37
13. Tassel Crib Skirt $59 | 14. Pink Striped Pillow $34 | 15. Mobile $99

GRAND TOTAL: $2065!!

You'll notice some pieces are the same in both the original and budget mood board, either because their price was already so good, or you'd be hard pressed to find a look a like for cheaper. I hope this gives you some more ideas and opens up doors for making your home truly yours.


Trim – Metrie | Wallpaper – Cole & Son’s Nuvolette 97/2004 Wallpaper | Overhead Light – Rejuvenation | Area Rug – Rejuvenation | Wool Flannel Blackout Flat Roman Shade in Azure – The Shade Store | Crib – AllModern | Tassel Crib Skirt – PotteryBarn Baby | Crib Sheet – PotteryBarn Baby | Blue Crib Pillow – McGee&Co | Pink Striped Crib Pillow – McGee&Co | Cat Stuffed Animal – PotteryBarn Baby | Light Blue Pom Pom Throw – Annie Selke | Mobile – West Elm | Floor Lamp – AllModern | Pouf – AllModern | Graham Glider – West Elm | Pink Tassel Pillow – Urban Outfitters | Side Table – Target | Book Basket – Target | Wooden Rattle – Target | Dresser – The Land of Nod | Table Lamp – Target | Custom Ultrasound Print – Baby Blue Print | Acrylic Frame – Crate & Barrel | Vase – Jill Rosenwald | Hamper – Serena & Lily | Mirror – Target | Burt’s Bees Striped Changing Pad Cover – Amazon

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  1. Have you ever came across any other mobiles that are similar to the one in Polly's nursery? The West Elm one is no longer available... So sad...

  2. Where can I get the table lamp that you got in baby's room? The attached link says that it no longer exists?

  3. So gorgeous! How "blackout" do you find those romans? Do they let quite a bit of light in around the edges?

  4. Gorgeous nursery and I live for "get this look for less" posts--thank you! PS. you totally inspired me to Ikea hack the Tarva dresser after seeing this Land of Nod dresser on your post a couple weeks ago! It turned out surprisingly similar, so if you wanna add that to the list, by all means ;)

  5. I love that you share these budget look a likes! It's so nice of you to take the time to scour the web for similar products since you know not everyone can afford the actual room. Your little girl will be so lucky to have such a beautiful and thoughtfully designed room!

    PS - I love your podcast!!

  6. Thank you so much for doing this! As a reader (even one without kids on the horizon), it's much appreciated. I love everything you do and I'm so happy you've been able to make a career out of renovating your home, but this high low helps when readers have to balance save and splurge items. :)

  7. Wow! I never comment but I love this! I typically am not very impressed when bloggers do a lower end mood board, but this one blows me away! I may even prefer the budget friendly option more! Thanks!

  8. This is so wonderful! I appreciate how in touch you are with your readers who surely love the fun you're having with high-end design, but who might have a tighter budget! What a perfect way to grow as a blogger and a business person without becoming inaccessible. Bravo!

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