When we were looking for a house, one with a large space that we could turn into the Chris Loves Julia office for us and our employees was a must have. This house had a large room off of the entry (bonus!) with a door (double bonus!!) that the previous owners used as their den […]
This post is sponsored by Lulu & Georgia. They just launched their fall collection, check out the beautiful pieces here! Last week, I got the itch to rearrange our living room. It's my favorite thing to do and I really wanted to come up with something that was better for flow and conversation. I tweaked […]
Excited to be back from a long weekend with family (and then a days of server issues! blergh!). We jumped right into a playroom makeover and I'm so excited about this direction. "Playroom" is a generous term, it's more of a toy room. Or play space. One of the very first spaces I organized when […]
My friend Marco Polo'd me from her new house earlier this week. She walked me through room by room showing me everything they have done and wanted to do. When she got to her daughters' room, she stopped, "Look at the curtains--did we do them wrong? They are just huggggginnnggg the window and look weird." […]
We're very close to choosing an exterior paint color. We have gone from wanting something charcoal to deep black and back to charcoal again. We're going to do a trial run of one of these colors today! But I couldn't keep all of our research to myself. Finding exterior photos (good ones!) with paint colors […]
Demo on our bathroom happened this week and it was so shocking to see the space after it was completely cleared. I actually gasped. It seems to have grown 10x! My sister was so sure there must have been a wall cheated out somewhere. Our minds just couldn't get around the fact that this huge, open space […]
Paint Color: Fading Twilight by Benjamin Moore, Rug, Lounge Chair, Acrylic Stool, Sconces, Pendant Light Art: Abstract Face, Portland, Charcoal House, Landscape - frame, Trees, Faces - frame We made a lot of headway in the music room this week and it's been so fun and we have A LOT to share here, but today I wanted to […]
Occasionally, after finishing a big project like the Fullmer Kitchen or our bathroom renovation or the backyard--we share a budget breakdown. We get asked for them often and we get it, you’re curious what it costs to do projects like these! For some projects, it wouldn't make sense because labor varies so much from area […]
Last week we met with our contractors to decide once and for all what siding we were going for on our house and my goodness, there were a lot of decisions. The original design plan called for James Hardie Aspyre siding but our contractors encouraged us to look into LP SmartSide. Normally, I would 100% […]
Pinch me. This is our closet now. And although this is a before photo, below, it's not really THE before photo, because this room didn't exist before! We added a ceiling/floor to a two story space and made it our closet. (Below is the music room for reference). The idea came in as we were […]
We’ve rearranged the guest room twice already, and we’re going in for round three. There's a lot that's "wrong" with this orientation. For starters, we centered the bed under the window, giving it a little room on the left for a nightstand — but it's so close to the wall on the right that you […]
We had a different project scheduled for this week, but the weather is so crappy (spoiler alert: it was an outdoor project) that we couldn’t carry it out. But I was so excited to check something off the list that I told Chris I’M DOING SOMETHING THIS WEEK. I HAVE to do something creative. To […]
This post is sponsored by eBay. A few fun facts: I have purchased five vacuums (two for our home + three for gifts), a fancy blow dryer, three Frame TVs, two Bose speakers (with perfect sound!), countless kitchen gadgets and other electronics over the years from eBay — all of which were "Certified Refurbished." To […]
Brooke is our social media manager and recently moved into her first apartment in Idaho. We Ooo and Ahh over photos of her place and felt it was high time we shared her California-casual style with our readers. Whether you're in your starter home or looking for a little rental inspo to freshen up your […]
A lot of projects in our home are tied together and stem from each other right now, so if it seems like we're bouncing from project to project — we kind of are, but only because they are connected. We also made a goal to finish renovating this home by the end of 2021 (you […]
Have you ever even seen our "music room"?! Maybe not. Probably not because up until yesterday the electricity hasn't worked in the room. We were finally able to have an electrician come back to look at the wiring and get it working and I feel like I'm seeing the space for the first time! This space is […]
I recently bought a canvas print at Target based solely on the frame. I loved the ornate, traditional gold — and at $16, it was a steal (even if it was just for the frame alone). I wasn’t wild about the folksy-looking portrait within but was inspired at the thought of painting over it. Before […]
We recently received this email from a reader: Hello, I have a design problem I was hoping might inspire a future post from team CLJ. I am moving into a new house and have a lot of clear stained pine furniture and a heirloom cedar chest I would like to keep. I want to add […]
It's hard to believe it's been an entire year since we moved into this house. There have been so many ups and downs throughout the year but with every space we make our own, it feels more like home and we fall more in love. There are more roots established and ideas dreamt about. We […]
The day has come. About a month ago, we announced that we had hired a designer for the first time--specifically STUDIO MCGEE (!!!!) to design our exterior. Below you can see our exterior as it looked when we first purchased our home in June 2019. During our renovation over the fall/winter, our contractor found that […]
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Welcome to our online community where we've posted home, DIY, style, renovations, and family since '09. Renovating our #cljmoderncottage in Idaho and headed for new adventures in Raleigh, NC. #cljfam #cljtransformations