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Meet Willow.

October 30, 2017

Meet Willow, the new-to-us 4 year old Bernese Mountain Dog we adopted, sent to us a little over a week ago from our dog Charly, who is absolutely watching over her family from above. Willow is proof of that.

After the rough month it has been losing Charly, Chris and I had an idea we'd get the girls a puppy, closer to Christmas. A family down the road had a litter of 6 adorable Newfoundland puppies ready to come home in late November and after visiting them and meeting the mom and dad, we decided to put a deposit down on one of the girls. The next day, I started feeling really anxious about it. And by the day after, I expressed to Chris that I was having second thoughts I couldn't explain. We loved the idea of a Newfie. The breeders were extremely reputable and responsible. The girls would LOVE a puppy. The timing seemed perfect, but something wasn't right.

That night, I was browsing through the online classifieds while nursing Polly to sleep and I came across a photo and ad looking for a new home for Willow. Her former family's other dog recently passed and with older children and lots of responsibilities outside of the home, they were sad and concerned they could no longer give her the attention she deserved. Charly came into our lives under similar circumstances and it worked out so well...but we just bought a puppy!

I knew Bernese Mountain Dogs were wonderful and I couldn't stop thinking about Willow. I started scrolling through Instagram, and decided to search the hashtag, #bernesemountaindog, and the very first photo that came up was the sign we needed--

Posted just minutes before, the most recently posted was this one, that looked just like Charly and Willow. Tears started streaming down my face. I knew Willow was meant for us. She was a gift to our family from Charly. They planned the whole thing together. That very night, we called off the puppy (forfeited our deposit) and Chris made the 8 hour round-trip to go pick her up and get back just in time to surprise Greta after school the next day. This whole past week has been wonderful getting to know each other. She's very shy but has warmed up to us and is wonderful with the girls and all of their friends.

She loves being outside, running all over our back yard, from one corner to another. It's been interesting to notice the similarities and differences between her and Charly. Willow doesn't snore like Charly did, but she loves to sleep right outside our door like she did. She'll let you scratch under her chin all day long. Like Charly, she has found her spot under Faye's chair at dinner. And loves barking at the neighbor's cat, too. (Imagine that). 

She's not as large as Charly was, but her love is just as big. It's wonderful to have another furry member of our family in our house, making it feel like home. We needed you, Willow!

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  1. I literally just cried. It's so amazing and loving that you were able to take her in. And yes that picture brought chills .

  2. Love this so much! Made me seriously tear because. I know these feelings both of losing and of gaining a fur family member to well. May you find a new loving journey with willow! What a blessing for all involved!

  3. This brings tears to my eyes and warms my heart❤️ I am Willows Grandma. I am so sad to see her go but so grateful that our beautiful daughter Heather has true love and compassion for all living things and has found a heavenly home for sweet Willow ????❤️ Thank you for choosing to give Willow the life she deserves and forgoing the puppy you had chosen???? I too feel that it is meant to be. So sorry for the loss of your beloved Charly????
    I look forward to following your wonderful blog and sharing in the rest of Willows beautiful life with you! Sending you all Hugs and Blessings!
    Barbara and Chuck Sasse

  4. I had to put my phone down and wait for the tears to pass before I could finish reading. Wishing your family many years of cuddles with your new member. ????????

  5. this is just so beautiful for all of you, but esp willow. in a world where so much feels uncertain and unclear, i find these stories and the bonds between dogs and their people....just completely pure and sustaining. i don't know what i would do without my dog in my life. and i've lost beloved pets before. it's incredibly difficult. but so worthwhile and such a blessing. so glad willow found you.

  6. Good choice! Millions of healthy, adoptable animals in the U.S. are euthanized every year. Adoption is absolutely the best choice vs. buying a companion.

  7. Oh my goodness, this so touched my heart, I literally have tears! What a wonderful story and how precious that Charly sent you all a new family member that will love you as much as she did. Such a sweet sweet ending to a heartbreaking story.

  8. Oh my ..... what a lovely story. So happy for you and your family and likewise for Willow. You needed each other. Charley did good! ????

