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What are your favorite (healthy) snacks?!

February 6, 2020

(Full disclosure: I'm writing this at 2 p.m., and it's snacktime...)

I haven't been the best at showing progress in the office much because we have SO MUCH shuffling to do in here, but I recently shared a story where we were stocking some snacks and drinks in our new SMEG fridge (we got the small, cream one for the office — we have had the cream toaster for years and it's one of my favorite purchases we've made!) and it sparked such a big discussion about SNACKS in my DMs. So I thought today, it would be fun to share photos of our favorite corner of the office, the corner where all the food is. Ha!

SMEG Fridge | Black Basket (similar, similar)| Area Rug | Frame TV | Table | Chairs | Light FixtureCredenza | Keurig | Black Bowl | Olive branch | Mugs

I've shared a few of my favorite healthy snacks in an IGTV with my friend (here!) but I thought it would be fun to share a few of the snacks we keep stashed in our office that keep us productive and going!

We've stocked the cabinets to the right of the fridge with snacks for our team (not everyone is grain free/dairy free like me but we try to keep them all on the healthy side!).  When you really need to focus and write or edit, it helps to chew on something (this neuro gum seriously works!). Or, sometimes you just finished a marathon conference call and you can finally start chomping on the chips — Quest Chips (Loaded Taco! Omg!) or Pop Corners are our go-to.

Right now we have Sumo Mandarins (Have you TRIED this amazing fruit?!  Possibly the best thing about winter is it's Sumo season!) and a variety of protein bars and compostable K cups for mornings. I'm a No-Cow Bar lover, but Andrea said she's "not there yet" (hahaha) and opts for the Quest Hero bar. We also have Dang bars and Keto Crave bars.

Something chocolate-y helps us through the 2 o'clock slump (Choc Zero forever, but we have some Andes Mints, too). And when I'm in design mode, I really love to reach for something crunchy so we keep all sorts of nuts on hand. Lately I'm really loving these flavored Sahale nuts — they're like DESSERT honestly.

And, Smart Sweets are okay ANY TIME. OF. THE. DAY.  My favorite are the peach rings, with the sour gummy bears and sour kids tied for second. To be honest, I could take or leave the sweet fish. (I pack these in my purse for the movies, too!)

Drink-wise, we always have Bai Bubbles (The coconut lime flavor is ridiculously good), Just Water, Hint Water, Sparkling Hint water (which is kind of too strongly carbonated, imo), WANU, and Zevia. The Bai Bubbles and Hint Water always go the fastest.

We're working on the other side of the office this week (an accent wall with our logo!) that I hope to share next week! But now I want to know what your favorite healthy treats are! And is it even possible to think without chewing on something? Tell me your ways.

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  1. I try to stay away from chips, but when I really want salty I make a quick (Very quick to make!) batch of Tamari Almonds to snack on at my desk

    1. Hi, Julia, thank you for the update on you health. I have gravis disease . I was taking a blood pressure pill that was making me sick. I forgot to tell you I am allergic to wheat and I found out with the help of my pharmacist. He called the company and found out my medicine had wheat filler. So he change company to another where they didn’t use wheat as a filler. Unbelievable that they don’t tell you what is in all medicine. It can make you very sick. But thanks to him, I feel much better. So thanks again!

  2. My favorite at the moment is Cosmic Crisp apples!! (Honey D's cousin, but better) . I'm always up for a good chip too. And yes, Sumo's are amazing! I also have a small addiction to True Citrus products.

  3. My go-to snacks are "Off the Eaten Path" veggie crisps & black bean straws (Costco). The first black bean straw will have you saying I will never eat these, and you'll be completely hooked by the 3rd one. Also Siete chips, Kind bars & dark choc covered raisins are favs.

  4. I can eat dairy but no grains, legumes, or nightshades, and have to keep my sugar consumption quite low. I definitely enjoy Simple Mills crackers (esp cheddar) and plantain chips the most! Bittersweet or dark chocolate, plain or flavored, a little broken off a large bar that will last me a week. I definitely tend to prefer salty/crunchy over sweet. Mmm, Siete and Plant Foods(something like that?) lime flavored chips. Have you tried Siete's grain free tortilla shells?? A miiiiillion times better than lettuce wraps! Doubled my joy on taco nights since stumbling across them!

    1. THEY ARE SO GOOD. It sounds like we have similar diets, minus the dairy. I haven't given up nightshades yet (tomatoes and peppers have always been my favorite food, but I keep flaring up so it might be time.)

  5. Unsweetened, dried mango. I get it in the bulk section at Whole Foods, and it's like crack. I'm also a fan of plantain chips, and White Cheddar SmartFood.

