And yes, that is a complete ode to one of my favorite clips of all time:
we are being featured in a little online mini series for True Value as we tackle our basement renovation, I've mostly been keeping our work down there on the down low until the videos are published (you can see those
here)--but I'd thought I would give you a little insight at what we have been pouring so much time into, especially since we really could use a little advice right now. Read on, friends.

We have spent many late nights getting rid of all that black splattered paint and when it came time to roll on the new color--we were not thrilled with our choice. In fact, we didn't even finish painting because we both were gagging at the wall color--not really. But neither of us cared for the color (think dirty diaper). You will see all of those details in our next video that goes live this Friday. Point is--while we are not back to square one, we are back to square...two? We need to choose a new paint color. My mother (the smart cookie) suggested choosing bedding we love (Since the room will be our guest room/office) and then pulling paint colors from there. Duh! Mom! Thank you! Because we are on a major time crunch--these True Value peeps have us on a strict schedule--we have no time to dally around. So, I put together my top 10 duvet covers I have been eyeing in about 45 minutes and emailed them off to Chris to narrow it down. He divided them into 3 categories: "Yes" "No" and "Meh." Surprisingly, there were 5 in the "Yes" column--which I am patting myself on the back for. While in our room, we love all white bedding for now, we want the guest room to have a pop of color in the duvet. We want our guests to feel like our house is comfortable and fun, while still providing a level of sophistication. Here are the covers that we think fit that vibe:

Polls are now open. Feel free to weigh in. In fact I made this handy little poll to keep everything tabulated… but we’d also love to hear more about the why (or why not) in the comment section.
Which Duvet is Best? Psst- In case you are in the market for a new duvet, or maybe you are just curious--here's the other five that make up the bottom half of our top ten. I think they are rad. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Oh my word. Missy. You are right! Hahaha. Why are we holding onto those?!
Totally LOVING #2.
I love the word, meh. It totally makes sense and you know exactly how the person says it too. I can tots see Chris saying, "meh." hahaha!
I have no idea what to do for paint color if you went with #2. But I think it gives you lots of fun vibrant color options seeing as though it IS in the basement, you want it to brighten the room and not feel like a basement room.
4 reminds me of the paint-splattered walls! Ha!
Well I voted for 2, but I am madly in love with 4 as well. I just think for a windowless basement room the branches would be a bit dark. Plus you want a pop of color, and that turquoise swirl is just awesome.
Hmm, now I want new bedding!
I voted, but honestly, not crazy about any. They mostly seem busy and like something you will grow tired of quickly. Keep looking!
I am so jealous! I looked all over for teal covers before my weddings and did not find near the amazing ones you have! They are all super cute
Hahaha. Yes. Several people have said that. I honestly didn't pick up on it until a previous commenter mentioned that it did. Eh well. Let's just say we wanted to keep you on your toes!
Ok number 4 looks like the wall you're trying to get RID of!
#1 and #3 are timeless stripes, and you could make an impact with paint color. #2 and #5 are bold and would fit well with your house/style. #4 looks like the paint splatter. So... my vote is for any of them except 4. :) It's a smart choice to pick out bedding and paint color at the same time... wise mama!
Funny. Maybe so. I wish they were all just the duvet with a white background so we would be less biased. I was most drawn to the room in number 1 actually!
I went for 2... but I think it's winning because the room is the most eye-popping.
Oh yeah. Love 8! 6 was actually at the top of my list, but Chris is not goin' for it. There are so many great options!!
ok i voted but i just looked at the other choices and have to say my fav. went from #5 to # 8! you could do a lot with it and it was stunning but wow the price! Catrina David
i love both 2 and 5! #5 a little more than 2. i also thought # 4 looked like the splatter walls! #3 i thought was alittle like dorm bedding. so that is what i think but i am sure whatever you do will be great b/c you have an amazing eye for all this! good luck!!!!
Ditto. Don't love 4 at all!
I couldn't vote for two so I'm here to tell you I voted for 5 and would also add 3. I love that 5 is vibrant but also has enough white to make the design not so overwhelming. And stripes are always a classic, you could do some really cool art/curtains/other decor that wouldn't work in a room with a busier duvet, but would pop with stripes. Good luck. SO FUN!!!
Ohh man, now that you said that I totally see it.....
Noted. Thanks, Gina!
Whoops. I clicked on F but meant to vote for number five. Beautiful colors with great design!