  9. I adore your design eye and how you've shared your family with all of us. Charly was a sweetheart for sharing all her love with you over the years and for sending you Willow. When we lost our Berner last year, a dear friend of mine shared with me a few simple words that helped so much and comforted me and gave us deep comfort. Her father said "nadie te quita lo bailado" (no one can take away what you've danced). Our new 1 1/2 year old giant pup has brought comedy and joy to us, just as Willow will to you. But nothing will ever be able to take away your past dances.

  10. That's very sweet. Unfortunately these dogs have a short lifespan. I'm sure she will enjoy her remaining years well loved.

  11. Congratulations to the new member of your family. She is adorable and looks so at peace in her new home. Of course she will not replace Charly but hopefully Willow will help mend the broken hearts and empty space you all have been feeling.

  12. Awww!!! Congratulations!!! Thank you for choosing to adopt instead of buying a dog ???? We've always had rescues & loved every minute!! So happy for you guys!! Plus they always have the perfect timing coming into your life, mine always have.

  13. Love to hear happy ending stories. Being a dog lover and having two of them ,I can relate to the feelings expressed by you. Many happy years with your new furry family member!

  14. Julia, this is such a sweet story. This is what i called a "divine appointment". My heart delights that your family connected with a new fur-baby and that Charly will continue to be seen, not only in photos, but through Willow as well. So happy for your family.

  15. We raised our 2 girls with 5 Bernese Mountain Dogs over a 25 year period. Good luck with Willow...she's a beauty and you'll never find a better breed for your family.

  16. You would never expect to have such a deep reaction to a post from someone you don't even know or doesn't know you... but I instantly cried reading your post. My heart felt
    much love for your family while you were preparing to say goodbye to your Charly because I could picture us in the same situation one day and the thought of that was so heartbreaking. We have a 3 1/2 year old Bernese Mountain Dog named Bex and we love him dearly, so to see a Bernese make his way into your home is extra special. I'm confident that he will fill your home and your hearts with all the love imaginable <3

  17. Aww.... you're making me tear-up. Thank you for giving this dog a great new home, with people who will love her the way she deserve to be loved.

  18. So happy for all involved. I'm sure it was difficult for her first family but I'm sure they find comfort that Willow will be so well taken care of. Beautiful story!!!

  19. I love her already!! She's a beautiful addition to your family for sure, and that picture is truly amazing. Thanks, Charly!

  20. Our beloved dog is a Bernese Mountain dog and she has blessed us from the first day she joined our family. They are such a wonderful breed. So happy and so touched by your story!

  21. Meant to be! I almost commented in a previous posts that sometimes new pets are sent to us by pets who have passed away, but I thought it might be too hard for you guys especially since you said you wanted to wait for a while before considering getting a new pet. I lost my cat last year just before her 18th birthday. It was so hard that I planned to wait a while before adopting a new cat. The next week, a friend found a stray or abandoned kitten in a storm drain. They could not keep him because they had cat allergies in their family. They convinced me to 'cat sit' the following weekend and I ended up with a new ~6 week old kitten. He is the sweetest cat and was not at all skittish after being a stray. I think he was sent to me by my old cat because I really needed a new fur baby and he really needed a home. I'm so happy for you and Willow! Meant to be!

  22. What a touching post! Reading thru your post about loosing Charly really helped me. We have a Bernese from Jill Thomas's Penny Ranch in Heber, UT that came to us as a puppy and I NEVER KNEW ABOUT PUPPIES. I have 5 kids and our puppy "nana" has kicked my behind. I kept thinking, one day I will be sad when nana leaves us. Your tender memories and recollections of charly have softened me to our puppy and I'm forever grateful. So happy for you and your family!

  23. Saw your IG post, knew I was going to cry but it did not stop me from reading it at work. Boy did it ever! I totally agree with you and see it as a sign. So very happy for you. Enjoy a long and happy likf with Willow. BTW I love the name.