  6. I love all the above! Also a LOVER of Siete chips - alone or with salsa. Simple Mills crackers (all the flavors) again alone or with dip.

    If things are expensive by you - try Thrive market online! I’m in Michigan and also have extremely high prices in our sweet little town!

  7. Now I'm hungry! Pro tip - if the water is too bubbly, pour it (dump it) into a cup/glass and it will soften the bubbles up. I'm annoyingly picky when it comes to bubbles!

  8. I thought I was the only one! I CAN NOT, WILL NOT concentrate without chewing gum! I have to pick up some of the kind you mentioned!

  9. i tried the smart sweets after watching your video! They are $4 a pack here in Canada. I hate it when the healthy snacks are 4 times the price of the unhealthy versions. Hope i can find them cheaper eventually! :)

  10. Awe love this - the snack space is beautiful! And that fridge... holy moly!

    Our go to snacks: tortilla chips with hummus, Hardbite chips, popcorn, Lara bars, herbal tea and bubbly water.

  11. Love this post!! My favorite beverage is Spindrift. I love the Trader Joe’s honey mints for a chocolate fix (only three ingredients!!). My fav go-to snacks are pickles, apples with PB, pita and hummus, and cheese and crackers. Oh and nothing beats frozen grapes during hot summer months!

  12. Love how it's shaping up! Any ideas for a look for less light fixture? Love love love yours but not in the price range.

  13. Julia I thought you should know that in your IGTV that the ingredients for the frooze balls is per ball and not per pack! If you polish off a whole bag in one sitting that is a whole lot of sugar and calories! ALSO some of the Smart Sweets contain grains with rice flour. I think all of them except for the gummy bears do, so if you are trying to be totally grain free you might want to take all but the gummy bears out.

  14. Side question about your fridge up against the wall - do you find that it limits function to not have the door able to swing open as much? We're considering an arrangement like that in our kitchen down the road, and I was wondering if there could be issues with (small) people opening the door too hard, hitting the wall?

  15. Try Vegan Robs beet puffs. We bought it at a museum
    Once and now we are hooked. As in we buy it by the box now from the vegan robs website. Best snack ever by a mile. (Not affiliated with vegan robs, definitely not a vegan!)

  16. Spindrift's Half & Half is dreamy mid-afternoon.
    I totally appreciate Meg's comment. My last office had sparkling water on tap. It made it so easy to stay hydrated and to use washable glassware, and guests loved it too. A kegerator would make that possible, even if not built into your millwork.
    Also, you mentioned compostable K-cups. Is that offered by your city? If you tapped into a local resource, I'm sure readers would love to know how you set that up for your office and family.

  17. Our office is always stocked with unhealthy snacks so I make sure to order some healthy ones too! My go-to are Light Baybel cheese wheels, yogurts (I love siggis), protein bars (Think! brand), and nuts. For drinks I love spindrift seltzers, and I make a big pitcher of unsweetened iced tea in the summer to sip on! It's nice to have healthy options at hand to keep my eyes away from the candy, chips, and cookies!

  18. Dang, that smeg looks so good. I’ve wanted one for so long...someday. I tried those peach rings on your recommendation and they are so tasty (but I wish they didn’t stick to my teeth so much!) One of our fave snack cupboard items is the popcorn with pink Himalayan salt from a company called Lesser Evil. Also, I always have homemade (nut-free for my food allergy son) trail mix on hand- sunflower seeds, dried fruit, pumpkin seeds, and a few mini choc chips.

  19. Have you thought about a jug of water in the fridge (you can infuse it with fruit) or a water dispenser so that you can stop using single use bottles and cartons? The first step in the 3 Rs is reduction.

      1. I’ve been wondering how to reduce waste when it comes to snacks in our home too,, everything is individually packed which is so convenient but just so much packaging. Maybe some things that are available in bulk can be stored in wide jars with cute metal scoops and a stack of bowls!

    1. Meg, a water dispenser is a fabulous solution for crowds wanting drinking water! They can fill up their cups any time.

  20. I concentrate best with music on! It silences the secondary running commentary that's always running through my mind. It's so interesting to me that yours is chewing. Never would've guessed that could help people concentrate! Although I do remember a study about how students who chewed gum during a test performed better, but they attributed it to the mint stimulating the brain.. maybe it was the chewing!

    1. For kinesthetic (physical) learners, it can be really helpful to do an activity (like chewing gum or squeezing a stress ball) while studying and then while taking a test, it helps your brain connect the 2 activities.

  21. Lovely and fun, but have you guys thought of buying the large bags so there's not so much single-use plastic packaging? (and larger containers of drinks with mugs/glasses, to avoid all the single-use plastic there). One of the huge benefits of having an in-home office is that you don't have to use so much disposable plastic, IMO!

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