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The 3 options we're considering for above the fireplace

September 15, 2020

I have been taking my time trying to decide what to put over the fireplace in the living room. It's has a very prominent place in our home and I didn't want to rush into throwing anything up there. So it has been bare for the better part of the year, and to be honest, I don't mind the rest that the bareness brings. But now that the chaos is dying down a little on our interior (knock on wood!), I'm itching to put something above our fireplace.

Like, it's time. Here are the 3 things I'm considering with pros and cons to each and a round up of some options below.

1. A Mirror

I just love a mirror above a fireplace. It can make the whole room feel larger and add a ton of interest without really taking anything away from the structure. Plus, it's perfect for layering additional art, plants, holiday decor--whatever. I really love the super vintage-y ones above a fireplace that look more like mercury glass.

A mirror is like a window, but does this room need another window? I don't think it would necessarily reflect anything interesting as it's a little high, so that's a con. But maybe it would keep the peace the room has with nothing, but add a little interest.


2. Art

Art was my initial go-to, of course. But being an art lover, it's super difficult for me to commit to one piece for...ever? And I guess that's where I need to draw the line and remind myself--whatever we put up there doesn't have to be forever. But just for now. For a few years. A room can and should continue growing and evolving.

Right now, I'm really into abstracts and I think something neutral or dark would add a lot to the living room while still keeping the peace.


3. Frame TV

When we built the fireplace, we ran wires to hang a TV just in case we decided we'd want to. There's even a hidden compartment on the side to hide electronics so this option is definitely in the running. The great thing about the Frame TV is that I can change the art whenever my mood changes.

The downside? There's a TV in our living room and we wouldn't want all of our family time centered around a screen or leave the TV on in the background. We also have a family room downstairs with a TV.

We've been weighing them out for a little while now and all three have pros and cons. I don't think I'm going to go with the mirror, because I think I'll put a mirror on the dining room side of this fireplace (oh yeah--this has been decision paralysis times 2! Haha, but art vs a frame TV. Let's discuss!

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  1. Love your fireplace! We are putting a similar fire place in our new build. I am wondering if you would share the compartments you mentioned for electronics if your decided to add a tv where did you hide the wiring you added behind the artwork? Thank you.

  2. I actually just struggled with this very issue. I decided upon art. I gravitated towards nature, but wanted something non seasonal. I liked pictures that 'took me somewhere' (a winding road, an infinity dock over water) yet wanted something a little more modern and also liked abstract but not too harshly geometric. I ended up with Golden Tracks by Margie Hurwich. I liked that I could choose the size of the print, the mats and the frame. Good luck!

  3. That black art just does it for me. Suddenly the whole room feels more calm and grounded. Love how it visually ties to the dining room tile.

  4. I was told by a decorator friend “a mirror should reflect something beautiful”. I’ve seen some mirrors above fireplaces that reflect the ceiling or blank wall across the room.....not beautiful.

  5. I would say to switch it up seasonally with different art and accessories instead of committing to something year round.

  6. I vote for leaving it blank! It's a beautiful fireplace & the huge window is BREATHTAKING. No need for anything else:) xo

  7. I loved the previous two photos because of their scale, and the black / white in the pictures looked beautiful with the space. Of course I like the side-by-side pictures rather than one large one. The large, almost square, solid black picture is too dark up against the white fireplace, IMO!

  8. Art please!! :) Either a flat canvas or something sculptural. A TV at that height seems like an extremely uncomfortable viewing angle.

  9. Art - you should check out Sunny Goode’s art and cause. Her site is

    Her love art is very cool and soothing and she now has love baby swaddles and a goal to make sure when every baby is born, they are wrapped in love from day one. It’s a beautiful story of how this all came to be and she’s a lovely, kind person. I love this gray/white painting, but she has also done many dark ones.

  10. I am here for the TV. Best of both worlds when you have 3 children. This house is gorgeous and I can see not wanting that tv there but for me I just imagine cuddling on that sofa with a fire, a good movie/show and watching it snow out that giant window, all while Chris is cooking something amazing behind you.

  11. Please consider an art piece. I like this room to be an extension of the dining room when you guest your family for gatherings. TV in the family room downstairs is great!

  12. I really like the two vertical prints you had before (that moved to the dining room). What about two pieces of art that compliment each other and are vertically oriented again? We have a frame tv and while beautiful when in art mode when it’s off, well, it’s just a black box. As I’m sure you know. :) ps: I love all the various stripes you have going on in the living room right now!

  13. I had this struggle and went with a Frame myself - and regretted it. Turns out I loved having this wonderful platform for seasonal decorating, I loved having the options to indulge in a creative splash when I felt it - for all holidays, moods and events. With the Tv there I’ve lost the flexibility and as much as I love the TV and the art options it’s not the same.

  14. I’m the most drawn to the black abstract art you have there. I do think the frame tv is nice because it gives you flexibility for hosting, or getting cozy as a family and watch a movie. From the way you describe the cons of the frame tv, it sounds like it’s still doable you just have to set expectations and agree as a fam how frequently you’ll use it (e.g. only weekends, only special events, holidays etc) :)

  15. Idk what’s above the fireplace in the dining room but a mirror might be more appropriate for in there as it seems more formal? I’d say abstract art in the living room but in a lighter neutral than the black, cream/tan maybe? So it isn’t competing with or drawing the eye away from the beautiful architecture of your home and instead a nice compliment.

  16. Maybe some woven wall baskets? There’s so many beautiful hand-made ones out there!???? Or just something of that nature.

  17. I love it plain. Nothing to compete with that gorgeous fireplace that also extends your view into the dining room. Sometimes we just have to leave well enough alone and have some blank spaces to let the room breathe. If u must hang something I wouldn’t hang a mirror that only reflects a white wall.

