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Cleaning & Organization

4 Outdoor Storage Solutions That Aren't Eyesores

It's no secret I love staying organized. I have to have things go back where they belong, or it drives me crazy! And while it can be easy to keep clutter at bay with cabinets, closets, and armoires inside, the outdoors is a different story. For instance, I need a place to keep our pool […]
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June 7, 2024

Cleaning & Organization

How to Transition Your Home for Warmer Months

As soon as warmer weather hits, I'm ready to shed layers! Purge in every way. I want to put some of the heavier house things away and lighten up the house. Sure, packing up your sweaters for storage is a great way to refresh your closet (scroll to the end for my opinion on that!) […]
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April 5, 2024

round up

16 Aesthetic Cleaning Supplies You Won't Want to Hide

Last week I mentioned how I desperately need some borrowed height in the kitchen, AKA a step-stool. We've made it this far without needing and using one because we don't store our day-to-day items out of reach! For those far and few in-between moments where we actually do need to reach up high, I usually […]
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January 19, 2023

round up

Back to School Home Style

When the kids go back to school, it's a vibe, is what I'm saying. The house just feels different. Things are more organized. Our daily routines become more structured. And that initial back-to-school time just feels so wholesome. Do you know what I mean? F&B Stiffkey Blue | Lockers | Basket | Rug | Leather […]
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August 4, 2022

Cleaning & Organization

My 8 Favorite Things the Professional Organizers Did

Right before Christmas, Chris gifted me the most unexpected and incredibly needed gift maybe ever--he hired professional organizers to come unpack* and organize our entire house. *Due to our moving debacle, we had a second round of boxes stacked in nearly every room (and filling the guest house!) and our kitchen never got unpacked because of […]
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January 25, 2022

Cleaning & Organization

Good Looking Ugly Stuff: Cleaning + Organizing

Back in 2018, we did a post called good looking ugly stuff because I'm the kind of person who is genuinely a happier person when every thing in our home, down to the color of the dish rag and the toilet plunger, is in harmony with one another aesthetically. Maybe that sounds extreme, but I challenge you […]
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July 7, 2021


7 Goals for Organizing my Toddler's Closet

This post is sponsored by Walmart Every week, I've been trying to tackle and organize one storage space in our house and this week, it was all about Polly's closet. None of our girls have a dresser in their rooms so we store all of their clothes, shoes, seasonal gear and extra sheets in their […]
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January 28, 2021

Cleaning & Organization

Storage and Organization in the Garage

While Gladiator® sent us some of the products in this post, they did not pay us to write about it. All opinions are our own. All the products and accessories used are linked at the end of this post. All right y'all. I've been chipping away at our garage since before Christmas, though it all […]
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June 24, 2020
Custom Drawer Fronts for IKEA PAX Closet Drawers


Adding Custom Fronts to the IKEA PAX Closet System Drawers

A couple weeks ago we shared how our closet looked after painting everything. In case you need a reminder: Yes, those are IKEA PAX closets. We built bases for them to raise them up the height of our baseboards; filled the extra holes and added facing; added base, crown, and a ceiling treatment; and painted everything […]
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June 8, 2020

Cleaning & Organization

A Video Tour inside our Newly Organized Pantry

Last week we shared our freshly painted and organized pantry and this week, we thought it would be fun to give a little video tour. There were a few skeptics that thought not everything came back in the pantry, and I can confidently say that all the major players and small appliances are here! We […]
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October 8, 2019

Cleaning & Organization

Our Rich Brown Pantry Makeover!

This post is sponsored by The Adorne Collection from Legrand Over the last few days, we gave our pantry a rich BROWN paint makeover and got her organized and our lives are changed! Here's how it looked before. It was a terrible space to be in. No organization. A fluorescent light that was always left […]
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October 3, 2019

Cleaning & Organization

How We Organized the Fullmer's Kitchen Cabinets + A Video Tour Inside!

This post is sponsored by Lowe's A kitchen can be beautiful, but it's not really functional until it's organized. Last week, we ambushed the Fullmers and organized the guts out of their pantry and cabinets and it might have been my favorite day. I just love organizing and today I wanted to share a few tips on […]
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June 27, 2019


10 Free (or nearly free) Things You Can Do To Refresh Your Home Right Now.

It's a new year and, if you're like me, as soon as all the holiday decor comes down and gets put away you feel an itch to clean, organize and refresh every inch of your house! But in my own rush to redo, I've learned it doesn't have to cost a dime! Here are 10 […]
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January 9, 2018

Cleaning & Organization

How I Organized and Streamlined Our Cleaning Supplies, Once and For All.

This post is sponsored by Grove Collaborative--there's an exciting giveaway for ALL of our readers at the bottom of the post! It's a new year! A fresh start! And although we only have a handful of big projects left in our home (more on that later this week), this year, I want to work on […]
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January 2, 2018


7 Christmas Storage Hacks + Video!

This post is sponsored by Lowe's. A few weeks ago, we had the fun opportunity to shop Lowe's Christmas decor (it's almost all 50% off now!) to put together a tree and decorations (that we later were able to donate to a family in need) for a Christmas Storage Hacks video using items you can […]
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December 11, 2017


4 Ways to Maximize That Unorganized Corner

Every other week, Chris and I head over to the studio in Preston's home to record our podcast. He's done an amazing job giving it a cool vibe, but there was one corner that has been hard to ignore: His studio is his office and he has been using these two carts to house a […]
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March 2, 2017
How to build high-capacity storage shelves


How we finally got our Storage Room Organized!

When we bought our home, one of the things we were most excited about was the storage room. It was lined on either side with shelves and we had never had a room dedicated to storage before. What a great thing to have! Fast forward to moving day and the issue became very obvious. Though […]
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February 8, 2017


Storage Room Progress and Plans

We made a big dent in the storage room progress over the last few weeks, so I thought I'd take some time to officially introduce you to her and the plans we have. But first, here's a before photo from when we moved in. The room is 18.5 ft long x 7.5 ft wide--a pretty generously sized […]
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January 17, 2017


Little Workhorses Around our Home

Over the past couple months, as the larger areas of our home have finally taken shape and we really start using them as we have only dreamed of in the years since moving in, I have been especially mindful of the tiny little workhorses that help each room function, or have made our lives easier, or maybe just […]
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May 23, 2016

Cleaning & Organization

A Peek Into our Toy Storage in the Playroom

We've had our toy storage for a couple months now (in their proper spot for a few weeks) so I figured it was high time I show them off and give you an initial review. And since we recently hung this large canvas print from Anewall above the dressers, this portion of the room is […]
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April 27, 2016
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