  24. So happy for Willow! We just adopted a pup too. With her former family, she was crated all day and all night aside from bathroom trips outside. Nobody had time for her. So now that we have her, we give her the option of going in a crate, but she never does. She has free reign in our house because she's a good girl and only wants affection. Seems like dogs were made for companionship; they need it as much as food and water. So it breaks my heart knowing that they often become an afterthought or a burden. Glad you adopted.

  25. Yep! Tears! I knew when I saw the Instagram post I would cry. I am so glad Charly sent you the perfect dog for your family and I do believe she did. Willow is beautiful and Bernese Mountain dogs are one of the best breeds! So happy for you!

  26. I am so glad you rescued her instead of buying a puppy. I work at an animal shelter and can honestly tell you there is no such thing as "responsible breeding" when thousands of healthy, sweet, adoptable dogs and puppies are euthanized DAILY at shelters all across our country. She is beautiful! <3

  27. Our family had a Bernese Mtn dog that passed away a few years ago and was the BEST, most loyal boy you could ever ask for. He was a friend to all. So glad you get to experience the love that Berners have to give.

  28. Thank you for adopting! There is truly nothing better than a rescue dog. She will be loving and grateful for the rest of her days. If there's one thing I could say to anyone looking to bring an animal into their home it's...Don't Shop, Adopt!

  29. So happy for your family and for Willow. It takes a lot of courage to give up a dog, but knowing what a wonderful life she'll have with 3 little girls to love on must give her old family comfort. We have a smooth collie named Willow and she is as sweet and gentle as her name. And, she loves children! All the best to your sweet family.

  30. Such a great service to rescue a dog and not buy one. There are so many homeless perfectly normal pets that need homes. Thank you for using your platform to show others that these discarded dogs can make great family pets still. Congrats to your family and sweet Willow

    1. I couldnt have put it better than Ashleah - well done on adopting a dog, rather than buying a puppy. Your story has made my day.

  31. The chills I got when I saw that photo of the 2 pups were intense! My husband has been getting crazy signs like that about a new job recently. It’s so weird how the universe / G-d / fate / whatever you choose to believe talks to us. So so so happy for you all! Clearly this is meant to be. You guys will be resucuing sweet pups like this for he next 30 years ;)

  32. When I saw the picture of the bmd and St. Bernard I literally started to cry! That was most definitely a sign from Charly. A beautiful sign. So happy for your family!

  33. This is so exciting! I know how hard it is to be without a dog in the house, so I completely understand getting another one so quickly. What fun times!

  34. Gah! She is gorgeous and has such a kind and gentle face. Her family must be so happy to see what a wonderful home she has gone to. Congratulations!

    It's amazing how these things work out the way they're supposed to. After our last dog passed away we decided to take a 1 year hiatus from having pets. After 10 months my husband was getting the itch for another dog and we started keeping an eye on various rescue sites, and even applied for a pitbull mix that we were upset to have missed out on. Then at the 11 month mark my husbands elderly uncle fell sick and needed someone to take his 5-year-old Rottweiler mix. She turned out to be the most perfect fit for our family and it brought his uncle a lot of comfort knowing she went to a great home. She went to visit him in the hospital every week until he unfortunately passed away 5 months later.

  35. Love your story!!! I had to put down my sweet Willow (choc lab) this past July - I look forward to watching your Willows new life begin with your beautiful family ❤

  36. Oh my goooooodness!!!! What an incredible story! When I read the part about the picture you found on the hashtag that had just been posted, I got chills. How incredible is that? Charly really is watching over you guys. <3

  37. This just made my day! I am so happy for you guys. Congratulations and I can't wait to see more pictures of sweet Willow. :-)

  38. What an amazing story and such a beautiful dog! I've been following the blog for quite some time and my heart broke for you all when you lost Charly. I've been giving my dog lots of extra kisses ever since and I'm so glad you guys get to welcome a new dog into your home, and with Charly's blessing too!