  18. I’m just finishing a house with a very similar look that you have in your living room. Same situation with a family and a tv in the family room. However Samsung The Frame is a tv that has unlimited Art that’s beautiful and still allows tv when you need to use it, for special events. Check out their website it’s really sharp. Good Luck your new home is simply beautiful ????

    1. I have tried several different things until I get an idea of what scale works. But I also LOVE to play with scale using smaller or extra large pieces for drama! There's no right answer, but I'd definitely make sure it wasn't too large to create a tangent by touching the sides

  19. This may be a dumb question but ... why does the art have to even be up there for a few years? If you were already thinking of swapping out decor over a mirror honestly my first thought until I saw the mirror as to window-y too!), can you have ... seasonal art up there? Light and airy landscapes, dark and moody abstracts, warm and cozy still life’s? I know art is not always cheap ... but if you mixed in some self-made abstracts and slowly built a small collection to cycle (and could also be moved around the house)? Is that weird/wasteful?

  20. Have you considered some sort of 3-d art? Maybe something from natural materials that's really simple, to bring the outside in and echo what you're seeing out the windows? Might be hard not to make it look too kitschy though...

  21. I think Art - a mirror doesn't reflect anything as you say, and a TV isn't required in the area. But, I would look at proportions like the TV so it has space to breathe rather than resting on the mantle. I also like someones suggestion of a clock! I can imagine that might fit better in the space due to the height. :-)

    1. My vote is for something round with organic texture or leave it blank. In the mock ups I think the one big rectangular shape competes too much with the rectangle of the firebox. However, I liked the 2 tree art frames you previously had there.

  22. Nothing! It's so beautiful as is, and anything big over the fireplace seems like it competes with the fireplace itself. Maybe a small vase with some twigs in it on that little ledge?

  23. I think you should hang art for now and live with it for a year and see if you have events/times that you wish you had a TV for. I think it will be easier to switch out art and add a TV later than have a TV first and decide you prefer to have art there.

  24. I have a question about the loungey leather chair from McGee and Co.... for a chair that costs 1300 dollars it looks pretty deflated. You haven't had it for that long, right? Or does it just need fluffling? Was wondering if they would be worth the splurge, now I'm not so sure anymore though. What do you think about them now after owning them for a bit, are they still comfortable?

  25. I think the size of the Frame TV is good. So even if you went forward with art, I would look for something with the demensions of the Frame TV. To my eye, your art example seems to square for your fireplace.

  26. My vote goes either for leaving it blank, or for putting up something textured/organic — like a huge woven macrame piece in neutrals, or as others have mentioned driftwood or a basket.

    The other things just seem too flat. You yourself don't seem to want to put a tv there (although that is so smart that you planned for it!).

    Texture and organic-ness!!

  27. If anyone would have told me I’d vote for a tv I wouldn’t have believed them!!! However, in this room and it being a frame tv (Art!) definately like all the options it affords you???? Only question would be will there be too much light/reflection?

  28. There is an exquisite simplicity to your fireplace; it doesn't need much. Whichever option you choose now, can always be changed later.

    TV vs. Art - I’m not getting that you really want to watch TV in this space. I only see this as an option if you want to change the “painting” frequently. And as you know, there is a difference between digital art and the beautiful texture of paint on canvas. I think this space calls for the latter. RH has a lovely selection of Synograph™ on canvas abstract paintings (esp. at the member price).

    3rd Option - I love the idea of adding an organic/architectural piece (e.g. like the dough bowl) to impart both warmth and texture. However, the scale shouldn’t compete with the chandelier once hung.

    Later Option - You’re more likely to want to switch out the art in this room if the piece is just pretty and doesn’t particularly have a meaning for you. As this is such a prominent space in your house, another option is to have a painting commissioned or created by you specifically for this space (e.g. an abstract painting of the exterior of the house or of your three girls).

  29. The feeling I get when I see something big and boxy above the mantle is that it’s trying to hard. Maybe you need a more organic art installation, clusters of flowers or shapes that will cast shadows, or imagine barnacles growing leading up to the ceiling. But, the architecture of your fireplace is just so beautiful as it is, maybe just hearth decor.

  30. Everything is perfect already. There are so many gorgeous places for the eye to land in all directions. I feel like adding anything above the fireplace becomes a distraction. I'd leave it blank!

  31. 1st choice naked and architectural! So pretty as is.
    2nd choice frame TV (with dark art) BUT hung super low as if it’s resting on the mantel (like you have art option)
    (Unless you want to avoid tv in that space!!)
    The mirror looks like an afterthought in my opinion and the scale is not quite right for this grand yet cozy space.
    Such a stunning room!! I’d never leave it!! :)

  32. My preference is to change arts regularly - I often purchase digital art from Etsy or juniper prints and switch up the art a 3-4 times a year. We have a 10’ picture ledge and a great selection of frames. For the reason ( and to help with the overwhelming amount of decisions) I say Tv, but only because it’s the frameless TV with wonderful art options.

  33. What a beautiful home, what about something round with a thin black frame mirror ?. That will tie in with the door arch’s .

  34. I think 3 looks best but because of the height, a picture would make sense. I have a friend who changes her artwork above her fireplace depending on the season which is just lovely!

  35. I’m team art! I’m also drawn to the size and pop of dark in your mock-up. I feel your pain on the decision fatigue and trying to commit to art though! Can’t wait to see how it turns out :)

  36. Definitely some beautiful artwork! I know of a few of my favorite artists I love to buy from if you are interested in their info let me know!

  37. I vote for the frame TV with that picture....however, the two pictures that were there originally are my absolute favorite!!

