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The 16 Before and Afters of 2021

December 20, 2021

At the end of every year we like to share before and afters of all the projects we got done within the year. I just looked back at 2020's end-of-year post, and giggled to myself because I was confident we would be staying in our last house for a very long time. Just goes to show how quickly plans can change! We started this year in a completely different house, moved across the country with our entire team, and we've been powering through these renovations! The project list we made for 2021 shifted when we decided to move, so we came up with a whole new list of projects we wanted to get done this year for the new house! We've nearly finished everything on that list, and we have all the before and afters to show!

I can hardly believe where we started, and how we're ending the year. We've come so far and I'm so glad we take the time to document every little bit of it. We do it for us, but love taking you along, and I'm already working up our 2022 list in my head!

Some of these projects I can't believe were THIS YEAR, but here they are:

1. Faye's Princess Room



2. Our Modern Cottage Bathroom



3. Polly's "Big Girl" Bedroom



4. Laundry Room Refresh



5. Front Entry



6. The Balcony



7. Moving Homes!

The Final Modern Cottage House Tour

Meeting our Modern Colonial Home

8. Painting the Floors in the Guest House, Plus a Refresh





9. Our Primary Bedroom: Phase 1




10. Water Closet



11. The Entry





12. Polly's Room



13. Living Room



14. The Dining Room Today



15. Bonus Room Today



16. The Kitchen Today



If you've read the project list we set out to complete this year, then you know what project we're starting off with in the new year! The mural for the music room arrived this week and I can't wait! Although for now, we're taking a little break from projects and a few deep breaths and will be back in 2022 refreshed, reset and ready to go!

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  1. Absolutely incredible. You can just see the labor of love through all the choices you guys have made every step of the way. Happy new year!

  2. You have exceptionally good taste! Every element down to the artwork and holiday decorations is amazing! I'm definitely bookmarking your blog. I had stopped by to look at the video of skimcoating a textured wall, I'm glad I took a few minutes to check some of your other articles!

  3. Wow! Hard to believe that many projects in one year are completed and beautifully crafted. My favorite was the modern cottage Master Bath! I can’t wait to see what you design for your new bathroom. Hopefully in 2022?

    1. Oh yes! We shared that on Instagram. Once the island went in the kitchen, a long rectangular table just looked weird in the dining room even though the table itself was gorgeous. Almost simultaneously we got our round table back--it was stuck in Idaho by our movers--so we sold the rectangle one for what we bought it for and put our old table in place

  4. It's breathtaking to look at all of the work at once. You and Chris should be so proud of what you've accomplished. With the music room first on the list in the new year, my suggestion would be to complete that project and then shoot the full house tour video afterward. Would also love a kitchen walk-through video once the punch list is completed (sans the appliances). Have a nice holiday and enjoy your rest and puttering about your completely organized and clutter-free house (Best. Gift. Ever.)!

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