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Casual Friday

Casual Friday: March 9, 2018

March 9, 2018

Willow has been acting off. We brought her into the vet and discovered she slipped a disc in her back. We got medication for her and have been trying to help her rest, per her doctor's orders, but she's still not acting like herself. It's so hard to know that something is wrong with your pet but not know how to best help them.


• Chris and I are headed to Jackson, WY for an overnighter this weekend to relax and gather cabin-y inspiration for our upcoming renovations at the A-frame. is giving all of our followers $30 off their booking, too! Just click here.

• The Land of Nod is now Crate&Kids!! They were always under the Crate & Barrel umbrella, but now they are one in the same. Right on the C&B site. I'm loving the update.

• My favorite Madewell tie-front tee is on sale for under $30 right now. It comes in six colors (the white is not see through which makes it just about perfect) and ties in just the right spot--hides all the softness, ya know!?

@StudioAshby is one of my new favorite accounts to follow. Sophie Ashby is a London based Interior Designer and every photo...just drool-worthy.

• Since my eye surgery (It seems to be getting better every day), I've been scared to wear mascara or makeup because of having to remove it. I've usually used makeup remover towelettes, cleansers or even those makeup erasers--but all of those still required me to scrub/rub my eyes pretty good--something I just can't do right now and not sure when I would feel comfortable doing so. I picked up this Bye Bye Makeup Melting Cleansing Balm--and it is magic! It lives up to its name and just melted the makeup right off (even my mascara!) with no rubbing at all. Plus, it has anti-aging serum built in. It left my face soft and makeup free with minimal effort. I'm hooked.

• Our sweet Faye cut her hair this week. I mean--completely butchered it up. To the scalp in the front (of course right in the front). When I shared the incident on my Instagram, I probably received 1500 messages from moms who had a similar story. It happens. It was completely shocking when I saw what she had done (she had a cute shoulder-length bob beforehand), but the next morning I took her to Supercuts before school and she now has the cutest pixie cut.

The funny thing is, Greta, for all the mischief she used to get in, never cut her hair! Haha. I never expected it from Faye, but now her craft scissors are on lock down.

Hope you have a great weekend!! 


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  1. Glad to hear your eyes are doing better. And Faye's pixie cut is adorable. What a cutie-pie! ????????‍♀️

  2. Hi Julia,

    How old is your berner? We have a now 7 year old BMD but when she was a puppy (around 9 months) she had aseptic meningitis. Vet initially diagnosed her as a slipped disc, but she presented with neck pain/stiffness, fever, and was in a significant amount of pain. Hope your pup is on the mend, but just something to think of if your dogs symptoms don't seem to be adding up to a slipped disc. Aseptic meningitis typically happens in young dogs and unfortunately Berner's are one of the breeds most commonly affected.

    Love your site!

  3. I chuckle every time I look at that "before" picture of Faye! That smushed up cheek, big brown eyes and those "whack"-y bangs. SO stinking cute! Totally meme-able. I love her pixie!

  4. love the photo on top (and your cute little girl). just wondering if you know who makes that beautiful sconce.

  5. I just followed @studioashby She is great! Love her use of colors, and moods! Sounds like a fun weekend you have planned! Have fun ;)

  6. Oh my goodness, we had a similar hair cutting incident with my now 9.5 yr old son when he was around five. He literally cut the hair all the way to the scalp right in the front in the same way! It was right before Christmas so he went to all types of events like that. I couldn’t bear to cut all of his hair off because he has beautiful hair that we’ve always kept in a long little boy’s haircut. Not gonna lie, I cried a little! All I could say at the time was thank goodness he had already taken Christmas pictures. I cannot even count the amount of stories we heard about kids who did the same. Now I just look back and laugh. Faye’s new cut is adorable!!

  7. Found a cute inn to stay in when we visit Big Sur next month. Thanks for the free money! Enjoy Jackson Hole!

  8. Oh my gosh... the pixie cut is adorable! This is something my just-turned-4 year old would do... she’s already cut herself so I watch the scissors very closely BUT her 6 year old sister gets them out when im not looking so I’m just waiting for this to happen. Good to know there’s an adorable solution!

  9. I cut my bangs to the top of my scalp when I was in first grade, and had to take my school picture like that. I'm almost 30 and my family still brings it up to this day lol Makes for a good laugh.

  10. Hi Julia,

    My frenchie Louie suffers from IVDD and has had two episodes of slipped disks. Crate rest is really important to allow the disc to heal. Our neurologist recommended 8 weeks of strict crate rest. One resource I found to be really helpful is!

  11. If you can find a canine physiotherapist, they can make a world of difference. They can find muscle imbalances (and give you at-home exercises to do) as well use laser, TENS, hydrotherapy, etc to deal with pain.

    My wheaten has had on-going orthopaedic issues (two knee surgeries, groin pull, and a shoulder injury!), and physio has helped immensely over the past 8 years.

  12. I have a mini dachshund who has slipped a disk in the past. It's so so hard to see them in pain and not be able to do much to help them. But my best advice to you would be rest rest rest (the completely immobilized kind)! We rested her in her crate for a week to 2 weeks, only letting her out for closely supervised bathroom breaks and gave the meds like the vet ordered and she's right as rain now. Doxies are prone to back issues so we have had a lot of experience with them in her short life including spinal surgery for a herniated disk that cause her to become paralyzed in her back end. But she has bounced back so well you would never even know it! I know back issues can be freaky but often times we find she just needs lots of rest and snuggles and she's back to herself in a matter of weeks. We also like to plug in a heating pad for her to lay on - we find it helps with any muscle soreness from the tension she's holding from being in pain. Oh, and acupuncture! I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's non-invasive and has worked wonders for our gal! Good luck and speedy healing for sweet Willow!

    1. Rest is the Only solution. For mine, i got one of those metal puppy playpen, and I lugged it and a dog bed/food water to whatever room I was going to be in. And kept the pup right by me all day for weeks. But any way to just confine her with you in sight works, calms her. No up and down stairs at all.

  13. After watching your makeup video, I bought a few things from the "IT" cosmetic line and it is totally changing my makeup routine! Thank you for sharing what you use. I am definitely going to try the remover (and the blistex renewel lip balm) because I have enjoyed everything else from that line. Smart easy makeup for real people. The creator is genius.

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