  38. Art! But more colorful! My mom is a “new” artist and I’m her biggest cheerleader . Trying to help her sell some of her wonderful pieces . We would gladly give you one if you tagged her work. It would take her to the next level and be so amazing for her- she’s nearing 70 and it’s the perfect time for her to show off her talents. She’s the best person ever !! Check out

  39. Nothing, if that is an option; the room is so serene and restful as is. Otherwise, go with your art piece. Besides, with all the light coming in the room from the windows, you may find it hard to view the picture on the tv anyway.

  40. I initially saw the mirror and was like yep, that's it, love it. Then the art and I was like YES that's definitely it, love it. And then I was a bit unsure about the TV 'digital' vibes... Does that suit the room? Idk.

  41. Ok, now that I saw the frame tv...that, that is the one I would choose but I also like it plain with maybe an awesome chandelier ????????‍♀️

  42. One large piece of simple art (abstract is great). Not a series or "stuff" on the mantle. I kinda think that the mirror is boring, and like you say, you have enough windows and light in that room, so it really holds no purpose. And, no TV--you might just get into the habit of turning it on. Then, who is going to hang out in the music room with Calliou in the background?

  43. We bought an art tv for a family room that everyone sees when in our main floor. Couldn’t be happier and love changing the artwork. You won’t regret it and even if you don’t use it as a Tv, what great artworks can you buy for that price, especially the size required?

  44. We discovered that no one went into our living room even with lots of friends and family over because there wasn’t a TV
    So we had one recessed above the fireplace and had a framed mirror placed over it. So it looks like a mirror until the tv goes on. So my vote would be the Framed Art????

  45. Over 35 years ago I made the decision to not have a TV in our living room. We have a small home but with an open floor plan because i wanted windows and space. It wasn't the style yet in the 80's. I have never regretted no TV. Ours is in the basement family room. It kept the clutter down stairs and quiet times upstairs.

  46. I love the idea of a mirror, or the frame tv :) As far as art goes, the tv is a marvelous option, you can change it whenever the mood strikes.

  47. Nothing. Negative, or empty space is powerful too. Your home has SO MANY FEATURES (that are all incredible), let this spot just breathe.

  48. I would leave it. It already has character and then being able to see through the fireplace I feel like it make your eye not know where to look.

  49. I like the framed TV, but mostly for the ability it gives you to change the art on display, not for the actual TV ????

  50. If you hang a taller mirror and anchor it so it tilts down, that’s how they did it in the old days, you’ll actually be able to see yourselves in it. I had a mirror over the fireplace in our old house but I have a giant round clock above ours now and LOVE it!!!

  51. I like the dark quiet abstract art. It doesn't feel as predictable as a rectangular landscape on the Frame which honestly feels like every single McGee style pinterest image. The square dark piece is more quirky and personal instead of slavish to a certain look.

  52. I like the frame tv idea. The girls may want to watch things with friends as they get a little older and you may want to watch something else with the other family members so this would give you comfortable options. Honestly I like the way it looks better than the example art and mirror too.

  53. I don’t feel that a mirror above the fireplace serves any purpose at all. Yes, you may see a beautiful frame there but the mirror/glass itself would just be blank space because of the height of the mirror. A family portrait might be nice... or a piece of art that pops. If it’s not the right thing, In size and color, it will just get lost in the space.

  54. ART! Without a doubt! Any tv, frame or not, cuts through and brings down the beauty and sense of peace the room inspires. Don’t cheapen the room with the cacophony of noise a tv brings! It clashes with everything you seem to strive for as a family. Art is classy, elegant, peaceful, timeless and harmonious with what you represent.

  55. I would do nothing. I think the fireplace is enough of a statement by itself. Anything else seems to compete with it rather than enhance the room.

  56. I like it without anything! But a frame TV would work so you could change out the art, could have Christmas songs playing while hosting a party, could have spooky movies on during your Halloween gathering, and then choose your art when not using the TV itself

    1. Definitely the frame TV. I would not be able to commit to art for a long time. The frame tv would allow you to switch it up often. You wouldn’t have to use it as a tv - just art!!! ????????????????

  57. I love the dimensions of the third pick. The other two looked like you were trying to match the square size. I think whether it’s a frame tv or art, the size of three is the way to go!

  58. I think I would like to see the light fixture you guys picked out hung first before voting either way. The fireplace is such a lovely, subtle but still bold statement piece and if you had the black (?) metal chandelier hung (I think that’s something you had shared somewhere), anything on the mantle might compete with all the great features you have (fireplace, window, beams, chandelier). Excited to see what you guys end up choosing!

  59. I lean towards the TV because art on it looks amazing but sometimes it would be nice to have one there. If you wanted to do an FHE and watch one or more of the Come Follow Me videos you could do it right there. Super Bowl or World Series. Any watch parties (not sure if you are into anything that your friends also like) would be nice to have right next to the kitchen.

  60. I like the proportions of the frame TV the best. So whichever options you choose I would look for a landscape in that size. And I love a TV option. We rarely have ours in but love it for big sporting events, elections, world events...

  61. I like the mirror but it feels a bit small but if you’re putting a mirror in the dinning room side that’ll be pretty. I like the idea of art but not loving what you’ve picked. I like the size of it though. I do like the TV but not because it’s a TV but because I like the size and shape and the idea of being able to
    Change the art displayed on a whim or for the seasons.

  62. Whatever you put will be gorgeous, as usual but I am coming to propose some tall candles or a drap-y branch, and leaving it simple. I love love love the shape of this fireplace.

    1. A glass/stoneware vase with a branchy arrangement or some other natural thing you can switch in and out. Or keep it simple and add nothing. The mirror will reflect the ceiling/beams and in my experience, this can look strange from across the room. You already have frame tvs in other rooms in the house so I would leave it out of this beautiful room.

  63. I like it bare, but if something has to go there, then I vote for a light-colored piece of art. I like other commenters' ideas of having something textural too, like baskets, weaving, etc. Whatever you do I know it'll look great!

