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Casual Friday

Casual Friday: December 15, 2017

December 15, 2017

Two weeks ago, I found my trusty handheld magnifying mirror (I got when I was 18!) cracked in the garbage. Our three year old said, it was broken so she threw it away--hmm! I didn't realize how often I used it until it wasn't there--like, every day. Almost at the same time Simple Human asked if we wanted to review any products for the holidays and offer our readers a discount--YES! We have and love their automatic soap dispenser (read more about that here), but I was in need of a new mirror and heard rave reviews about this one. It arrived earlier this week, while my mom was here helping me, and she started laughing because I was getting maybe a little too excited about the features of this thing. She said, "You should be filming this! It's like a commercial!" The light turns on automatically when I put my face in front of it. The lighting adjusts with a wave of the hand. The magnifying is just the right amount. It charges instead of having to change a battery and the coloring of the light (you know I'm big on that!) makes your skin look SO true to life. Did it make me immediately want to give myself a facial (because yikes!)--you bet. The best news? Our readers get 15% off anything from Simple Human right here (woot!!) with promo code CLOVESJ15! (Side note: You can see it in action on my Instagram Stories today. I'm sharing my 5 minutes makeup routine)

Other fun things this week!

• I loved this post about preparing dogs for babies.

• I got this beaded top last week and already wore it to two holiday events! For under $30, it sure packs a lot of class.

My 2018 resolution, in a sentence.

• So many of you sent us the link for Ana White's A-frame Dollhouse Plans! Land of Nod also sells a cute one (on sale!), but I don't know if any will top the old school Fisher Price one, right?

• I really love this fresh take on the Faux Fiddle Leaf--and the price. 

• Polly turned 4 months old a couple weeks ago and she is just, honestly, the sweetest cutest thing in existence. She's had a rough time lately, trying to recover from croup, but anytime she catches my eye--she's all smiles. It melts me. I want a baby Polly forever and ever. Also, her new nickname is Rolly Polly because she's getting the hang of that!

bonnet | long-sleeved onesie | shoes

The darkest material on earth. (so fascinating!)

• Lastly, if you're looking for a last minute gift, you can use the code CHRISJULIA15 at Framebridge through Sunday (12/17) for 15% off everything and guaranteed Christmas delivery. I uploaded and framed this old family photo for my mom (she's the second one in on the left) in their Bowery frame, and I just know she's going to cry--the good kind.



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  1. I bought the same mirror the other day and I can't wait to get it! I wish I had the code when I ordered...oh well, I think it's going to be worth it. BTW....Polly is absolutely adorable. She has got to be the cutest baby ever!

    PS love your blog!

  2. Thanks for the recommendation and code for Framebridge! I got one as a gift for my best friend. It's more than I've ever spent on a frame and shipping directly to her... so I hope it's as good as you say ;)

  3. Don't use the ! on the Simplehuman code. Thanks for the code, I'm gifting myself
    the travel mirror for Christmas!! Looks fabulous to use. Merry Christmas to you & yours.

  4. Oh man, that fisher price A frame actually hurt my heart with nostalgia and cuteness. I never had the A frame, but Little People were my village.

  5. Weird question – for the soap dispenser, can you buy the soap refills at any store? I've been wanting one since your post last year, but we are lazy and just want to buy our cleaning products all at once, in the same place. :-)

  6. So I received the makeup mirror as a birthday present this past February and NEVER knew that the light changed, hahaha! Thank you for the insta-story!

    1. It's not inexpensive, but wow! It's an incredible mirror. And considering I had my last one for 14 years--It seems like a good thing to invest in.

  7. I have never commented...but I could not let this year go
    by without thanking you for such a wonderful blog. I look
    forward to it everyday.
    All the best..

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