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Chris Cooks

Spice Up Your Life.

May 30, 2013
When I posted this photo a few days ago, when I was discussing our incoming tile, I got a few questions about those jars hanging out under the cabinet on the left.
Those are Chris's most used, favorite spices. The cabinet above them holds the rest--he has a lot of spices. We originally had a spice rack, one of the spinning ones on the counter which was really convenient, and popular because of their convenience.  But the downside is, they take up counter space. Boo.
From right to left: garlic powder, chipotle chili powder, smoked paprika, ancho chili powder, cumin, turmeric
We decided to install a magnetic knife strip (from Ikea) under the cabinet so Chris can still have his go-tos handy without sacrificing counter space and it has been working wonderfully.
The jars are from Target.  They had different spices in them, but once those spices ran out, we ripped off the label, washed them out and refilled.  These look kind of similar, and would work too, I'm sure.
We still have a few spots he can fill in, too. Definitely one of those, looks good-works good-we're all happy, simple solutions.
Where do you store your spices?
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  1. How does he store the ones inside the cabinet? Those always end up messy/cluttered at my house. The every-day spices are easier because you need them enough to keep them pretty. Great idea with the hanging though! We might have to steal that for our next place

  2. Oh that's an awesome idea! We're getting ready to (finally) move the rest of our kitchen stuff into our new house this weekend and we've been debating where to keep the spices. Might have to try something like this for our most popular ones...

  3. OK, so...

    A.Since you said they were his spices I assume that means your hubby loves to cook? I'm jealous already. (I kid of course, but really...PB and honey sandwiches are my man candy's specialty.)

    B. I am in love with the hanging pendants over your bar! Where did you find them?!

  4. We have one of those narrow pull out cabinets that holds our spices. The only ones I keep out are the salt and pepper (for obvious reasons). The drawer is next to the oven though, which has me worried about heat possible destroying the spices, but so far, we haven't tasted a difference. I would love to have all my spices in matching glass jars like yours... then I would hang them on the wall!

  5. We too have a large amount of spices, when my husband built a wall to divide the fridge, he made built in shelves to hold all the spices. I have been told to store spices in a dark place to preserve flavor. We had put shutters on as doors, and later cardboard on the inside, so the spices would be in the dark. I would be lost without my spice cupboard! It is only deep enough to stack them along and everything is in alphabetical order.

  6. Spices are so beautiful - I love when they're stored like this! My husband is Indian, so I'm trying to learn to cook Indian dishes. They use tons of spices and large amounts of them at that! We recently bought our first house and it has a real-life pantry. Ha! I'm itching to buy tons of glassware and redo my spice storage.

  7. Could you update this post to include what kinds of spices are in those jars? Thank you, if yes!

  8. My hubby has a lot of spices too. Love your solution.
    I have a similar situation like you with the window in the kitchen. I don't want to hang open shelving because it's shorter than your wall. It makes it really difficult to figure out how to run the tile. Still haven't decided :(

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