  64. TV because it’s the best of both. You can display art the majority of the time, but also watch TV sometimes. Anyone that is so “anti-TV” must not realize just how awesome the Frame TV is! Think of all the many varieties of art that you could display!!!

  65. Either the TV if you want to watch tv in that room or the artwork if you want all TV watching in the TV room but not the Mirror.

  66. I vote for Art! i love the feeling of having a space dedicated to TV away from the main living area, and I think that layering some tonal white background art pieces will be more delicate and let the fireplace shape and arches/ etc shine!

  67. Hard no on the TV. I love the TV in the family room. Mirror is classic as you say......but not my fav. I’m voting for the art, I also liked the vintage piece you’re going to rework. You could amp up the frame for a much bigger presence. ❤️❤️

  68. I love the shape and color of the fireplace; you created something beautiful! I wouldn’t want anything above the fireplace to take away from the design or grab too much attention. I think I’d opt for something simple and skip the art or tv (the mirror seems like it’d be angled too high) .... a neutral colored organic vase with or without greenery or something woven or wooden, but simple.

  69. I say the frame tv. I’d probably have it on art most of the time but for certain events it’s good to have it. Second would be an art piece...not super dark but maybe mid tone. I think something too dark Draws your eyes to the piece and takes away from appreciating the lines of the fireplace as a whole.

  70. Art! I just can’t get on board with the frame TVs. Sure, they look better than your average TV, but it’s not’s a picture of art. Definitely not the same thing. Enjoy the art, and change it up whenever you find the next thing you love.

    1. Yes, I was thinking the ideal complement would be something 3-dimensional, possibly even the right large piece of weathered driftwood or birch branches artfully arranged into a sculptural form.

  71. Hello,
    I love your home ????
    I think all three are great options, however I also see something more organic in that space like a dried big leaf wreath or weathered branch sculpture - Something like that I think would look beautiful.
    Also, I’ve been wanting to ask you about the limestone choice in your bathroom- I’m in the middle of bathroom and kitchen renovations and am thinking the same thing- how did you decide to choose limestone over another type of stone like marble? I love the honed silver mist grey limestone they have at The Tile Shop but our closest store is 800 miles away- did you see it in person before you ordered it? We’re you happy with the quality of your shipment?

    Thank you so much for answering my questions- I look forward to your Instagram posts daily.
    Best Wishes on your journey to creating the perfect home for your family!

  72. Im actually a fan of the blank space.. I love the minimal look.. maybe a vase or sculpture piece ... it’s just so beautiful the way it is ????

  73. Feel Art is best choice. Something interesting and timeless. A framed tv is still having a tv in this room. Love the peace and beauty the exterior landscape has to offer while sitting here. Also nice to adjourn from dinner and enjoy fireplace etc.

  74. The television as art. It provides the most versatility for how you want to use the room, does not look like a television, and the art is limitless. And there may be unexpected times when you might use the television to share a video you've created. It is both practical and beautiful.

  75. I think it was prettiest with the two art pieces you had there temporarily. Or completely blank because the architecture of that fireplace and the walkthroughs are interesting and beautiful enough. I always find myself stopping and really looking at pictures of that angle of the room. And like some commenters said, a big wreath during the holidays sounds really cute.

  76. I vote for art or sculpture——-ironically the shape and size of the frame Tv you mocked up was very pleasing, so rectangular art mounted there might be really awesome. You could keep it simple or have fun and soften it seasonally with a simple white pumpkin in fall, gorgeous greens in winter, etc.

  77. We only have a tv in our basement family room and art above our main floor fireplace. However - now that our kids are teens and stay up later or when they have their friends over, I sometimes wish I had the option of tv on the main floor. I find my husband and I watching ‘our’ shows on a laptop more and more, and I don’t enjoy that at all.

  78. IMO with the wood beams and the blank space I would look for an interesting wood architectural salvage piece. It would look stunning.

      1. Vote for ART... always liked your art choices.. "hearteyes" for the migration one close by...just not a dark color that you showed - it just takes over the whole space..More subtle colors.. but then you will come up with the magic as always.

  79. I love the idea of reducing TV time, especially while your girls are little. There's space for movie nights, but you don't need a screen in every room. I wish we had the luxury of a spare living room for TV-free chill time. I do agree that the proportions of the frame TV look good here, but I vote for art that shape.

  80. I grew up with only one TV in the house and it seemed so normal! It wasn’t until I was older I realized that’s not how most homes operated. TV time was family time, and it was really only in the evenings. We all agreed on something and it was so special to watch together.

  81. Art!!!! Then again, I grow weary of TV, and love to have music playing or a podcast/book on tape for when my daughter was younger- especially with all of us on a computer/technology all day with work and school- so nice to have a restful/lovely space free from tech screens. I switch out Art above my fireplace every few months- because I love to see different art depending on the season or my mood.

  82. I feel that I’m in the minority of not having a TV in the main living space. I used to be able to say that it helped us stay off screens.... but with phones and iPads that’s not totally true anymore. TVs have actually become more of a social viewing experience now so I feel like I’m evolving on this. (But still don’t have one in our main floor living room yet.)

  83. I think the TV would be too high there. I do love the look of the art you have on the TV compared to the black art piece. It’s much more calmIng and pleasant to look at

  84. I have an option that could replace the mirror idea. How about a large ornate but empty picture frame? That way you could still layer the art that you love at the time, or even seasonal decor, florals, or seasonal art.

    Otherwise I’d go with the frame tv to change out art and it would be nice if you host a “big game”.

  85. Definitely art, but maybe something that is more sculptural? I think something abstract with texture and a little depth would look so great against your smooth fireplace.

  86. My first thoughts, and my answer on your story, was art but after reading through your post I've changed my vote to TV. It's the best of both worlds. TV as and when you want it but, and the best bit, it's not a big black screen dominating the room, it's art that you can change every day if the week if you wish.

