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Casual Friday

Casual Friday & De-Stressing

February 8, 2019

flower art | charcoal art

How do you cut out stress? Last weekend, I was hit with a Bell's Palsy flare up (I originally had it for the first time nearly nine years ago after having our first born). One side of my face started burning and aching and feeling like needles in every pore, I thought maybe I was having an intense migraine, but by morning it had extended down my neck and trunk and my face started drooping. I went right into my doctor, as she instructed me to do at the first sign of it, to get treated. I got a steroid shot and was put on a pretty intense regimen of pills over the last week (acupuncture is also recommended!), but the biggest thing she told me was I needed to cut stress out. To be honest, at first the instruction stressed me out. But then I started thinking of not what I needed to cut (at the time it felt like if I dropped one thing, everything would collapse--not true!) but what I could add in more of:

  1. More real life, human to human interaction with friends and family. (Don't let my first interaction of the day be digital.)
  2. Spend an extra 30 minutes every day reading to our 18 month old. (Who loves to read the same book over and over and over.)
  3. Listen to a podcast for entertainment and not self-help (which always makes me add more to my list!)
  4. Do a puzzle.
  5. Go outside. Get fresh air.
  6. Take a hot shower at night after all the kids go to bed so there's no rushing.
  7. Instead of watching a show, dive into a book. (although The Great British Baking Show does promote relaxation for me.
  8. Make a treat with our oldest daughter.
  9. Sketch on my iPad.
  10. Talk on the phone to a long-distance friend that makes you laugh so hard.

Every day this week, I tried to do at least two of these things and I'm already doing so much better! It's already 90% better and these are things I want to keep up even after I'm healed. Anything you'd add?? What things drive out stress and spark more joy in your life?

Other fun things this week!

• This week, we hit 250,000 followers on Instagram! My mom so sweetly told me, "I saw your gathering reached an all-time high!" And I realized right then, I so prefer to call it our "gathering" rather than our "following." Moms know best and it has been the most fun party over there with you all for years. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

• Have you heard of the app Clipomatic? It's a smart app that adds subtitles to your videos/instagram stories. I usually try to summarize what I'm saying in a few short sentences as a caption, but a few of you have pointed me to this as an alternate solution. I bought it for $4.99, and am going to try to use it more for those that aren't able to hear what I'm saying or can't turn the sound on at the moment. The only catch is you have to record it IN the app and then save it to your phone (I think) and then post it. It might take a little getting used to, and I hear the more you use it, the more accurately it picks up and displays your words. What a great idea!

I love everything shaker pegs. 

This beautiful rug is a new arrival over at McGee & Co and you're not going to believe how affordable it is!

These coconut wraps have become a staple in my daily meals. I load them up with veggies and fresh turkey and a little bit of this primal honey mustard and I swear I could eat it every meal.

• I got my mom, who suffers from Insomnia, one of these weighted blankets for Christmas and almost every day she tells me how much better she slept the night before! It's been so great to hear, that she convinced me to order one for myself a little over a month ago. I got the twin size so it would just be on my side under our duvet and I can't tell you how much better I'm sleeping! It sleeps cool so I usually still have our duvet on me and I barely move all night. It feels like a miracle product.

• Most people are usually surprised to find I'm actually an introvert through and through (although all the Homebody stuff probably gave some of that away haha). My friend introduced me to this instagram account with the kindest illustrations and it honestly feels like home.

A boy bathroom and girl bathroom reveal that floored me this week! Only Gwen could convert me back to black toilets.

•I just ordered this soft yellow short sleeved sweater because I needed some serious sunshine and the groundhog did say Spring is right around the corner, right?!

Friday, in a nutshell.  (And Monday, too)

This etsy shop is filled with the most amazing vintage-inspired removable wallpaper. I hearted almost the entire shop!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! We're headed up to the cabin to work on a few projects and besides getting up the driveway, that's usually a de-stresser for me too--haha!

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  1. So the dark toilet thing. We just purchased a home from the 90's that has a GIANT navy blue tub, toilet, and two sinks. Do you want to know the opposite color of toothpaste? Navy blue bathroom sinks. Wand to accidentally pee on your toilet lid at night? I'd suggest a navy blue toilet so you can't tell that the lid is down. Want to see your poop in a new, interesting way? Poop in a navy toilet. #notrecommended Miss catching up with you. Hope you are doing okay.

