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Cleaning & Organization

Simple Organization For a Kid's Bedroom

August 3, 2023

Ever since we removed the closet in Faye's room, I've received many concerned DMs about how Faye won't have any storage left in her bedroom. Well, I'm happy to report that she has more than enough storage between her dresser and armoire. Faye is my sentimental girl, and she's got quite a collection of clothing that fit her now, AND that is too special to pass on. I thought I would take you for a little walk around her room so you can see how her storage functions.

One of Faye's big requests when designing her room was to include a dresser! This one is a part of our Pottery Barn Kids collection, and I'm obsessed with the dark wood and turned legs.

Dresser | Gold Mirror | Green Lamp | Mushroom Basket | Clay Crock | Frames | Outlet Covers

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In her drawers, she keeps pajamas, tops, bottoms, socks, underwear, and bathing suits. We labeled the very edge of each drawer, so there's never any question where anything goes!

As for the armoire, this is where we've got her dresses, jackets, shoes, and sentimental pieces of clothing stored.

Armoire | Display Frames | Blue Armchair | Velvet Stool | Wood Stool | Felt Pennant | Plaid Pillow

I love that the armoire rod is very reachable for Faye, whereas she always needed assistance with the top rod in the closet we removed. Or she would revert to pulling the clothes off of the hangers, which is never a good idea.

Cane Rattan Baskets

The baskets hold a few seasonal and sentimental items, and also they just look so pretty. Love that they come in sizes small, medium, and large. We're just about finished sharing everything "Faye's room" related, but I would love to know what other questions you have about this project so we can get them answered!

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  1. There is no doubt it is a beautiful room. Every decision has been so carefully thought out and curated and I'm sure she loves it. I do think it is hard to relate to a little bit. This looks nothing like my kiddos rooms, lego and magna tiles set up and half built, pony tail holders and chapstick on their nightstands, stuffed animals strewn about, little knick-knacks from birthday party goodie bags. I have three kids and as much as I purge and donate and avoid the dollar spot, my kids just seem to accumulate things that they want to keep.

  2. I love you showing the room this way. I too was shook when you didn’t replace the closet. This works for now and I know you’re always willing to change/upgrade when time comes. I could see an Ikea Pax type unit where the gorgeous armoire is when she’s older and needs more space. So I see room to grow too.

  3. On the closet poll I voted to keep the closet… was I ever wrong! Faye’s room is beautiful how you and her decorated it.

  4. I love everything about this room! We are redesigning our two girls rooms soon and taking tips for sure. I would LOVE any ideas for little boys rooms. I know that’s harder to share with your girls but I’m stumped for our son’s room. Maybe you could do a round up on Insta in the future?

  5. What were your thoughts of adding a bookshelf somewhere, so that she could create little vignettes with her special things and books? As a decor and sentimental things collector (both as a child and now!) I love my open bookshelves! Next to the dresser on the window side just seems to be a perfect spot for it. I'm sure it feels good in the room! Just from a step away looking in from the outside, that seems like it is missing.

    1. Right now, she stores her books in the bottom of her open nightstand and is having fun decorating her new dresser! I'm sure it will all evolve over the years.

  6. I applaud you, Julia! So much more practical and accessible for a child than a closet, where everything ends up on the floor! A beautiful room, perfectly designed for Faye and her needs.

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