  87. As soon as I saw your IG stories, I immediately came here for the comments! We literally had a contractor out yesterday to see how to make it possible to hang out TV over our fireplace without wires showing (house built in the 70's so it wasn't designed for it and doesn't have wiring for it). After all was said and done, he said, "I need to be honest with you. I can definitely make this happen. But I get a lot of complaints from people after the fact that say it's a LITERAL pain in the neck because of the height. I just want you to make sure this is what you want." I'm struggling with my decision because the fireplace in our home is such a great focal point (even took your recommendation to rearrange the furniture to see how we'd like it!) but even with our distance between the couch and fireplace, it is (as much as I don't want to admit it) too high to enjoy. My struggle is now trying to figure out a way to make our family room work again. Was relieved to see other commenters saying it was too high so that I'm not crazy in having to give up my idea of the TV above the fireplace.

    Thanks for always putting your suggestions and ideas out there for us to percolate over! Love how much your home has taken shape!

    1. We hung ours over the fire place but used this:

      It allows us to have the tv up above the mantel when not in use and it comes out and down when using it so it is comfortable at eye level. Just an option to help you with your decision!

      1. Kaycee, thanks for this info! We will look into this! Have you had any trouble with it? Does it seem pretty sturdy?

  88. I’m usually not a pro TV kind of person but I’m saying TV in this instance... I know you use your space a lot for family and I think you mentioned some family members having a harder time getting out of some chairs recently, with the TV in the basement, would stairs ever hinder bigger family TV fun? Would you ever want to show family pictures or videos during a family gathering? I think if you only use it for special times, your girls will forget its there most of the time. Added bonus that you can change the art whenever you want!

  89. It all depends on individual lifestyle and what works for YOUR family. For us, it would be TV hands down. We are TV people. While aesthetically I love the art option the most, I know my children (and my husband) would not want to trample downstairs every time they wanted to watch something on TV. That being said, I feel like the art option could work for you all bc you already live without a TV there?

  90. Frame TV with rules! That way you can have cozy movies playing when making Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas Dinner. You can play music through it. But just make sure the girls know not to mindless eat and watch tv. By the way KTLA in Los Angeles has a burning Yule Log with Christmas music playing for hours on Christmas Day for all of you that don’t have a fireplace. You can stream it live anywhere in the world.

  91. I really love the sea painting. It lends colour discreetly and provides motion. Even though it’s a tv, it doesn’t have to be. The black abstract is too dull and too ordinary. They’re everywhere at the moment.

  92. I think given your family's preferences, it's gotta be art! And yes, you can totally swap it out over time. I love the other comments suggesting a wreath, too. So festive for the holidays.

  93. What about a gorgeous antique clock? Or a huge modern/minimalistic one that compliments the room but doesn’t add too much color? I don’t know why that fireplace screams clock at me—maybe it’s the shape?? Whatever you do will be beautiful :)

  94. Have you frequently wished you could watch tv in there? If not, don't get one. Nothing you showed looked as perfect to me as the 2 side by side art pieces you had before. One big thing looks like just trying to fill space.

  95. I personally love to watch Christmas movies while decorating the tree or in front of a roaring fire, but that seems a bit silly to add a TV just for those occasions. After going years without a TV in the living room, I'm not sure I would introduce one now. As for all the people saying you would have to crane your neck up for the TV above a fireplace, this is literally a non-issue if you aren't super close to the TV. Your sofas are far enough away that the change in neck position would be negligible.

    Whatever you choose will be great!

  96. Isn’t the fireplace angled? Would putting a tv on the angle look off?? I had the same thought with the mirror. That if it rests on an a for you would end up getting the ceiling reflected back. Art is my favorite option!

  97. What’s the status of the chandelier? I feel like that will impact this decision.
    The frame tv seems the most versatile, but it’ll be really high and if the chandelier obstructs the view at all, art would make more sense. Just my two cents ????

  98. I totally get the hesitation to put the TV in the living room but the Frame TV’s are so pretty. And then you can swap your art as much as you want! Any decision will be great <3.

  99. Art or a mirror ,but bigger one. I have a bugbear about tv s over fireplaces . I think they are ugly black things and I dislike them being the focal point of a room. If you a snug where you can relegate them , perfect . In the UK we don t tend to have ‘extra’ rooms and tv s do end up in sitting rooms but I still wouldn t want it over my fireplace

  100. The three options all feel slightly off to me, although I'm sure whatever direction you go it will look amazing :). Here's my obscure painterly assessment:

    The sizing of the art and mirror and tv feel too high and large for the space because they are so dark (art) or visually busy (tv). The weight of where the eye falls, (high) and the emphasis (black) is shifting the focal point to high. Since the furniture is floating in the room, grounded by a rug, an eye level focal point (the fireplace itself) makes you feel settled and grounded. The object above the fireplace as the focal point would feel more like a single thing floating over.

    An understated "found object" with a round or irregular footprint would create some texture & interest but wouldn't draw your entire focus up there. Perhaps something like a vintage pottery serving plate or you could break it and put it back together like Kintsugi. Maybe a woven Charleston basket?

    I adore this room.

  101. I vote art just because the frame TV isn’t the perfect proportions for that area. To double down, it would be magical if you could find art with an unusually shape or at least frame shape. That space is dying for something other than a square or rectangle.

  102. I like the size and colors on the frame tv vs the art. After following you for some time, I don't think you need another tv upstairs. You rarely focus on a show and I think it would be a waste. I am however excited to see you style it for the fall and winter/Christmas. Some greenery and stockings are going to be gorgeous!

