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An Update On The Bonus Room Lockers

August 24, 2023

We've been living with these built-in lockers in our bonus room for over a year and a half now. They've been thoroughly used and loved, and with school starting, I figured we're overdue for an update. We still love the lockers! That hasn't changed, but the way they're getting used day-to-day has evolved. Here's a full update!

Lockers | Basket | Blanket | Leather Chairs | Wood Table

When we originally built the lockers into the bonus room, we did so out of necessity! You see, we didn't really have any central storage for the girls' backpacks and jackets and school things, and we REALLY needed a place. At the time, it made sense to build in these lockers as a storage place for backpacks, yes. But also special school papers, headphones, and just a personal landing spot for each girl. "Did you check your locker?" is a common phrase around here. We knew this probably wouldn't be a long-term solution because the bonus room is upstairs, which isn't exactly ideal for kids who are just getting home from school after a long day. That being said, it's still been great to have a "home" for those things, regardless of how frequently their backpacks end up on those hooks during the week once school starts.

Luckily, we have plans to turn our previous downstairs laundry room into a mudroom. A lot more details are coming, but we have officially submitted our plans to the HOA since we'll be adding an exterior door (!!) leading into what was our old laundry room, and is currently Cricket's room, and will be our official mudroom! Hopefully, I won't have to keep the juicy details to myself for too long because I can't wait to show you!

Okay, back to the lockers! Even with future mudroom plans, I have zero regrets about these lockers. The quality is amazing, and they've proven to be a great solution for storing the girls' bags, purses, jackets, and papers. Kids come home from school with SO many papers, and I always tell them that if they want to keep it, it goes in the bottom drawer of their locker. I can't even tell you how life-changing this has been for us! Even with the mudroom going in downstairs, we have no plans to get rid of these lockers. I think they are downright charming, and very functional for our family.

If you have limited storage space in your home, lockers can help maximize vertical storage and keep clutter at bay. They can be particularly useful in entryways, mudrooms, or even in the garage, but don't let that stop you from adding one to your family room 😉. Here are some cute free-standing lockers that could even be built into a space. They're sorted by price from low to high, and there's a locker here for every budget!

If you have locker storage in your home, I'd love to know where they are and how you like using them so drop a comment.

Stand-Alone Lockers

  1. Aldoyn Hall Tree $185
  2. Cache Metal Locker Storage Cabinet $249
  3. Wood Cubby Locker $298
  4. Gillian Tall Storage Cabinet $299
  5. Mesh Metal Locker $417
  6. Harper Gray Cabinet $762
  7. Casement Black Tall Storage Cabinet $1149
  8. Mason Cane Storage Cabinet $1699
  9. Alcott Entry Cabinets (set of 3) $2639
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  1. We love our locker system! As unconventional as it sounds we actually built ours as an IKEA Pax hack in our dining room because we didn't have a mudroom. Work with what you got :)

  2. We use a set of six traditional metal tall lockers in our garage! Holds each child’s sports equipment so they know where it is at practice time, and all summer stores their backpack and lunchbox so we don’t have to stare at them all summer :)

  3. I love having a locker system in my home. I am a single mom in the Army and my day is packed with work and running around with my boys. We are on strict schedules so having an organized space for all the stuff that is used regularly is essential to our daily routine. I don’t have time to search for things when we are getting ready to leave the house. I even have a locker for my self! I like my home to be organized and I am very stressed when things are out of place. So this really does help us all be less stressed and makes clean up a breeze when it can all just be tucked away nicely in one spot. It’s a place in the home that is often overlooked when designing but I agree it is so worth creating.

  4. I love how you have the locker link sorted by price! That’s very helpful, I’m always glancing up and down trying to figure out what’s in my budget. I’ve been following for yearsss now - love you guys! My family always know who I’m referring to when I’m like “well Chris and Julia do x…” (;

  5. I have the best set of lockers that I got from my local antique store! They actually are currently being used in our nursery holding anything from diaper boxes to our extra stuffed animals!

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