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The Marcum family dressed as characters from the classic edition of Clue: The Game.


Our Halloween Family Costumes 2024: I'll Give You One Clue

It was Professor Plum, with the knife, in the Conservatory. Happy Halloween from Clue characters: 1986 edition! Shop Costume Inspiration Over the years, we've dressed as everything from dolls and monsters to Peter Pan, E.T. characters, and The Wizard of Oz. But in the last several years, one of our kids has usually chosen our costumes. If you look back, you […]
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October 31, 2024


The Best Family Games To Pack For a Trip

Over Memorial Day weekend, we rented a beach house with family, and although we would have loved to spend our days soaking up the sun on the sandy beach, the rainy weather kept us inside. Luckily, we packed some of our favorite games, which kept us more than occupied. We're big game people, and over […]
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June 9, 2023


The Best Lawn Games

We've been focusing on outdoor spaces on the blog this month (if you haven't noticed!) and today is a fun one–all about lawn games! You're never too old for a lawn game! Both Chris and I grew up playing games outside and so of course we love doing that with our friends and family. Growing […]
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June 24, 2022

Casual Friday

A Few of Our Favorite Couples and Their Favorite Couple Games

On our very first date, we were in college and Chris picked me up and we went to the grocery store to get ingredients to make dinner together. He made a spicy chicken alfredo. Afterward, he melted a bunch of caramels and we dipped apples and played Scrabble and had so much laughing and getting […]
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February 11, 2022

Gift Guides!

2021 Gift Guide: The best Games to Gift and Play at the Holidays

1. Wavelength $34 (2-12 players) The telepathic party game that we can't get enough of! Two teams take turns trying to read each other's minds, with a lot of "talking it out" and high-fiving all around. It's the game that brings out all the interesting conversations you wish you can have at your party. It's […]
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November 5, 2021


Casual Friday: A Fun Game Night Idea!

Last weekend, our small, core group of friends was able to hang out all together for the first time in a long time and we had so much fun having dinner and playing games. I shared a few candid videos in the moment and it seems that MANY MANY of you are ready (or getting […]
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May 7, 2021

Gift Guides!

2019 Chris Loves Julia Holiday Gift Guide: The Best Board Games to play and gift this year!

It's time to come clean. Nearly every game that we have played, loved and recommended to you, has first been recommended to us by my brother-in-law, David. They hosts fun game nights where there are COURSES of games. An appetizer to warm you up, an entree that might be a longer, more intense game, and a […]
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November 20, 2019


Fun Games to Play over the Holidays

Are you a game person/people? We have friends over almost weekly to eat, chat and play games and it's become one of our favorite, very chill, traditions. But over the Holidays, it seems like everybody becomes game people--and isn't that fun!? Here are a few of our favorites: Monopoly Deal --probably 100x more fun than regular Monopoly Skip-Bo […]
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November 15, 2018


How to Host a Low-Key Game Night

Last weekend, we hosted a low-key game night with 10 of our best friends and it was so much fun!   I shared a few snippets on my Instagram stories and got so many questions about the logistics--how we pulled it off with kids, what did we do for food and what games we played. […]
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April 5, 2018

Casual Friday

Casual Friday + Our Favorite Games!

This year, my whole family was able to get together after Christmas, with sisters flying in from Mexico and Pittsburgh. We partied hard, filling every day with food, games, playing with the babies, bouncing from house to house to cabin, to the movies. In fact, I told Chris, it feels like we did everything over […]
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January 5, 2018


Casual Friday + An Exciting Announcement

This was a really huge week for us. The big announcement is we've been working on designing our own sofa line with Interior Define for almost a year and this week, after so many months of drawings and engineer specs and 3D renderings, we flew to Chicago to see the ACTUAL sofa for the first time and we […]
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May 26, 2017
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