  103. Personally, I'm a little anti TV in main gathering areas like this one. We have a separate basement TV room :) I've always wanted the focus of my home to be people and connecting/spending time with each other and I personally think a TV takes away from that by becoming the focus itself so we've never had a TV on our main floor (no judgement on those who like having a TV!).
    I also feel like a mirror might be a little odd since it's so high and you'd never really be able to see yourself in it, it would just be like looking at the upper wall behind you haha
    So my vote is art! Besides, if you're leaning the art instead of hanging it, you could swap it out whenever you wanted, no commitment needed!

  104. Hello CLJ! I'm definitely a vote towards art. I think keeping the TV separate from this space will give your family a nice, distraction free room for enjoying each other, reading a book on the couch with the fire going, or just cuddling together and enjoying the amazing space and the views out the window - hygge!! And your music room is right there! You want to encourage the music and not have it compete with the TV. :) I grew up with this same format and we never missed the TV (okay, we did pull one in for certain Husky or Seahawks games when we had company over). And I loved the art my parents hung over our fireplace - it was an oil, Danish landscape painting done by one of my Dad's cousins. They got to pick it out when we were in Denmark in 1987. It brings a personal, cozy vibe to the room, which I have always loved! I can't wait to see what you decide!

  105. What about a big bust like what you had at the cabin? It would have to be a less rustic, more neutral version but that could look so beautiful and be a bit different from your other walls?

  106. I know you decided to use this particular art piece elsewhere but I loved, loved, loved the pair of tree prints you kept above the fireplace.

  107. I wouldn’t do the mirror, art, or tv. I like the clean, minimal look of it now, and don’t think it needs anything else. But if leaving it blank bothers you, I’d do a couple of interesting tapers and/or maybe a small plant or vase. If you’re dead set on mirror, art, or tv, my vote is for a mirror.

    1. I agree, that fireplace is so pretty it doesn't need anything on it. Also, the chandelier is coming! That will add to the interest of the room! I'm on team clean fireplace!

  108. I’m probably in the minority here but none of the above. I love it blank! I imagine the space as this amazingly cozy place to read, have meaningful conversations or just daydream out the gorgeous arched window. But whichever you choose I’m sure it’ll look amazing!

  109. Since I am not a fan of mirrors above a fireplace (bad experience) I am glad you have decided that’s a no. I am a fan of no TV in the main living space, so would definitely go with an art piece you love. It could be a paining or a weaving, or anything that fits the scale of your room. Bonus, you like to move things around in your house, so when (if) you get tired of it there you have something you can move somewhere else.

  110. I feel like I am in the extreme minority but I HATE seeing TVs above fireplaces — they sit up too high and it’s just visually ugly to be the focus of your room. Obviously you have a very large room/large fireplace, and the frame TV could possibly work there. But then you have wires and cable boxes and remotes sitting around. I am like you, we have our TV in our downstairs “den” we call it, and our living room/upstairs does not have a TV.

    I love the artwork idea, that can be easily changed out too. The mirror is nice but i agree, you have such a big space, does it add anything?

  111. I think it depends on how much you watch tv. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think you guys watch a lot? And the placement feels too high for a tv in my opinion, but I’m generally not a fan of tvs above fireplaces because they almost always feel too high to me, lol. I like the vibe of artwork. But for practicality you Could always do the tv since it still looks like art. I just think a smaller piece of art (smaller than the tv) looks best!

  112. Art, but more like the art showing on the frame tv, not the dark one you mocked up because it looks too heavy. I also think the rectangular shape looks better there than the square.

  113. I personally am too addicted to tv to imagine not having it in my primary hangout space but since you aren’t used to it anyway, I vote art! I’m craving some color and movement in this room to balance the wide expanse of white/neutral ceilings and walls and I think large artwork would bring that nicely!

  114. Frame TV for sure! Do you have both of us worlds and you can switch up the art. I have a frame TV and love it I know you do too. says:

    Frame TV for sure! You have both of best worlds and you can switch up the art. I have a frame TV and love it I know you do too.

  115. I like the size and scale and colors of the frame TV example you mocked up, but you could get that feel with art if you don’t want a TV there. Just the mirror as is seems a little boring but once you style it out signature Julia I know it would look fantastic and give you the most options for changing things up. Whatever you choose I’m sure it will be great!

  116. I'm not a fan of a TV. It would be hung way too high in my opinion and as you said, this is not where your family typically gathers for television viewing. I'm definitely leaning towards art. Perhaps a beautiful landscape or something like what is shown in the frame tv example! I also love brass or gold framed art to add warmth against the large white wall.

  117. Definitely art! My favorite option is the white textured piece. I usually prefer dark, but I think that piece would look so elegant in your home!

  118. I think a piece of minimalism art completed by your sis could be super cool, sentimental, and not something you would tire of. Think like black and white sketch with wood frame

  119. Honestly, I like it empty. It almost feels like the bolder choice. The structure of the fire place leading up to the wood beams is so beautiful, and when you have something hanging there it breaks it up and it has less impact. But if I were to choose I like the mirror because of its simplicity.

  120. Our house has a great room and a bonus room. For the first 7 years we’ve lived here I refused to have a TV in the Great room for many of the reasons you mentioned. But about 6 months ago I had a strong impression to move the TV. My kids are ages 15-8 and I realized having the TV the main living area draws us together and keeps everyone accountable of what they are watching. I wish I had done it sooner. The frame TV would allow you to have both art and a TV.

  121. It's crazy to me you guys don't have a tv there (super impressive, but wild!) I feel like for practicality it may be nice as the girls get older and you guys want to hang in separate spots and watch different shows and for football games to be on while you're entertaining, keeping the energy all on one floor (is this just my family that watches TV while we host?). That being said the black abstract art looks amazing and really makes the room look out of a magazine.. super tough.

      1. I think you should find a fairly unknown artist you lobe and work together and commission something!

        How special would that be?

