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Health & Beauty

Our Miracle of Miracles

October 10, 2013

When Greta was 9 months old, we decided we wanted to give her a sibling.  And when she turned 2, she started asking for one herself. At last, 3 1/2 years later, the stars have aligned and our family is expanding.  We couldn't be happier--or more surprised (sometimes when something doesn't happen for so long, you stop expecting it to)--about our little addition due in mid-April.

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  1. I was really hoping this was the news! I follow your blog to remind me to pray for you next child. Your blog is fun and all but when I first read about your struggle I wanted to be someone who could pray when you just couldn't. Each of our girls took one to two years each with help. We now have three girls and I am so grateful that they came to be. VERY VERY HAPPY FOR YOU! Now we pray for you, Julia, and the little one to be brought into the world safely.

  2. Congrats to all three of you!!! I'm due at the end of March, so so happy to add another to the spring baby boom list! Can't wait to see your progress on the baby growing and nursery planning! Hoping your nausea gets better fast!!!

  3. We had a very similar experience...conjoined twins...miscarriage....pregnant soon after with a beautiful baby girl. We have never tried to prevent little ones from coming so when Emmie was close to three we started the process for adoption when the fertility doctor stated "we don't know why you can't get pregnant again...secondary infertility just occurs and there is no reason....this may be it for you. You should appreciate the baby you have and move on." Wow! Anytime you want/desire/pray for and beg for a baby for you family it is painful to not have those wishes fulfilled. I felt guilty that I already had a baby and wanted I was greedy. But we moved ahead with adoption and we just about done with our paperwork when surprise! Our Ava Jane was born 3 1/2 years after our Emmie. Then 2 2 1/2 years later our Kai then 1 1/2 years later our Lucy. I don't know why we can't always determine the timing for our babies. (Maybe running around in heaven is just so fun they forget to get in line to be born?) ;) But I know that God is good, he gives us babies when he can, He heals our hearts when He can't. Congratulations on your new family member! And maybe you will get closer and closer together siblings like us? It is amazing to me how you can really love another baby just as much as your first and how your family just gets better with each's like your heart grows to receive and give more love. Congrats, how wonderful! And I can't wait to see your new little bean's fun and beautiful it will be to be in your new home, closer to family and with a beautiful little girl helper to give ideas/opinions on décor as well. Happy Day!

  4. Congrats on your newest miracle! Life has an uncanny way of sending miracles at the perfect times...when we're least expecting them ;) xo, Dana

    PS - My open ID wasn't working in the comments so I had to use my very antiquated google account. Normally, I wouldn't sign off so formally...haha!

  5. Congratulations!! I know I sound like an obsessed fan but you seriously made my day. I had a very stressful day at work and then when I opened up BlogLovin on my phone and saw your blog post title I just smiled so big. I'm SO happy for you guys and Greta. I wish you a smooth pregnancy from here on out and an easy delivery too.

    I also love that three of my favorite blogs are all due with their second baby in April. You, YHL and LittleBabyGarvin. You (almost) make me want a third baby now, hehehe.

  6. Hyperemesis sucks big time (all three of my pregnancies) but hopefully it eases soon. Biggest congrats. I have about 3.5 years between 2&3 and they are awesome together.

  7. Huge congrats to y'all!! We know all too well the sweetness after a long wait to have a child. Can't wait to read along this journey with you guys. Prayers for a healthy pregnancy. :)

  8. Congratulations!! I was hoping that's why you were feeling under the weather. Being sick is the pits, but when you're pregnant, at least it's worth it!

  9. Congratulations! I found your blog via the forums at YHL and I love it! I am so excited to be pregnant (for the first time) with my favorite bloggers (Katie, Sherri, and YOU!). Especially after a struggle with infertility myself. Congrats again to you and your family!!

  10. I just knew it!!! Oh my goodness, congratulations guys! Just read some of the other comments, hyperemesis is no joke. I had it with both my pregnancies (and it's a big reason why I don't want ANY more). I'll be praying that it ends soon and for a healthy baby (boy, maybe?). Lots of love from the South!

  11. Best news ever! Julie, I have had you in my thoughts and prayers more then ever and couldn't be happier. What a miracle! Can't wait to see baby grow and you to not be sick. YAY!!!!

  12. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am overjoyed for you. I know exactly how "infertility" feels. I hate that word. I am so overjoyed to hear your success stories. I love hearing success stories because it makes me have hope. I am praying for a beautiful healthy baby for you 3 & I can't wait to follow your updates. Congrats again!!!!! xx Liz Marie

  13. That is just absolutely awesome!! Congratulations and I hope you have an absolutely uneventful pregnancy and birth!! Funny way to put it but I know the second time around that is what we most hope for.

  14. Oh, I'm so happy for you all!! I was hoping that this was the 'health issue' referred to in previous posts... I hate to be the one who roots for morning sickness, but in this case, yay!! :) Congratulations!

  15. Congratulations! I suspected something was up when Chris wrote something like, Julias feeling under the weather but ill let her explain it when shes ready. Haha! So excited for you guys, we started trying for our second when our daughter was 8 months old- she is also 3 1/2 and we are (finally!) expecting our second in December. so i know how hard that can be! :)

  16. Yay! SO happy for you! I've been wondering....I sort of have a 6th sense about these things. :) Our first finally came with the help of a specialist and he's now 6 months old. I'm so happy when great things happen to great people!

  17. I'm so excited for your family! I knew that had to be the reason for your absence! I hope you are feeling better.I'll be sending prayers for a healthy pregnancy and baby! Congrats!

  18. Congratulations. My husband just said to me the other day, when I told him about another blogger being pregnant, "It seems like all your bloggers are pregnant." Well guess he was somewhat right. I think there are like 5+ bloggers in my Feedly that are pregnant right now. Love it!

  19. Congratulations! Morning sickness is horrible. Ask for some anti-nausea (zofram) from the doc. I had sickness throughout my whole pregnancy with my son. Maybe it's a boy! Congrats. Someone told me once that "you're giving your daughter one of life's greatest gifts, a sibling." Great advice!

    1. Aww, I really do feel that. Even though some days, I feel like, "There's going to be two!?" Hahaha. I am on Zofran and Phenegran. I have very severe morning sickness (hyperemesis). Had the same thing with Greta. Hoping the end is in sight!

    2. Keep thinking that it will be good for both of them in the long run to have each other. The other thing that may come is feeling guilty for taking away time from Greta. It is possible to love both children. It made me so sad when I was in the hospital after delivering my second that I was missing my first baby! But it's for the best. YOu will get through it!

  20. Congratulations! I was wondering if sickness = pregnancy. Oh I totally remember the morning (all-day) sickness. Hope you start feeling better soon!!!

  21. Congrats! Knowing you wanted this for a while makes it all the more sweeter. I'm also due with our second at the beginning of April - looking forward to watching your family grow! :D

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