  39. I typically don't post comments, but after seeing your post on Instagram last night I couldn't wait to read about Willow! First, she is beautiful and as equally blessed as your family is to have her, she is truly in a wonderful home with lots of love to give. As an only child, it was heartbreaking when I lost my first dog - my first best friend which broke my heart for your girls, but about a month later, my father brought me to the pound "just to look" and there was Otis. He was so different from Jake yet so much the same and I know to this day Jake and Otis had a plan. We think we pick our pet but I know they pick us.

    I can't wait to hear more about Willow and I am overjoyed for you and your family.

  40. Im so happy for yall. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for not buying (totally) from a breeder. I volunteer at our city's shelter and there are so many great dogs there. You helped a dog in need. You rock!

  41. This is way too beautiful. I'm so glad you adopted Willow and gave her the loving attentive home she needs and deserves, and so glad that Charly sent her to you.

  42. Congratulations! She is beautiful. My husband and I have a Berner, her name is Juneau, it's a very special breed with lots of personality. I hope she fills your lives with as much joy as Juneau has brought us.

  43. I just burst into tears. Both of our dogs passed away about 6 months apart in 2015 and their absence has been challenging. Willow looks so absolutely sweet even through photos, and I'm glad Charly worked her magic for you guys. There is really nothing like the unconditional love of a dog.

  44. Oh my goodness, what a love! Your family's story with Charly has touched so many hearts, mine included, and I am thrilled to see that Charly had a hand in picking your newest addition. :)

  45. What a beautiful story. We lost our beloved dog Penny last summer and she planned a beautiful gift for our family too--a (human) baby girl. Our love for Penny has only grown deeper and stronger knowing she's watching over us. Your deep love for Charly has reminded me so much of Penny. Thank you for sharing the journey with all of us.

  46. Bawling. And thankful that no one is around at the office right now. I'm so happy for you all. They say that time heals all wounds but I beleive truly with the loss of a pet but the best healer is a new doggie to fill (tho never replace!) that void. Congrats to the whole family. Willow looks like a gem

  47. Wow... that is definitely proof that Willow was supposed to come into your life. I totally stopped in my tracks when I saw that photo. Congratulations on the new addition and congrats to Willow for becoming a Marcum! I'm so genuinely happy for all of you!

  48. I got chills when I saw that photo. I am such a believer in signs from above! My heart is bursting for you guys and Willow too - she found a great home. Congrats on the new addition to your family. :)

  49. That's awesome. How is Willow doing with the transition away from her first family? I know when we adopted ours she missed her foster mom something awful the first few weeks. She kept looking for her. Happy for your family.

    1. The first few days there I could tell were really difficult for her. She kept looking for her old family and her old house. She wasn't eating, she seemed really anxious. But we've been in close contact with her former family--who are wonderful!--and they gave us a lot of tips (Willow used to have her food outside!) and now everything has definitely settled down and she seems at home here...and she's eating her food inside. :)

  50. Bernese are such wonderful, loyal companions and what a blessing you found each other! Enjoyed your sweet story of adoption, hope she fits right in. Another girl for Chris to love!

  51. We have a four year old Bernese male and obsessed is an understatement. He has welcomed our son with open paws and is truly a gentle giant. This story gave me goosebumps. I read your latest journey with Charly with such a heavy heart and am so glad she sent your family Willow. What a gift.

  52. Congratulations on your new addition! Willow is beautiful. So very glad that Charley guided you to Adopt, Not Shop! I wish everyone felt compelled to adopt and rescue... there are so many amazing souls- of every breed, that already exist, that need loving homes.

  53. OH.MY.GOSH. What a story! There is no doubt Charlie sent her! I couldn’t control myself when I saw that picture, so I can only imagine the flood of emotions you felt ???? Congrats on your new fur baby!

  54. Oh my, she's beautiful! I just balled reading this. My little Lucy died about a month ago and a piece of my heart went with her. I didn't want to go home without her there to greet me. About two weeks ago, I rescued a one year old bullboxer that someone had left on the side of the road. I think we rescued each other! Enjoy your new furry daughter!

  55. That picture with “Charly”, omg totally balled- she’s perfect! Congratulations on your newest family member, you are all very blessed to have each other!