  122. While my first instinct is art, I would do the Frame TV. Hear me out!!! Kitchens are where you spend a majority of the day according to the stats. I'm guessing your family also spends a significant amount of time in the kitchen, and it spills over to this room as well. I'm someone who needs the "noise" of a television in the background. But you have 3 precious girls to provide the noise. But I just think adding the television will add a coziness to the room. With the tall ceilings, large windows, and that amazing fireplace. To me, it screams a cozy place to have a fire and watch a great movie with the kiddos. I wouldn't go to the basement to watch TV though, so there's that. Just not a fan of basements in general.

  123. How about a beautiful seasonal wreath to postpone commitment? It’s going to be in flux until you find the perfect piece, and that’s so great! Love love when you tweak and switch things up!!

  124. The dark artwork!!! The mirror is lovely, but almost too small, and the room already has a lot of light, so you don’t need to reflect more. TV’s over fire places are realistically too high to watch comfortably, but if you do go that way, I would say hang it a bit lower, closer to the mantel and go even larger if you can. Love this room!

  125. I have the same TV thoughts! We have a family room with a TV but ugh sometimes I wish I could turn it on in the kitchen and multi-task work, cook and watch Love Island. Ha! It feels like sometimes the family room becomes a black hole and if I had it in a more cross-functional space ... maybe it would be less?! Can't wait to see what you decide!

  126. The TV feels way too high. I've been taught that the center of your TV should be in the center of your line of vision from where you're watching, otherwise you have to crane your neck up.

    Mirror is nice but I agree that it's not really reflecting anything and the room has plenty of light already (lucky!).

    I'd go with art!

  127. I love the scale of the TV - even if you don't go with it! A bust would also be cool (a la your Pendleton deer from your cabin)!

      1. NO TV, please! I love that you have enough rooms to have different spaces for different uses. Nowadays it seems that people are centering family life around tv watching. We’re forgetting how powerful and necessary good conversations are. Or just learning to be comfortable in each other’s presence while reading or just hanging out. Having a space just for that is a luxury that you shouldn’t waste. Bring family time back! Bring quality time back! I remember when you had a TV free summer, that was genius!

  128. Hi Chris and Julia,
    My first thought was tv because of its versatility with changing it whenever the wind shifts. And although many have smart timers that will turn it off after a while of not detecting any use, you now just have a blank screen above the fireplace.
    So I’d vote for the art. You can always swap it out with something you already have if you get bored. Also, during the holidays you can hang a wreath. Something simple, it will break up the straight lines Whatever you do it’ll look great.

  129. Art, but shaped with same proportions as the TV -- a large rectangle, not square or tall. I like sconces above a mantle, and a framed print or original art piece, with sconces would look great.

  130. I LOVE the dark art! It's like this wonderful little dark island where your eye can rest! I like the vintage mirror, but agree it would be great on the dining room side. Personally I do not care for televisions above a fireplace, framed or otherwise. They make my neck uncomfortable just thinking about them. :) Carla

  131. I love this fireplace and really hope you can get a nice big flame going soon. I would go with art; maybe a some candlesticks, maybe layered art, maybe the one big piece. I like the the large abstract you inserted and also like how it balances the fireplace opening and also works with the adjacent arches. Something like that would be calming. It's so nice that your main floor has no TV in family spaces and gives room to focus on other things and experiences together.

  132. I vote for art. The mirror is a little bland. And, as you said, the space is pretty high up. Watching tv with your neck cranked up sounds uncomfortable. Also, if you guys are perfectly happy with the tv being downstairs and in your room, why change a good thing?

  133. Since you already have enough TVs that you don't need/want another one (in a cavernous room that has a huge window, so viewing and listening would not be optimal anyway), just roll with having the opportunity to periodically grow your art collection!

    Plus, you could make a sweet tradition that each anniversary of living in the house you hunt for a new piece you love, to be displayed in the most prominent spot in your home. Just my 2c!

  134. Would nothing be an option? I really liked it when you had just a few decorative items on the mantel. Some tall candle sticks, a vase, or something similar. That minimalistic styling let the shape of the fireplace be the star and made it less busy.

    I feel like all the larger scale, dark options listed above distract from the beautiful masonry and look a little top heavy. If anything, maybe a lighter colored picture?

  135. I love the art in the frame TV. I also love abstracts, but to me, the all black art looks like a TV when it isn’t. Can’t wait to see what you decide!

  136. It's a very high TV location. Not comfortable. (I speak from experience here). I'd put in one of your picture ledges and rotate art.

  137. I think art is the best. I think it offers the most flexibility compared to the TV. You can change not just the art, like on the TV, but the shape as well. And more often than just a few years :-). you could even go with a little grouping of smaller art if it makes sense. you already have a TV downstairs and it feels to me like this gorgeous space should be only for reading, talking, gazing out of the window, contemplating, listening to music.

  138. I vote TV., knowing that just because it’s there, doesn’t mean it has to be in use.
    There are times when it is nice to have a second television in a 2nd comfy public area. Especially as the kids grow up and don’t need as much direct supervision.

    We have a big family with 14 cousins. At a family Super Bowl Party, the sports fans watch the Super Bowl in one room, and the kids/cousins watch a movie in another.

  139. I love the idea of the frame tv. Even if you don't use it frequently for watching television, the idea of being able to change out the art seems like something you would enjoy.

  140. I say go for art. If you do not want a TV in the family room then there's really no point getting a Frame TV just because you can display art....get an actual piece of art :)

  141. Art! The dark piece you show is a total knockout. Plus, I think that is too high for a tv. Wouldn’t be comfortable to actually look that high up to watch something.

  142. You know how people talk about finding your "why"? I'd try to approach this situation with that mindset. Why does this room exist? What do you hope it will be used for? What memories do you want to create here? And would a TV add to that, or subtract from that?

    Just food for thought! I'm sure whatever you choose will look great!

