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Ep 34: Selling Your Old Stuff and You Put WHAT In The Dishwasher?!?

March 29, 2017

It's time to Springify the house, and we're talking about how that happens for the Marcums. We talk about best practices and places for buying and selling used furniture and house items on-line.

Then we play a game revealing things you wouldn't believe you can put in the dishwasher. It just might blow your mind.

Listen to the latest episodes on: iTunes, GooglePlayStitcher.

Reader Question: Buying & Selling Online
• Knowing when it's time to sell something
• Different websites where you can sell things
• Things to include in a listing
• How to decide a price
• Tricks that will help you get top dollar

Game: New Uses for Your Dishwasher
• Things you may not have considered cleaning, or cooking, in your dishwasher.

Can't Get You Outta My Head

Julia: Julia finally traded in her $6 concealer for a higher quality option, the Smashbox number shown below. I also mention how I only really wear 6 pieces of makeup (my makeup bag can practically fit in a coin purse!). They are:

blush (in love hangover) | concealer (in light) | contour | CC cream (in light to medium) | bronzer | brows (in medium brown)

Preston: The current healthcare climate has been on Preston's mind, specifically the solution that Chris & Julia have been using for over two years, Christian Healthcare Ministries. They discuss how healthcare bill sharing works, and why it's an option worth exploring for a lot of people. Learn more at
Chris: Everybody has that item of clothing they always want to wear, and for Chris it's a hoodie. A wonderful zip-up, non-fancy, unbranded hoodie. Or, hoodies, since Chris has this one, and this one, and this one, and this one, and this one.
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Theme song Headphones by Preston Pugmire

How to Listen (iPhone):
1. Tap the podcast app on your phone. The icon for it looks like this:


2. Search for "Chris Loves Julia" in the search bar and tap on the podcast title, which is "The Chris Loves Julia Podcast w/Preston Pugmire"

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    1. Warning and SPOILER ALERT...

      His parents die in the very beginning. Because. you know, it's a Disney movie and they always kill the parents.

  1. Some of our favorite non-animated movies are Second Hand Lions, Holes, Matilda, Ramona and Beezus, Zookeeper, Maleficent, Pirates of the Caribbean(s), Night at the Museum(s), Spy Kids(s), Dolphin Tale, Harry Potter(s), Mrs Doubtfire, The Sandlot, all of the Avenger and Superhero movies. Some of those might be a few years down the road for you though.

  2. I am with Julia and love flannel sheets in the winter. Would be interested to hear if you have any favorites (either flannel and non-flannel sheets) that you have tried. Love this podcast and blog.

  3. My husband was going to have a gap in health insurance while he was going to school, so we signed him up for a Christian health share. It would have been $500/month to put him on my work insurance, and it was only $150/month for the health share. He is young and healthy so we knew he likely wouldn't use it, but needed coverage to avoid fines under ACA. He did not end up using it, but since it was a non-profit it was nice to know the money we paid in would go directly to helping other people with their health needs.

  4. Thanks for the makeup list-and I'm now inspired to dishwasher everything in the house. I've noticed your eyelashes are huge. Do you get extensions since there is no mascara on your list? Thx

  5. 101 Dalmations with Glenn Close, Daddy Daycare, Dr. Doolittle, older movies like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Newsies, Singing in the Rain, the Marx Brothers are HILARIOUS for the whole family!

      1. I double bronzer as eyeshadow and I have eyelash extensions (since December--they're the best! I never have to put on mascara!)

  6. I agree with Gina - some kid-friendly 'reality' TV can be a nice departure from animated movies. The Great British Bake-Off is on Netflix and really fun to watch. Our family (kids are older than yours, 9 and 11) enjoy watching American Ninja Warrior and Master Chef Jr and we find them to be family appropriate and inspirational about the amazing skills some people have.

    My daughter got this book and it's been a good starting point for us to find new family movies.

    Also, Common Sense Media has some good age-based lists of movies!

  7. My kids (6 & 4) are obsessed with the Kids Baking Championship on Food Network and I don't mind watching it at all! I loathe cartoons and animated movies for the most part ... this is a good alternative!

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