  56. Congratulations! She is gorgeous! We adopted a new dog really quickly after we lost our lab mix to cancer. It was just what our family needed, and it didn't mean we were replacing our first dog. (and Willow happens to match your house so perfectly!)

  57. My dog turns 10 tomorrow! I dread the day she passes and have wondered how her spot could ever be filled. Dogs bring such a life to a home.
    {sent to us a little over a week ago from our dog Charly -made me tear up}
    Congrats on your new family addition!

  58. What a beautiful story! So glad you found each other, as I'm sure she needed you guys just as much as you needed her!

  59. Wow!
    I cried reading your post.
    I’ve had more than 20 dogs in my life, but just like yours, after losing my dog a Bernese found her way to me, and that was THE best dog I had.
    She was the perfect dog!
    I say to my kids every day that my heart has a Bernese shaped hole in it!
    That dog was meant to be yours and I’m sure you will have such a great time!
    Ps: I also have a Newfie!
    She’s awesome but I’m still #teambernese

  60. She's BEAUTIFUL! I just love long haired dogs. And that story - I teared up. It's truly meant to be. Welcome Willow!

  61. Some things are just absolutely meant to be. The picture of the two dogs, oh my, instant tears.

    Here's to a beautiful, happy life, Willow. ❤️

  62. I am crying. You hit the nail on the head on the podcast - for some reason I feel like Charly was part of my family too, despite never meeting and not even living in the same country! And now we all have Willow!

  63. What a sweet story! I look forward to reading more about Willow's adventures with your family, thanks for sharing!

  64. So happy you listened to your gut instinct!! I love adoption because it seems like things... usually unhappy things, can have a brighter side by opening up the door for a meeting that was meant to be all along. Congrats on your new sweetie!!

  65. She's gorgeous! I have always wanted a Bernese mountain dog so am quite jealous and she is so beautiful! So glad you gave an "older" dog a new home too!

  66. All the happinness in the world for you guys! Adoption is act of kindness and love, Charly is very happy wagging that tail for the new member! Love from Portugal.

  67. This makes me so happy! I have 2 senior citizen dogs (12&13). I dread the day they pass. I appreciate your post about things you can do to remember your pets, because I am doing some of those now, just in case!
    So happy Willow has a family to love and vice versa. I’m sure it’s bittersweet as you mourn Charley and enjoy the excitement of spoiling a new family member. ❤️

  68. Burst out in tears the second I saw that photo!!! I love signs like that and Willow blends right she's been there all along! Lots of luck and so happy for all of you!

  69. goosebumps all over my body as I started reading. so glad your charly sent you a new family member right when you needed it!

  70. I'm so happy for your family! Willow is beautiful, and no doubt meant to be yours. Our sweet basset hound, Pierre, came to us in a "no doubt" way too :)

  71. Tears at the first line. How mysterious, beautiful, and heart-wrenching this life is. Very happy for you all and even happier for Wiliow because she has found such a wonderful, wonderful home to call hers! <3

  72. Ohhhh this just made my whole Monday Julia, so happy for the 6 of you. Love when it works out in a way that they need you at the very moment you need them. Much Love!

  73. Such a beautiful sign from Charly! I know it was definitely meant to be. Willow is blessed to have you as her new family.

  74. Oh my goodness, she's wonderful! Your story has me totally crying right now. Charly definitely sent her to you :) I'm so glad you were able to provide a loving home for her!

  75. It's actually kind of embarrassing how many times I've cried over Charly (esp Chris mentioning giving her three hamburgers and apologizing for getting mad when she stole his.. can't even type it without tears) considering I never met her! But holy cow this post brought the happy tears. So happy for your family and especially for Willow. Every dog deserves to be loved like Charly was.

  76. Makes me so happy for you guys! When you know, you know! I know Charly is just as happy knowing her people are taken care of, and another dog will be just as happy as she was being loved by you all!

  77. So happy for you all and the newest addition to your family! And Willow looks pretty happy, too! I'm sure Charly is smiling down and knows she did a good job of sending Willow your way :)

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