  143. The view of this room is stunning and so very peaceful. I love it!

    My two cents: I am an anti TV above a fireplace gal, especially when it’s a focal point of the room. Sadly, I can’t get onboard with the Frame TV, especially when you have high end finishes. My brain automatically focuses on the cheap frame, and digital artwork, because all I want to see is real art in a beautiful frame. I so badly wanted to like the TV, but couldn’t buy it for that reason. Maybe it will get better in a couple of years.

    Keep it simple. Upon quick glance, the dark artwork is jarring and the calmness goes away completely. That’s odd for me, because I’m a fan of modern art. Maybe it’s just because of the pandemic. Anyway, the photo on the frame TV and the mirror were the most peaceful and calming, and didn’t take away from the beauty of the room or the fireplace. A mirror could work, I think it’s the wrong shape. The shape seems to be competing with the architecture of the room. Honestly, leaving it plain and just adding some simple decor to the mantle or leaning various sized artwork in calming colors like your existing decor might do the trick.

    I’m personally trying to simplify and give my eyes and mind spaces to rest these days. Pictures of your home are one of those calming visuals. Thank you for sharing your home with us!

  144. Hi! I think you really need to decide whether you want a TV in there or not. If it's served you just fine to have the one downstairs, then I wouldn't add another in this room. Also a thought, but the huge wall of windows may create quite the glare on a TV.

    As for the art, is the thought to lean it on the mantle or have it a little higher like the TV is shown? I like the look of the way the TV is hung, but think it should be artwork...if that makes sense.

  145. Coming from someone with a FrameTV over her fireplace (albeit, a much smaller fireplace than yours) I think you'll find it a bit too high for comfortable viewing. You're familiar with the Frame so you know it sits flush and you can't tilt it down the way you would a tv on a regular bracket.

    I will say that I like the mockup of the FrameTV best when looking at the three options above. I think it's because it's not resting on the mantle the way the art is. I would definitely hang the art rather than lean.

  146. Art all the way! Family time and conversation is so precious, and the presence of a tv just ends up somehow making the conversations stop. Or at least in my family! The intention of a cozy family tv room feels so nice to have, and the art you pictured really did look lovely in the room.

  147. Hi! A tv will change the feel of this room for sure. I guess it depends on what feeling you want to convey. Also, with so many windows, there will be reflections and sunlight to deal with. You’ll never be able to get away from that.

    Definitely art.

  148. Art. Keep the TV downstairs so it is very deliberate to use. You can always go back to a TV in years to come if it really is that disappointing to have a large piece of gorgeous art in your room! :-)

  149. I love how you don't have a tv in your upstairs space. We are moving in 2 weeks and I have considered nixing our main living room tv, except for the fact I think I would not see my husband as much with during football season. :) Also my girls are little and get one tv show a day (at the most). I like having them in my sight while I am cooking and they get their show. Also having tv vs. no tv paralysis.

  150. I love the idea of the Frame for gatherings that have something to do with a tv—super bowl, Kentucky derby, Olympics. The bonus with the frame is that it can be used as a tv as a 'special event' only!

  151. That's a tough one, I like the plain, but I could see how you would be itching to put something up there. What about some type of molding and match some around the firebox as well?

    Or, honestly it's the perfect spot for a large mounted elk or something, but I'm guessing that isn't in the aesthetic you're going with. Maybe some other type of sculpture?

    I'd wait till I found something that feels like "this is it" .... I wouldn't force something.

  152. Art!

    1) You already have tv room, as you said. I know sometimes people “have” to put the tv above the fireplace, but I also think it’s always nicer not to. I know you are saying a Frame TV, but it’s still a tv.

    2) You don’t really need to make this room look larger with a mirror

    3) You love art! Hold out for something you really love

    4) If you haven’t found it by the holidays, maybe a really huge minimal evergreen wreath.

    Above our fireplace, we have a large “South up” map. This is a great conversation piece, some people find it upsetting bc they think it’s upside down at first, other people love it. Our kids like to find different countries on it. We put it up bc it was a very affordable solution for us, but it has inspired years of great conversations with our family and guests.

  153. I think the frame tv because it means a LOT of art options (and holiday options), plus entertaining guests/playing games. Have you seen the interactive quizzes/puzzles you can buy for TVs? so much fun!

  154. I think with the frame TV you get the best of both worlds. The majority of the time it will be a lovely piece of art (that you can change daily if you wanted!) and if needed, with a group over or a random night, you can have the TV on. I agree that when there's a TV, it ends up being on, but it won't just be a black screen. Besides, there's something comforting about some being in the kitchen cooking while others are in the living room watching the Macy's Day Parade or something.

  155. TV allllll's art when you want it to be but you can cozy up on those couches, by the window, with the christmas tree lit and watch it when you want to.!

  156. I vote for art. And TBH, you are so talented that you could DIY an amazing abstract piece and save a bunch of money :)
    Not that I object to investing in art, but I just feel that confident in your talent and style.

  157. Agreed on no TV, and I don't think the mirror will add enough interest. Art is probably the ticket, maybe you can find a local artist and commission a piece, as size/scale will be crucial here? I pulled the trigger on a commission with Kim West (LA) for a piece above our living room fireplace - she helped me determine the final size (I printed mock-ups and taped them to the fireplace, took pictures and sent them to her - she was spot-on), and gave her design input was super fun (basically I gathered pictures of her work that I love, and included explanations of what/why I loved a certain piece/area/etc).

    It was a really cool experience, and ended with us driving to LA to pick it up and meet her. This was a significant commitment for us, monetarily AND it was the design launching point of the (then empty) room - which I am now in love with. Plus, my love of pink ain't going anywhere :)

  158. I say frame tv. Only because it’ serves two purposes. Best of both world. Don’t want tv to become a habit? Perhaps don’t put batteries in the remote so it’s not as easy to access.

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