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laundry room


Our New Whirlpool Duets in Diamond Steel [and all the Heart Eyes Emojis]

If you follow @chrislovesjulia on Instagram--which you really should; I frequently post little project updates there when I am struggling to find time to post beefy updates here--you saw that our new washer and dryer arrived for the laundry room this weekend! First, a little backstory. While we were adding a window to the living […]
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May 27, 2015


How To Trim Out IKEA Cabinets

Last time we showed you the laundry room, it looked something like this: We had just installed our new Ikea cabinets and hardware, as well as lighting, too. (I could not find a pulled back photo of the cabinets with hardware before we trimmed it out--hence the lack of pretty gold pulls in the photo above.) While […]
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May 26, 2015


Laundry Room Lighting & Hardware + $250 to Rejuvenation!

We partnered with Rejuvenation to outfit the laundry room with a few crowning moments, including two fabulous accent lights and unlacquered brass pulls for the cabinets. (And bonus! there's a honkin' Rejuvenation giveaway for you at the end!) Initially, we were just going to do recessed lights in the laundry room, but I couldn't get […]
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April 21, 2015


Laundry Room Progress: Paint and Cabinets!

So much has happened in the laundry room the last few weeks, I'm excited to give you an overdue update. Last time I shared the renovation progress with you on the blog (Sidenote: I have started sharing quick project updates on instagram when I don't have too much time to blog--which has been frequently, lately. […]
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April 13, 2015


My Hunt for the Perfect Persian Rug

When searching for the perfect rug for the laundry room, I went through hundreds of options and tried to take my time to find one I thought would be perfect for the space--and then ended up with two at my doorstep earlier this week. Ha! This rug will likely be the only real color in […]
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March 26, 2015

Mood Boards

All The Laundry Room Plans

Since you'll be able to see the laundry room/mudroom through the sliding door (that is mostly left open) in the kitchen/dining room, we really wanted the two spaces to complement each other well. Here's a before and after floor plan as a reminder of the major changes that are happening in this area: A few […]
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March 18, 2015


The Walls Came Down!

We had all intentions of waiting until Chris was fully healed to start demo-ing the old fourth bathroom/new laundry room, but plans changed and we couldn't be more excited to see and share some quick progress in that area. Before we start on the kitchen renovation, we wanted to get the laundry moved to its […]
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February 18, 2015

Mood Boards

A $500 Laundry Room Mood Board

First, thank you for all the well-wishes on Chris's behalf. His back surgery went perfectly, and while he has a pretty strict recovery regimen for the next 12 weeks, he already feels worlds better. We're so happy and feel the love you've been sending our way. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Today I wanted […]
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January 28, 2015


The BIG Projects Comin' Atcha | 2015

I hope you all had a great holiday. Ours was truly amazing. We unplugged and spent time with family and now reality is hitting me like a ton of bricks this morning. I must do a recap on the highlights later this week--Friday? Friday. We have a couple updates to share with you this week […]
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January 5, 2015


A New Project + 25 of the Best Modern Barn-Style Doors

After we made plans for the new laundry room/mudroom area (you can see those here), we realized we needed to think of a new door situation. Our current door swings left into the room which felt like it could get a little cramped to us. Especially since that would be the mudroom side of the […]
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August 1, 2014


The New Laundry/Walk-In Pantry Plans

Back in May, we asked you if you would rather have a 4th bathroom or walk-in pantry and we loved reading all of your thoughts--there were a lot (!!) and most of you declared hands down a walk-in pantry. Considering there is a guest bathroom already on this level, and we haven't used this 4th bathroom off […]
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July 24, 2014


Snowballing Projects

Last week, in this comments portion of this post, reader Jacqueline wrote: In a similar vein to your post about painting the ceiling, do you think now would be the time to paint the cabinets too (if you’re planning on doing that as an interim step to replacing them eventually)? Or is that just tackling […]
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February 26, 2014


An Update + Dream Laundry and Joint Closet

As you may have heard, read or gathered--we have had some bumps in our road--mainly we have yet to receive the money for the sale of our house and it all comes down to today.  If we don't receive the money today, then we will lose our new house. And if we do, we can […]
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August 20, 2013


Laundry Room/Half Bath Before and Afters

I'm glad we took the weekend to finish up the laundry room.  That plumbing took Chris a little while to figure out--but he did it (!!) and having a new sink and faucet and all around easier-on-the-eyes room has made such a difference.  Like every other before and after, it is fun to look at […]
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October 22, 2012

Health & Beauty

When Family Trumps Projects

Well, we tried to have a reveal for you today.  Kind of.  I spent the whole day yesterday sanding and painting our old vanity to bring it up to par with the rest of the room, but around 3 pm, the paint started acting weird and peeling and it wasn't looking the greatest.  Chris suggested […]
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October 19, 2012


Trimmity Trim Trim

Do you want to know how you can instantly change a room?  Paint.  But do you know what else?  Trim.  Maybe neither of those are "instant" but in less than a couple hours of work last night, Chris and I added chair molding and baseboards to the laundry room/half bath (I need an acronym for […]
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October 18, 2012


Taking Grout from Dark and Dingy to White and Bright

What a jam-packed weekend we had!  We celebrated Chris's birthday, shopped 'til we dropped, had family pictures taken and friends over for dinner. Since Chris's birthday was Saturday, one of my unspoken gifts to him was zero house projects--so I squeezed this one in Friday afternoon during Greta's nap.  For two and a half hours […]
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October 15, 2012


Gray Squirrel and Bright White

There were a few factors that went into choosing the paint color for the laundry room--1. Does it work well with the other colors in our home? 2. Does it match the tile flooring that we're keeping for now? 3.  How will it look in a windowless room? Luckily, I had a chunk of tile […]
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October 12, 2012


Laundry Room 2.0. Go! Go! Go!

It's time for our annual laundry room revamp.  Ha! I wish I was joking.  We really would love to not make fixing up the laundry room/half bath an annual thing--but time has worn this baby down again.  Last year, we took the original space: And made it more presentable for our costume party guests: Fast […]
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October 10, 2012
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