  2. To de-stress I have started sitting down with a cup of tea twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. I don't look at my phone--I just sit and drink my tea. I have 3 little kids, and it's hard to let myself just sit down and do nothing but sip tea. The kids have started to understand that if they see me sitting with my cup of tea, they respect that time. Sometimes they come and cuddle with me. It's been a wonderful addition to my day.

  3. I love the captions on your IG stories! Having them available makes it easier for those who are deaf and hard-of-hearing to follow along. A few years ago my own children started using them for everything they watched. At first, it made me crazy. Now I don’t notice them at all or I find myself using them. Either way- keep up the great work! I love following all your progress.

  4. Love your Casual Friday posts. Just one thing, the IG account you linked seems to be about having anxiety, not being an introvert. Those are two very different things. I’m a huge introvert, not I’ve never been an anxious person. Introverts can feel exhausted after being around people for a while, but it doesn’t mean they feel anxiety about it. Just wanted to clarify because that’s a fairly common misperception. Hope you feel 100% soon!

  5. Please let people know that weighted blankets are great but the major problem is that they can unbalance or warp your washer. This is an expensive issue. A family or child with allergies might not want to buy this blanket because of the washing issue.

  6. Totally hear ya on the anxiety! I found out this week I have shingles (I’m 30....). When I texted my mom and told her, she lectured me about managing my stress, which just stressed me out! Hahaha. But your perspective about adding more joy instead of cutting things out is so great. Thanks for that! Cheers!

  7. Hi, I was interested in the weighted blankets, but could not get the link to work. I did try other links and they are not working. Dang!

  8. Wait, did you mention two rugs, or one? Because both links go to the same rug? It's also possible that I didn't have enough coffee today.....

    1. I just contacted McGee & Co, and they said that there is only one rug (I need to update that link!) and it looks more golden in the vendor image, but the indigo/olive color in their styled photos is true to life!

    2. I highly recommend the podcast Up and Vanished . It's amazing and you won't think about other stuff when listening. I've just started Cold from your recommendation, it's excellent so far. Hope you have a good weekend, take some time off to relax. :)

  9. Sorry to hear that, Julia! But I love your list of de-stressors. I've started doing the crossword or sudoku in the newspaper a few times a week too and that's helped me relax, get off of my phone, and kind of clear my brain. Anyway, THANK YOU for including our shaker peg DIY on your Friday roundup! Wishing you a relaxing weekend!

  10. I've heard SO many people with sleep issues enjoy the weighted blankets. I'm thinking of getting my husband one for Valentine's Day (sexy, eh? here's a blanket just for you to use, honey! haha) -- he hasn't really slept well even with a Melatonin supplement for a few years now because of stress/anxiety.

    1. I really think it's worth a try in the very least! I crave it now! I think my biggest fear was that I would be too hot (even though I'm always cold) but this one has little glass beads inside and it just doesn't get hot!

      1. I've heard about weighted blankets from a few blogs, but was also not willing to try for fear of overheating. This is a great find! Which weight did you go with?

  11. Some great linkups today!! I visited almost every one. (Though the introvert insta seemed more like a people pleaser/anxiety focused feed? I'm a HUGE introvert but it didn't speak to me) So sorry to hear about the chronic health flare ups but I love your destressing solutions. You're on the right track! Blessings and peace to you.

  12. What podcasts do you listen to for entertainment? You got me hooked on Cold and I want to listen to more, but I need recommendations!

    1. I love Armchair Expert, Bachelor Party (if you watch the show), Reply All, S Town was fun, Obviously Serial if you haven't done that one!

      1. Have you listened to Criminal? It's like a cross between Reply All and Serial. It's true crime but a different story every episode. Some are serious and some are crazy, and the host, Phoebe, has the most soothing podcast voice ever.

      2. S Town was my all time favorite. Literally gasped out loud when you know what happened to you know who. ???? There will never ever be a more intriguing podcast. Serial is a close second.

    2. Crime Junkies!!! I just got caught up after binge listening for a couple of weeks and it’s just the best podcast for true crime out there!

  13. Hey Julia, I've been having a full year of managing traumatic and stress and anxiety. I tried all the self-care and meditation but what made a difference for me was reading for myself on my commutes and before bed. I literally couldn't remember a day not feeling stress but this simple act of a minimum of ten pages a day has lifted a huge weight of my life. I've also tracked it on goodreads which offers a sense of motivation and achievement of how much I've accomplished.

    Also, science backs it up:

    "According to a 2009 study conducted by the University of Sussex, reading can reduce stress levels by as much as 68 percent"

    Wishing you stress release asap. Thanks for the list!

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